I’m In Charge of SCP

Chapter 476: Assassin

The twelfth and the thirteenth followed Karina and Cain all the way in this dark space. About ten minutes later, a wooden door appeared in front of him.

The four of them passed through the door, and a bright light suddenly appeared in front of them.

Mountains, streams, rivers, farms, it is a paradise.

No. 12's eyes widened: Wow, where is this? Why didn't I know there was such a place? Is there a game console here?

Karina gave him a white look: I know how to play, I told you earlier, this is our new shelter, and some people who fled were rescued here.

Thirteenth took a deep breath, stretched out his hand and pinched it in the air again.

This is similar to the place we were just now. It should be a space that was forcibly opened up with the reality distortion ability.

Karina nodded: You still have some knowledge.

Cain touched Karina's little head and said, This is Karina's masterpiece. In order to make this place suitable for ordinary people to live in, she worked hard and fell into a coma for a while.

Karina smiled: Brother Cain, I will be embarrassed if you praise me so much.

The four of them continued on and came to the farm.

Two teams of five were patrolling the perimeter of the farm.

A middle-aged greasy man in a suit was pacing in front of the outermost intersection of the farm. His belly was so big that he was about to unbutton his shirt.

Seeing the four of them appearing on the path from a distance, they immediately showed joy.

He trotted up to the four of them in three steps and two steps, the flesh on his face trembling.

Oh, thank God, you finally came back, and the enemy didn't find you?

In the entire administration system, there is only one person with such a style of speech, and that is the deputy station master of site17, Harvey.

Karina proudly said: You don't want to see who made the move? Even if you don't worry about me, don't you worry about Brother Cain?

Harvey nodded: God bless, it's fine, it's fine.

No. 12 knew Harvey, and asked in surprise, Why are you here? He immediately responded, Is everyone at site 17 okay?

Harvey shook his head.


It's hard to say, two adults, please follow me.

Hearing what he said, No. 12 and No. 13 looked at each other and followed him all the way to the farm.

There are several houses on the farm, where some site17 employees live.

Seeing the arrival of No. 12 and No. 13, they were all very happy, but then they showed sad expressions.

Harvey led them into a farmhouse and opened the door inside.

Inside was something like a conference room. There was a round table in the center of the room, and several people were already sitting beside it.

Under the leadership of Harvey, the 12th and 13th took their seats one after another, followed by Karina and Cain also entered the room and sat down.

Opposite No. 12 is a bearded man, who is the experiment director of site 17, Claremont.

He is Zhang Jue's fan and Karina's teacher.

Claremont was the deputy director of experiments at site 19 before being transferred to site 17, so both twelfth and thirteenth knew him.

On the left of Claremont sat a woman with yellow hair, very tall, about 1.8 meters, but very thin, with sunken eye sockets, and almost no flesh on her hands. It seemed that she didn't even weigh a hundred catties.

Neither Twelve nor Thirteen knew who she was.

Everyone was seated, and Harvey saw that No. 12 and No. 13 were staring at the woman, so he introduced: My lords, her name is Aegus, oh, you may have heard of her number — 187.

187—Future vision.

187 has a special ability, her eyes can see things in two states: what they are and what they will be.

She cannot see small changes unless things are altered from their essence.

During a test, she was shown five D-class personnel and asked which one would change clothes, she was unable to answer because the change was not drastic enough. However, when asked which of the five D-class personnel would be shot, she successfully predicted because she could see the gunshot wounds on the other person at a glance.

The reason why 187 is so thin is also due to her ability. Because no matter what food she was given, she would see it as feces or a half-digested mixture, and a glass of water as a glass of urine. So she had to be fed and given intravenous solutions.

187 is one of the humanoid objects in custody at Site 17. She will appear in this round table meeting. The two administrators are a little strange.

Harvey explained: My lords, the reason why we were spared from the disaster is that Aigusi made a great contribution.

Time back to two months ago.

When Shirley awakened as a death knight, Ai Gusi found his person in charge, that is, Director Clement.

She saw in her eyes that site 17 would soon be in ruins.

All will be mercilessly killed.

Claremont immediately found Hubbard, the station master.

At that time, the death knight had already begun to break through the prison.

Hubbard handed over command to Harvey and Claremont at the last minute.

When Hubbard fought 053, or the death knight, 187 had already foreseen his death.

Cain and Karina were going to help, but were also stopped by 187.

The newly awakened death knight is invincible.

No matter how many people go up together, it won't help.

So Harvey and Claremont made the final decision, and Karina and Cain created a different space to pull as many people as possible to take refuge.

After everything was ready, Station Master Hubbard pressed the control button of the nuclear explosion, using the death of himself and other items on the site as a cover for them.

As a result, most of the site17 staff and a small number of security personnel survived.

After the nuclear explosion, they wanted to go out from this different space to ask for help, but 187 told them that as long as they exposed the location of this space, everyone would die.

At that time, chaos had begun to occur around the world, so Harvey decided that everyone should hide in this different space for a while, go out every few days to check the situation, and wait until it is safe before making any calculations.

But no one expected that something would happen to the headquarters.

Everyone was stunned when they heard the news that the headquarters had declared war on all mankind.

During this period, they successively rescued some fleeing management personnel, and gradually figured out the truth of the matter.

Together with the Ethics Committee, 343 and hundreds of powerful angels seized control of the Authority.

This is something unimaginable at all, but it actually happened.

They have no choice but to stay here.

Fortunately, Karina is here. With the in-depth grasp of the theory, her reality distortion ability has made great progress, so there is no need to worry about the material problem.

So they have been waiting until now.

But not long ago, 187 suddenly claimed that he could not see everyone's future.

The future of everyone has turned into chaos.

After discussing with several people, they decided to go out to find out the situation.

Then Cain sensed No. 12 and No. 13, and of course several angels chasing them.

To be on the safe side, Cain didn't show up to rescue him immediately, but asked Karina to open up another space as a transit.

In this way, even if they are intercepted by Uriel, this place will not be exposed all at once.

After introducing the basic situation, Harvey asked: My lords, is number one really...

Thirteen sighed.

Although they had already learned some of the facts from other people, everyone still couldn't help being a little sad when they heard No. 13 admit it personally.

If the Council represents the Authority, then Number One is the core of the Council.

If she is not dead, maybe there is still a possibility of a comeback, but if even she is dead.

The parliament, or rather, the Authority, was completely disbanded.

There were seven people sitting at the round table.

Cain, Karina, Deputy Station Master Harvey, Test Director Claremont, 187 Agus, Twelve and Thirteen.

Plus the staff and security personnel who came to take refuge outside.

This is the full strength of the Authority in Europe at present.

My lords, what should we do now? Harvey asked.

No. 13 pondered for a moment and said, I may need to rush back to the headquarters.

You're crazy! Karina said puzzled, You just escaped from the headquarters, and now you're going back again. Isn't that courting death? If I had known, brother Cain and I wouldn't have spent so much effort to save you.

No. 12 hurriedly said: It's he who wants to die, not me, you should be saved, you should be saved.

No. 13 shook his head: It's not that I'm looking for death. The Administration is now in the hands of the enemy and has become a tool of the enemy. I have to stop them.

Karina said: If you have the ability to stop them, why wait until now?

Thirteenth said: There are two reasons why I proposed to go back now. First, according to what you said just now, 343 is not in the headquarters of the Administration, only some angels are nearby. After we recover for a while, say There might be a chance to sneak in.

Claremont frowned and said, But what's the use of going back to the headquarters? When 343 comes back, won't everyone still be able to escape?

Thirteenth paused, hesitated for a moment, and finally chose to tell everyone the truth.

The administration has the last trump card left, but 343 has been watching the battle with cold eyes at that time, and has no chance to use it. Once she is invited, even if we face 343, we will have the strength to fight.

As soon as he said this, everyone's eyes were attracted to him.

343's strength cannot be said to be weak, and it is not an exaggeration to say that a true god came to the world.

Is there anyone in the Authority better than him?

Karina asked in surprise, Who is it?

No. 13 said softly, Mary Zhongshan.


The authority rules the earth, and its strength is not impressive.

Over the years, it is not that they have not fought against powerful forces.

The reason why they were able to save themselves from danger several times was because they still had a powerful foreign aid.

It is the Mary of Zhongshan mentioned in No. 13.

Mary Nakayama, formerly known as Mary Nakayama, was originally a female researcher at Site-91 of the Authority.

One day, she found an abnormal record on the database page of the authority. This record has a very magical property, that is, the objective description under the name of its data page will become a reality.

After trial and error, Zhongshan Mary confirmed this fact.

She locked the page so that only she could access it, and then used a detailed description under the page to make herself a god.

After that, she disappeared, leaving only a note to Lingwu Council.

In the note she left behind, she promised the council that she could help the Authority three times in critical situations.

Since then, she has become the only god in the administration who can call for help.

In the previous few years of history, she has directly or indirectly helped the Authority twice.

And now, there is one last chance left.

Only No. 1 and No. 13 know about this matter.

Number One originally wanted to use her as the last trump card of Doomsday, but unexpectedly, 343 never gave them a chance to summon Mary.

And the reason why No. 13 chose to escape instead of fighting to the death was because he wanted to keep this last bit of hope.

The arrival of Mary Zhongshan, coupled with the various forces that are still resisting around the world, may make a comeback.

And to summon Mary Zhongshan, a ceremony must be performed at the headquarters of the authority.

After listening to No. 13, everyone's eyes were full of surprise, but then they all quieted down.

Because this matter is easy to say, but difficult to do.

Now the Authority is under the control of the enemy.

There is also a group of angels watching.

It can be said that as soon as they show up, they will be discovered by the enemy in a short time.

Cain, Karina, No. 12, and No. 13, if the combat power of these people is normal, they may be very powerful.

But facing the entire administration plus hundreds of angels, it seemed a little too thin.

No. 13 knew what they were thinking, and continued: I want to go back now, and there is another reason - I think 'he' is back.

Karina frowned and said, Who is he? You can't explain clearly!

No. 13 paused and said, Consultant Zhang.

Claremont suddenly realized: Master Thirteen, you mean that the reason why Aigus can't see everyone's future is because—

Yes. Thirteenth nodded. Consultant Zhang comes from a parallel universe, so 187 can't predict his future. It is because of his influence that our fate becomes chaotic. If there is a person on earth who can save mankind from fire and water, then I believe that Don't think of anyone other than Consultant Zhang.

As soon as he said this, everyone nodded.

The name of a person, the shadow of a tree.

The weight carried by the name Zhang Jue is beyond words.

As long as he is there, any miracle is possible.

At this time, Karina really excited.

Then what are we waiting for? Hurry up and discuss the next plan!

Harvey, the deputy station chief, also rubbed his hands: If I can see Consultant Zhang, I must give him a big hug like the bear at my grandma's house. I swear to the Virgin Mary!


Thank you Qin Zhidaoer for your reward. I wish you all good health and good luck in the new year~

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