Chapter 210: Tricky

The brain with his right hand was severed, he tilted his head and looked at his bloody right hand, and then veins burst out all over his body. The broken right hand grew rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in just a few seconds, it had returned to its original appearance.

The severed hand that fell to the ground was still beating like a gecko’s broken tail, as if mocking Xie Ming.

Xie Ming murmured: “Is it super resilience… But this is too exaggerated.”

“This is a big hole card for Brainless, Super Rebirth. I didn’t expect to be forced out by your mere students like this.” Death Grip Wood Hanging scratched his face and said.

“Tsk, trouble.” Xie Ming smacked his lips, and then raised the demon sword Muramasa: “Then you can let me send Mr. Aizawa up there?” Seeing the mind who threw back again, he replied: “Sure enough Can not do it.”

Behind Aizawa, Xie Ming couldn’t give in. Then there is only one way!

Raising the shield hung with his left hand, he greeted with a right fist thrown by Nominal.

“The shield returns.”


Xie Ming’s feet sank slightly into the ground. This kind of force Xie Ming has only been seen in Oermat’s body. However, it is not unbearable. Therefore, the shield returned successfully, and the brain was empty.

“Since the cutting doesn’t work, what about a direct blow?” With the left leg as the support and the waist as the axis, a turned back kick hit the brainless chest fiercely.

The wind cracked the ground and cut the lampshade on the ceiling, showing how powerful this foot is.

However, it doesn’t work at all! The brain didn’t even step back for half a step, keeping the empty door wide open, a bear hugged Xie Ming.

Xie Ming’s pupils shrank, and quickly swung two swords to cut off the left and right arms that were not swept out by the brain, then lowered and grabbed Aizawa’s clothes for a small distance before jumping and pulling away.

“The blow doesn’t work?” After Xie Ming put down Aizawa, he frowned and looked at Minao, who had grown his arms again.

The dead handle wooden hanger clapped his hands: “It’s powerful, but the blow has no effect on the brain~ because it also has a personality, called shock absorption.”

“Compared with Oermat’s physical fitness, super regeneration and shock absorption…So you are confident to deal with Oermat’s card.” Xie Ming stretched his limbs and asked faintly.

“Ah, yeah. But I changed my mind. Before Olmert arrives, kill you first~” The dead handle wooden hanger grinned and said: “If such a powerful student is killed, then How interesting the reactions of the world will be~~”

“Green Valley, Frog Blow, Mineta, don’t stay there. Come over and bring Mr. Aizawa up, the enemy has already found you.” Xie Ming yelled, facing away from the brain.

I don’t know when Lugu and the others, who had been in the water, were taken aback when they heard Xie Ming’s call, and then quickly ran to Aizawa, who was behind Xie Ming’s back.

“Teacher, you are alone. Doesn’t it matter?” Yupiu said worriedly, staring wide-eyed.

“It’s okay. It’s the greatest help to me that you quickly take Aizawa’s teacher and leave, hurry up.”

“Qua.” Frog nodded, and Midori and Mineta lifted Aizawa.

“Teacher Hutaro, please be careful!” Then the three quickly left the square.

At this time, Xie Ming’s mind kept thinking about how to deal with brainlessness. The power and speed are equal to Ormet, so it can’t be hard-wired. No matter how many times it is cut off, there is super regeneration recovery, and direct blows also have shock absorption to make them ineffective. ”

“But the shield return just now worked.” Xie Ming grasped a little clue, “So, is the vibration that it cannot exempt?”

“One more thing, Super Regeneration, it just seems to regenerate directly when the wound has not completely healed. Then, after cutting it off, directly scald the wound to scars?”

“What if you use the blood control ability to explode directly in its body?”

The dead handle wooden hanger scratched his neck impatiently: “Why, don’t you come over? Then it’s over here, no brains!”


After hearing the command, Nao Wu immediately rushed forward, only to arrive in front of Xie Ming in an instant, and raised his fist.

“I don’t have time, can I just try them one by one?” Xie Ming’s eyes turned purple, and the shield in his left hand greeted him again.

“Dang!!” With a clear sound, Nao Wu’s right fist was bounced again, and his body went into rigidity.

But I don’t know when, Muramasa, which Xie Ming is holding with his right hand, has been wrapped around with emerald green flames, and the blade is emitting a faint white light. Kill two kills.

However, the stiffness of Shield Return was still there, but Nao Wu directly twisted his body and took the slash with his shoulder, and a black arm fell to the ground again.

But unlike just now, there was no drop of blood this time, and there was a faint burnt smell from the cut.

Xie Ming took the initiative to step back two steps, avoiding the slamming of the left fist in the head after the freezing time expired, and then looked at whether his guess was correct.

It is impossible for everything to always be as I thought, the section that was directly scorched by the magma peeled off quickly, and a brand new arm grew out in less than a few seconds. Nao Wu swiftly punched it again.

“So what?” Xie Ming’s left hand Aurora’s light condensed and turned into a dagger.

Leaning down and avoiding the fist that was thrown over, the strong wind pressure only blew Xie Ming’s bangs and did not shake him at all. Muramasa took advantage of the situation and cut open the chest of Mindless. The dagger was like Lion Majesty waiting for an opportunity to go. It sank directly into the wound.

“Let’s break out.” Xie Ming waited for the changes after pulling a distance back somersault.

It can be clearly seen that under the black skin of the brain, one bulge after another appeared, and then it calmed down. With a twitch of the muscles, Brain Wu rushed over again.

Xie Ming kept avoiding brainless boxing, and the wind pressure made a few holes in his cheeks. At this time, he only had this thought in his mind.

“Tricky… Do you want to try that trick?”

Once again using the shield to drive the brain into the rigid time, Xie Ming took a deep breath and inserted the village Masa into the scabbard.

“So, what if you use a fierce attack that is too late for regeneration? Is your super regeneration still useful?” Xie Ming’s faint words spread throughout the audience, attracting everyone’s attention.

“It’s too late to attack? Hahahahaha!!! If you can do it, give it a try! International student!” The dead handle wooden hanger laughed wildly. This student always brings unexpected fun to himself~

“Then give it a try.”

Murderous aura that surpassed everyone’s imagination suddenly came to this area. As if people take a deep breath, they can smell the strong bloody smell inside.

“Unlimited Slash Blade!”

Original sword skill, unlimited drawing and cutting, was once again used by Xie Ming. The storm of killing is coming soon!

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