I’m In Charge of SCP

Chapter 312 The Great War (big chapter)

Magicians' contempt for ordinary people has reached a morbid level.

At the graduation ceremony, Hobson interrupted Zhang Jue's speech, and none of the teachers and students stood up to stop him.

On the contrary, they even thought he was right.

As a Muggle, Zhang Jue was not qualified to speak out at the graduation ceremony of the wizard school.

But what kind of person is Zhang Jue?

When Principal Alfred asked him to help educate these proud magicians, he refused.

Who would have thought that these people would come to their door on their own initiative, and it would be uncomfortable not to be slapped in the face.

Just die.

But up to this moment, Zhang Jue still didn't take them seriously. All he could think about now was the weird black aura.

He finally remembered where he had seen it before.

In 087, in the deepest part of that stairwell, he had seen this kind of thing.

If our memory is good enough, we can recall that after Zhang Jue just became a foundation consultant, he and Yang Xue once explored 087 together.

And one day in the future, for unknown reasons, all the exploration records written by Yang Xue himself were burned.

087 is a stairwell with a platform of 610 floors. There is a door at the bottom. Behind the door is a long corridor connected to a circular altar.

On the wall of the altar, there are three murals, which probably record the story of a demon coming.

From left to right are:

A human-faced monster with four legs and eight hands started a massacre in a certain human village, and the corpses of villagers were all under his feet;

Countless villagers knelt in front of a prototype altar, cut off their faces with a knife, and worshiped devoutly;

An egg appeared in a stone basket on the altar, and a baby hatched;

At that time, Yang Xue came to the conclusion that in order to defeat monsters, human beings used some kind of mysterious ritual to summon gods.

But Zhang Jue felt that,

With these three murals, it is impossible to restore the whole picture of the matter.

In order to find out the meaning of 087's existence and satisfy his shit-like curiosity, Zhang Jue accidentally touched the stone basket in the center of the altar.

Then his consciousness was taken away.

Later he told Yang Xue that he had a sexual dream, but everyone knew that it was obviously just an excuse. During that time, he obviously experienced something else.

He didn't tell Yang Xue that he wasn't actually dreaming. The reason why he couldn't move was because his consciousness followed this altar and returned to an unknown number of years ago.

That was the age when people were still ignorant, there was no science, only theology.

In people's eyes, the sun, the moon, the earth, the sky, everything is the creation of gods.

Thunder, rain and dew are all the grace of heaven.

Which year has good weather and good weather is a gift from God.

It is also God's punishment to fail in any year.

People began to carry out sacrificial activities, and they tried to influence those gods with their devout prayers.

As a result, a new profession emerged - wizard.

The sorcerers here do not refer to magicians who use black magic like Duruk, but those who specialize in communicating with gods.

In that era, there were such people in almost every country, every city, and even every village.

They claim to be able to talk to the gods and convey the will of the gods.

Therefore, they were also enshrined, and they would come out to do it when people needed them.

No piece of land can be harvested every year.

Zhang Jue's consciousness was floating in the air.

He saw people calling wizards.

It was a man in a black robe.

He retreated in the temple for seventy-seven forty-nine days, and then he hatched an egg.

It was the egg in the stone basket.

Under his command, an altar was built, a stone basket was carved, and the egg was placed on it.

Not long after, a baby hatched from the egg.

After that, people really lived a smooth life again.

But no matter how people raise that baby, how they feed him, he just doesn't grow up.

The good times didn't last long, and a few years later, a bigger drought came.

For three full years, no rain fell.

The wizard began to pray to the god again.

This time he did not retreat, but directly conveyed the will of the gods to people.

People need to offer a tribute to the gods - their own faces.

Because of the baby, everyone believed in this wizard.

Some of the villagers volunteered to take part in this bizarre ceremony.

They bowed their heads devoutly and cut off their faces to offer to the gods.

The ceremony was completed, and the baby in the stone basket grew rapidly.

But to everyone's surprise, it didn't grow into a man—or a god, but a monster with four hands and eight legs.

He jumped down from the altar and slaughtered all the villagers who participated in the sacrifice.

Zhang Jue's consciousness was floating in the sky, witnessing this cruel scene.

And it wasn't until then that he realized that his and Yang Xue's guesses were all wrong.

The order of viewing murals should be from right to left.

This monster with four hands and four legs was actually summoned by humans themselves!

This was indeed beyond Zhang Jue's expectation.

He thought that the matter would end there, but what happened next made him feel even more confused.

This part is not on the mural.

The events were reversed, and the black-robed wizard fought the monster.

After a fierce battle, he defeated the monster.

The monster had all its hands and feet cut off, and was tied to a stake, unable to move.

The black-robed wizard told the remaining villagers to burn it to death.

The monster was engulfed by the flames and turned into a black aura.

Originally, the matter came to a successful conclusion here, but Zhang Jue noticed that the black aura had not completely dissipated.

They came together to form another thing.

The mist is constantly circling, and its shape is flexible and changeable. If Zhang Jue had to describe it, it would be like a spinning top.

Zhang Jue drove his consciousness, wanting to step forward to check.

But suddenly, he felt that danger was approaching.

Even if he only relives the story that happened in the past in a conscious state, the black mist can cross the time limit and cause harm to him!

What kind of power is this!

Zhang Jue didn't dare to take it too seriously, and he left the range of the fog, and his consciousness also recovered.

He didn't mention this experience with Yang Xue, firstly because they were in 087 at that time, the danger had not been lifted, and secondly because it was meaningless.

According to the clothing and building styles of the villagers, it is conservatively estimated that this incident has happened for thousands of years, maybe even earlier.

Both the villagers and the black mist have become history.

Who built 087, who painted the murals, and what exactly 087-1 (that face) and those puppets were for are all unknown.

At that time, Zhang Jue never imagined that he would see this kind of thing again in Britain thousands of miles away.

Is that black-robed wizard Duruke?

Zhang Jue thought about it, but he didn't feel like it.

Although they are both called wizards, they should not be the same person.

When the black-robed wizard was fighting the monster, Zhang Jue didn't see him using magic or anything like that.

The two shouldn't be related.

But no matter what, the black and gloomy aura exuded under the mountain that suppressed Duruk. This famous wizard is definitely inextricably linked with that monster.

But Zhang Jue didn't plan to delve into this matter.

Because there is no need.

No matter how unconscionable things that monster has done, it has become history, buried deep under the mountain of 087 and the magic school.

As long as that thing doesn't take the initiative to provoke him, he won't dig other people's graves for no reason.


All of the above are just Zhang Jue's thoughts.

In fact, his body is now standing on the podium of the graduation ceremony of the magic school, undergoing the questioning and testing of all the teachers and students of the magic school-as a Muggle, why should he stand on the podium and give these students who are about to graduate Magicians give speeches.

In the face of doubts, his answers are also very powerful.

The topic of my speech I want to give you is—there is more than magic in this world.

However, when he finished speaking, all the students, including the teacher, showed disdainful smiles.

Don't they know that there is more than magic in this world?

In this world, besides magic, of course there are many other things.

But doesn't this one from Consultant Zhang know that it is precisely because of those things that magic is so powerful?

Muggles need weapons and guns to fight, but magicians only need a staff.

Muggles need cars, houses, and all kinds of equipment to live, while wizards still only need a staff.

It can be said that for magicians, with the staff in hand, I have all the world.

Not to mention anything else, just this magic school built on a high mountain several thousand meters away is enough to amaze those Muggles.

Miracles like the Egyptian pyramids and the Sphinx, in the eyes of magicians, are nothing but pediatrics.

A few earth-attributed great magicians can build exactly the same one in less than a month, even larger than them.

Hobson sneered.

He didn't speak, but glanced at the graduates next to him.

Reuter, who was hidden among the graduates, understood and shouted loudly: Stop pretending there, do you think that if you say something specious, everyone will think you are right? Principal Alfred must be influenced by you! Bewitched, the magic school has fallen like this! You have no right to stand there!

Zhang Jue was only invited to give a speech to these graduates, and he had nothing to do with the decline of the magic school.

But Reuter was instructed by Hobson to forcibly connect such two unrelated things.

From the beginning to the end, Hobson had only one purpose - to use various means to force Principal Alfred to take the blame and resign.

However, Alfred has served as the principal of the magic school for so many years, and his prestige is too high to directly target him.

Therefore, Zhang Jue, who is an outsider and a Muggle, is naturally the best breakthrough.

This happened just after the graduation ceremony, and all the people who came to watch the ceremony were unexpected.

But Principal Alfred closed his eyes, as if he didn't hear what Royt said.

The focus of the audience returned to Zhang Jue.

Reuter's words attracted many students' response.

Looking at these students, Zhang Jue couldn't help but sighed.

No matter when, these young people are always the group of people who are most easily bewitched.

They thought they were the trend of the times, the frontier, and the back wave, but they never thought that they were just the muzzles of the big bosses hiding behind.

Or the kind that doesn't cost money.

No brains, no thinking, easy to be rhythmic, these are their characteristics.

A little public opinion guidance can make them rush to the forefront to fight others and die.

It's deplorable, pathetic.

Zhang Jue glanced at Royte and shrank his head in fright.

Zhang Jue snorted and shook his head slightly.

You always emphasize qualifications with me, so in your opinion, what kind of person is qualified to stand here and give a speech to you? Must be a magician? I don't think so. You think that I am the so-called academic researcher 'Expert consultant', only talk about war on paper, talk about those theoretical knowledge? Let me tell you, when it comes to fighting, I have never been afraid of anyone. Reuter, isn't the lesson I taught you yesterday not enough? Want to try again?

Zhang Jue seemed to have fallen into a trap and began to confront those students, but in fact he was playing tricks and saying this on purpose.

Because he felt that simply playing lip service was not as quick and practical as fists.

As an atypical southerner, he also upholds the truth—hands-on, try not to make noise.

Of course, talking before a fight doesn't count.

That's just a tactic to lower the intelligence of the enemy.

Could it be that what Consultant Zhang said 'I've never been afraid of anyone' refers to bullying some students who haven't graduated yet?

As soon as he finished speaking, a bald-headed magician suddenly stepped forward from behind the ranks of graduates.

He was about forty or fifty years old, holding a turquoise staff in his hand, which was very eye-catching.

Consultant Zhang. He planted his staff on the ground, and then said coldly, I am the teacher of these graduates, Marcellus, and I hope to learn from you.

In the rear, Reuter was ecstatic when he saw Mr. Marcellus appearing on the stage.

The teachers of the magic school are roughly divided into several types according to their functions.

Some teach functional magic such as Transfiguration and Flying, and some teach combat magic such as Fireball and Water Dragon.

And this teacher Marcellus is the most famous combat magic teacher in the whole magic school.

He has always been known for his cruelty and recklessness in teaching students. In his class, there are many injured students.

But there are still many people who choose his courses.

Not for anything else, just because this teacher is really very strong, he has already broken through the realm of an 8th-level senior magician, and is moving towards a 9th-level great magician.

In the whole school, there are only a few directors—such as Hobson, who are stronger than him, but because he himself studies combat magic, if there is a real fight, the outcome is still uncertain.

So when he appeared, everyone knew that a good show was coming.

This discussion will never end hastily. That consultant Zhang will definitely pay the price for today's madness.

Zhang Jue stepped off the podium and came to the square below.

He glanced at Marcellus, probably able to guess where his power level was, and couldn't help shaking his head and smiling wryly.

Although this teacher is much stronger than the students of Reuter, it is impossible to directly use terror projection to make him lose his combat effectiveness, but within a few moves, it can definitely be solved.

At this moment, what he has to consider is whether to save some face for the other party.

After all, others will teach the students of these magic schools in the future.


Just when Zhang Jue was wondering whether to keep his hand, on the rostrum, the representatives of various organizations who came to watch the ceremony were all excited.

This kind of thing happened in the graduation ceremony that was originally thought to be a step-by-step process.

For the magic school, it may not be so glorious, but for these people who are just watching the fun, they just hope that the bigger the trouble, the better, and the more exciting the fight, the better.

Interesting, really interesting.

Earl Jennings, who came to watch the ceremony on behalf of the British | | royal family, clapped his hands.

He himself is a restless character, that's why he was sent this errand. Seeing the situation develop like this, instead of trying to persuade him to fight, he cheered up instead.

Jennings is an out-and-out ordinary person. He has never seen a magician fighting. This time he is very hopeful to feast his eyes. How can he be unhappy.

He asked the people on the left: General Lukafor, who do you think can win between the two?

General Lukafor is the representative of the GOC. Although he has a certain level of combat power, people at his level no longer depend on it for a living, so he shook his head and looked at another person.

President Dunlop, what do you think?

Dunlop is the president of the Wizards Association and also a magister. After Principal Alfred was injured, he is the strongest in the entire wizarding world.

His words are very authoritative.

He knew Mr. Marcellus very well, but his understanding of Zhang Jue was very limited.

He couldn't tell who would win.

However, both Earl Jennings and General Lukafor were considered half of his superiors, so he had to answer.

He considered his words and was about to speak.

In the middle of the rostrum, Alfred, the old headmaster who had been closing his eyes to meditate since the beginning of the ceremony, suddenly opened his eyes.

He picked up the water glass in front of him, took a sip, and then an old voice came out of his mouth.

Mr. Marcellus, I'm afraid I'm going to suffer.

Alfred's qualifications are profound, even Earl Jennings did not dare to puff him up in front of him, and said with a smile: Old principal, Mr. Marcellus is also a teacher of your own school after all, so you don't trust him?

It's not that I don't believe it. Alfred coughed lightly, The strength of Mr. Marcellus and that Consultant Zhang is probably bigger than that between you and me.

Hearing what Principal Alfred said, Earl Jennings was taken aback.

Even Dunlop took a look at his teacher.

You know, Earl Jennings doesn't know any magic at all, and the old principal is still a magister despite being injured. The gap between the two of them is like a natural moat.

The old principal said that the gap between Mr. Marcellus and Consultant Zhang was greater than that between the two of them. Could it be that Consultant Zhang is a god?

Consultant Zhang...

At this time, General Lukafor from the GOC suddenly read, searching for the name in his mind, and suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration.

It was a confidential matter, so he glanced at Earl Jennings, and asked in a low voice, Principal Alfred, this Consultant Zhang, is that Consultant Zhang who killed Ian outside the city of Alcada?

Principal Alfred nodded: That's him.


After confirming this matter, General Lukafu finally knew why the old principal had such an evaluation of the strength between the two.

That Consultant Zhang, although not a god, is someone who killed a god.

Fighting with such a person is any different from courting death?

Seeing the two of them whispering, Earl Jennings said dissatisfiedly, If there is something you can't say directly, what are you doing muttering?

General Lukafor smiled at him: Earl Jennings, I bet you a gold coin that this battle will end within ten seconds.


Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Zhang Jue walked down the square from the podium.

He wants to have a fair duel with this teacher named Marcellus, in order to prove that he is qualified to speak to these students who are about to graduate from the wizarding school.

Things are a bit absurd, but for various reasons, it still happened like this.

If you want to blame, you can only blame the magicians for being too arrogant.

Forcing the old headmaster to use such drastic means to promote change, he deliberately stepped on this trap and let Zhang Jue slap them in the face.

When Zhang Jue left the field, Hobson asked other teachers to take all the graduates away from the field.

Everything is in his plan.

Now, only Zhang Jue and Mr. Marcellus were left in the entire square.

This graduation ceremony is more like a ring prepared for the two of them.

Hobson's eyes gradually showed fanaticism.

As long as Zhang Jue is defeated in a while, he will take the opportunity and dozens of teachers to jointly write a letter to Earl Jennings and General Lukafu to impeach Principal Alfred.

Under the watchful eyes of all the students, even if Alfred cannot be dismissed on the spot, he will not be the principal for a few days.

In the magic school, there are not many people who have the qualifications to be the principal, and the most vocal among them is of course myself.

Hobson thought this way, and then turned his attention back to Mr. Marcellus and Zhang Jue. Success or failure depends on one action.

Not only him, but the students, teachers, leaders of various organizations, guests, and everyone who came to watch the ceremony focused on Zhang Jue.

They thought with joy that a great war was about to begin.

However, what happened next surprised everyone.

Probably, they will never forget it in this life.


The foreshadowing has been buried for too long. I know this is a very bad habit, but I personally prefer this way of writing, which is probably one of the reasons for the rush. If there is a next book, I will try my best to change it, because this book still has a lot of lines buried in the early stage, and I am reluctant to cut it off.

This chapter is 6,000 words, and there are still 3 chapters left.

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