I’m In Charge of SCP

Chapter 100 SCP-1162 Experiment Record

When Zhang Jue opened his eyes, the sky was already bright, and the bright sunlight was shining on the ground through the gaps in the curtains, which was a bit dazzling. Lying on the bed, he didn't get up immediately, but carefully recalled the contents of the dream, and put them all into his memory hall.

In general, there are many new discoveries when I go back this time, but there are also more mysteries.

What is that shadow?

What is the 'it' that Yueqing City is talking about?

Are the two the same thing?

Why didn't Yueqing City become a zombie?

Is he (she) still a normal person, or is he (she) really human?

A series of questions lingered in Zhang Jue's mind, but now there were too few clues, and he didn't know what the answers were.

Zhang Jue only hated that his sleep time was too short. If he stayed in that world for a longer time, maybe he would discover more.

He had wanted to use drugs to achieve this, but there was one most important problem that he couldn't solve-he didn't know when he would go back.

Judging from the previous few times, it seems that there is no pattern.

It was because he was idle, and one day he suddenly had a dream.

But when he was ready for battle, he slept until dawn for many days in a row.

It was as if fate had bound to catch him off guard.

But Zhang Jue is not a hypocritical person. It seems that those zombies will always remain that way, so there is no need to worry.

It has been nearly a month since Zhang Jue came back from Europe. Apart from occasionally studying Shirley's affairs, he has lived a shameless life again.

Sleep until you wake up naturally, do the experiment if you want, don't do it if you don't want to, and go to Chen Lao to discuss it if you are really bored.

Of course, most of the time, he will still check the experiments of other researchers to ensure that there will be no casualties.

Yang Xue would not urge him to do anything, probably because she had a better understanding of his character—maybe he was unreliable in small things, but he never missed the chain in big things.

On this day, Zhang Jue was bored and was discussing academic issues with a female researcher.

Suddenly, an exclamation was heard in another laboratory.

Zhang Jue hurried over and found a hole suddenly appeared on the originally smooth wall.

The hole is bottomless and its diameter is as big as two fists.

It is said that this hole appeared suddenly. The researcher was still doing experiments one second, and was startled by it the next second.

The people who work at the scp foundation are very sensitive to such strange things, so he immediately called other colleagues.

Everyone was surrounding the entrance of the cave, as if they were afraid that it would suddenly run away again.

Several researchers also called Yang Xue over. During Zhang Jue's absence, she has been promoted to the deputy director of the experiment at site14.

In site 14, apart from the older experiment supervisor and the special consultant Zhang Jue, she was the highest ranking.

Zhang Jue looked at it for a long time, but he didn't remember what the hole was.

Yang Xue suddenly patted her head, as if she had gained something.

Seeing her expression, Zhang Jue smiled and said, Why, Dr. Yang Da, do you know what it is?

Yang Xue sighed: I can't rely on you for everything - I just think it's a bit like a project I've heard of before, but I won't know until it's confirmed.

Yang Xue made a call, and after ahhh, hung up the phone again.

Are you sure? Zhang Jue asked.

Yeah. Yang Xue nodded, It's SCP-1162.


In simple terms, SCP-1162 is a hole in the wall with a diameter of approximately 14.5 cm, and its depth will vary depending on the current user.

Once a creature puts its arm into the hole, they take out an item they were missing or were looking for, and in turn, the creature immediately loses another item.

SCP-1162 also has a property, if it is not activated within 168 hours, it will randomly transfer to another stone, concrete, brick wall or floor, the previous hole will remain, but no longer anomalous Attributes.

SCP-1162 was contained in Site-31 before, and Yang Xue had heard about it when she went to study a few years ago, so she had a little impression.

Presumably, the staff at Site-31 did not know what was wrong, and they did not activate SCP-1162 in the last 168 hours, so it ran around and happened to come to site14.

Yang Xue called just now to confirm whether the original 1162 entrance in Site-31 has expired.

After getting an affirmative answer, she confirmed that the hole that suddenly appeared was undoubtedly SCP-1162.

Because SCP-1162 itself is not dangerous, and it must be activated frequently to ensure that it will not break through containment, so the Foundation has a lot of experiments on it, and the level of authority is not high. Many researchers have interacted with SCP-1162 Record.

After learning about its characteristics, the researchers at Site 14 began to gear up and try it out.

Dr. Yang, can we try? a researcher asked.

Seeing everyone's expressions, Yang Xue didn't want to spoil their interest. She glanced at Zhang Jue, saw the latter nod, and said helplessly, Remember to make up the application report.


Everyone shouted excitedly, probably these researchers don't usually have any recreational activities, and interacting with a harmless scp can make them very happy.


The following is an excerpt from a portion of the SCP-1162 experiment log at site14.


Tester: Researcher Ding Xinzhi

Recycled item: a Contra game cassette

Item lost: a notebook

Remarks: I lost this when I was in elementary school. Is it telling me that there is no future in research and let me go home and play game consoles?


Tester: Researcher Zhang Facai

Item Recovered: A Nokia mobile phone

Item lost: a fruit phone

Remarks: Oh shit! That's my monthly salary!

Item Retrieved: A ballpoint pen without oil

Item Lost: One Montblanc fountain pen

Remarks: Oh shit! That's my annual salary!

Recycled items: RMB 10 per piece

Lost items: 100 RMB per piece

Remarks: I [DATA EXPUNGED], I don't play anymore!


Tester: Senior Researcher Huang Shang

Recycled items: 100 RMB per piece

Lost items: RMB 10 per piece

Remarks: Hahahaha, Lao Zhang, let's go to the restaurant tonight, I invite you.


Tester: Agent Liu ██

Item Retrieved: One bullet casing

Item lost: One bullet

Remarks: Hmm...it looks like it was lost during the last mission.

Retrieved item: a bullet

Lost item: the bullet casing just now

Remarks: This...has it regretted it?


Tester: Dr. Zhao █

Retrieved item: a Durex.

Item lost: A piece of chewing gum.

Remarks: Reasonable.


Tester: Researcher Tian Huizhen

Recycled item: a butterfly hairpin

Item lost: A lipstick

Remarks: This was given to me by my first love, but unfortunately, we failed to be together in the end, and now he is my ex's ex.

Note from a consultant: You have a lot of information.


Tester: Agent Deng ██

Item Retrieved: One smelly sock

Item lost: Left sock

Remarks: It’s okay, they are left-footed anyway

Retrieved item: left sock

Item lost: Right sock

Remarks: It's okay, it's the same if you change clothes

Retrieved item: Right sock

Item lost: Left sock


Retrieved item: left sock

Item lost: Right sock

Note: I feel like it's playing tricks on me.


Tester: Researcher Wang Lei

Recovered item: A pair of red lace panties (cutout)

Item lost: a button

Remarks: This is not mine, really not mine, you believe me.


Tester: Yang █, deputy director of the experiment

Item Retrieved: A notebook

Item lost: a pencil

Remarks: This is my notebook when I was in elementary school, I remember, it has my... signature on it, hey, it really is gone.


Tester: Special Advisor Zhang █

Item Retrieved: A wallet

Item lost: A wad of paper

Remarks: It's really my wallet, can this thing cross the world?

Note from Yang █, the deputy director of the experiment: There were items in the wallet that seemed to be documents, which were burned by consultant Zhang █. The reason is unknown.

Note from Special Advisor Zhang █: You may not believe it, but the photo above is so handsome, I am afraid that you will fall in love with me.

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