I'm bound to the witch of death

Chapter 7 7Teacher, let my fiancé come

Chapter 7 7. Teacher, let my fiancé come

"A few weeks ago, I gave you a detailed analysis of the spirit structure of the 'Sandie Lang' Spirit Clothes. In order to better demonstrate the actual combat effect, today, teacher, I specially invited Ms. Cha, a swordsman expert from the Black Moon Holy See, to give a practical demonstration. "

As Professor Freya spoke, she turned around and pushed the large blackboard behind her sideways, revealing the empty martial arts arena behind her.

She walked slowly to the center of the martial arts arena and turned around.

She has a long sword hanging on her waist and wears a loose white martial arts robe with a black belt that tightens her slender waist. Her long burgundy hair is tied into a side ponytail and hangs from her left shoulder. It hangs down from the snow-capped plum blossoms. She looks like a gentle woman. wife.

But she stood tall and straight, and her indifferent eyes as she patrolled the crowd were extremely oppressive. Finally, her eyes turned gentle and looked at Chana Yuki in the front row, and nodded.

Chanaxue came to her senses, got up and walked into the martial arts arena.

She is not a student of Weiyang College, but Black Moon Holy See and Weiyang College have always had resources to cooperate, and it is common for them to cross paths with each other.

Different from facing ordinary people, Freya was a third-level spiritual master with the title of Sword Demon, which forced her to concentrate very much and put Xia Feng aside for the time being.

Chanaxue stood still, holding the long knife tightly with both hands. Her whole body was like a blood-crazed knife. Her aura quickly rose. In just the blink of an eye, the knife in her hand was covered with a layer of blood-colored air. As she let out a clear and low voice, , suddenly raised the knife and slashed forward, buzz! ! !

Three consecutive moon-shaped arc-shaped blood-colored spiritual currents, carrying a terrifying aura, flashed in front of the red-haired professor at a speed that was difficult for ordinary people to catch with the naked eye.

Freya raised the knife to block, her steps motionless as she stood with her hands behind her back, but her long burgundy hair in a side ponytail spread out and danced wildly in the wind.

Buzz buzz——

The three bloody moon arc attacks were easily eliminated by Freya's horizontal sword.

She looked at the woman in the snow skirt in the distance and nodded in approval: "Yes, it seems that the position of the Saint of the Black Moon Holy See will most likely belong to you."

"Professor is overrated." Chanaixue saluted with clasped fists.

Freya didn't say anything more, turned around and said: "Just now, Chanaxue used the standard "Three Waves" starting position. The spirit structure of Lingyi is the foundation, but the corresponding starting position is also very important. ! Students who understand can come up and give it a try.”

Unfortunately, the classroom was quiet for a while, and no one raised their hands.

Mushroom leaned next to Xia Feng and muttered: "Sandielang, this is the most difficult type of offensive spirit clothing to learn among the D-level spiritual clothing. You have only learned it for a few weeks. Whoever gets on it will be embarrassed."

Xia Feng rested his chin lazily and had no intention of trying. He just stared out the window in a daze, planning to give the "One-tail Spirit Clothes" to Mu Qingtong after class so that she could learn from it.

Just how to send it out reasonably is a problem.

[Seeing Chanaxue fighting, Mu Qingtong subconsciously recalled the case diagram of Sandielang's spirit structure. Your understanding of spiritual clothes has improved, and you have successfully mastered the D-level spiritual clothes "Sandielang 100% Mastery\

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