Chapter 206 Rescue Training

This time the media invasion ended with the arrival of the police. As for the punishment of journalists? Of course it is nothing. After all, professional heroes and the media are inseparable parts.

If there is no media propaganda, then professional heroes cannot be recognized by more people. If professional heroes are not popular, the government’s money will be reduced. Determine the monetary reward you get based on your activity level. This is how a hero makes money.

But Xie Ming felt that this was a kind of sadness and a helpless status quo. When a hero becomes a professional hero, then this end will inevitably occur. In a superhuman society where everyone has a personality that can easily kill others, there will inevitably be many people who do whatever they want with their own strong personality—they are called enemies.

And professional heroes, as checks and balances, suppress the existence of the enemy, must risk their lives to carry out activities. Relieving disasters, arresting enemies, and assisting the police are all things that require professional heroes to fight for their lives.

Is it possible to let others work hard for themselves without giving money to others? Take a step back and say, even if there are such good old people, don’t people need money to live? Let people work hard for themselves 24 hours, not to give people money, let alone that person, even Xie Ming wanted to slap him to death.

Heroes and professional heroes are basically two different things. The so-called hero, everyone can do it. As long as you take the lead in doing the right thing before others dare, then you are a hero.

Once a hero becomes a professional, he becomes a professional hero. Then you must take the lead in doing some things, because this is your profession, your job to support your family. You no longer do this just because of the sense of justice in your heart, but because your obligation requires you to do this.

Similarly, heroes can leave everything behind, and good things do not leave a name. So sometimes they are not subject to some jurisdictional restrictions. Professional heroes must meet the requirements of the government and restrict their actions. This is another big difference between heroes and professional heroes.

Shaking his head, Xie Ming walked to the classroom. I didn’t expect that I would think of so many things because of a media invasion. He shook his head with a wry smile, opened the door and walked into the classroom.

There is nothing left to say about the rest of the day, oh, yes, one more thing. At the afternoon class meeting, Midori Valley gave up his position as monitor to Iida. It seems that Iida made some action that made Midoriya make this decision.

However, as mentioned before, Xie Ming also felt that the position of monitor is more suitable for Iida. After all, the fighting style of Green Valley really cannot be an example for everyone.

Since then, the position of Class A has been decided. Squad leader Tenya Iida, and deputy squad leader 8 million.


A few days later, it was the second quarter of Hero Basics. At this time, Mr. Aizawa was already standing on the podium, but he still looked listless.

“Today’s heroic basics has become me. Oermat and another teacher are in charge, while teacher Uranus is nearby to assist and respond to emergencies. After all, when it comes to reliable mobility, this school is not only Apart from Ermat, Iida and him.”

When Lu Gu heard it, he was taken aback: “It has become? Is it a special situation?”

“Um, then what do we need to do?” A slender boy with a broken hedgehog raised his hand and asked. His name is Sero Norta and his personality is tape. It can shoot something similar to scotch tape from the elbow, and the elbow also has an organ that can roll the tape, and the tape can also be cut and used. It can be said to be a very versatile personality.

“This time is for rescue training when there is a natural disaster.” Aizawa said lightly, “This training allows you to freely choose combat clothing, including special rescue combat clothing. And the location is relatively far away, you need to do it. The on-campus bus passes by. So you guys quickly get it done and gather at the entrance of the teaching building.”

“Yes!!” The students agreed in unison, and then got up to prepare.

“Rescue training…. I really haven’t experienced this.” Xie Ming thought while changing his clothes: “After all, the two worlds are either constantly fighting or racking their brains. With tactics.”

Suddenly, Xie Ming looked forward to this rescue training.

Along the way, everyone was talking about the strengths and weaknesses of their personalities, but what Xie Ming found very interesting was his evaluation of Bakhao’s character.

“You haven’t had a deep friendship yet. Your character like shit cooked in a stinking ditch has been recognized. I really admire you about this.”

Hearing this term, Xie Ming couldn’t help but burst into laughter. Whose talent is so showy. They are all lumbar discs, why are you so prominent.

As the person involved, Bakao naturally burned a little. “Hey! What’s the matter with your term! Be careful I kill you!!”

The car suddenly became a group.

“Hey! Stop messing around, you’re at the station.” Aizawa raised his voice while looking at a group of students.

After everyone got out of the car, a person wearing a space suit with a dark oxygen mask on his head, and only two people with big white circles like eyes, was standing at the door waiting for the students of Class A.

This is the leader of Xie Ming’s first entry into Xiongying at that time, space hero-No. 13, personality: black hole. He is often active at disaster sites and is a hero who specializes in disaster relief.

“It’s not too late, let’s go in right away.” Seeing the students’ various reactions to them, No. 13 said very calmly.

Following number 13, the students entered the building behind him. It can be said that this building is worthy of a small town. The circular ceiling, and inside, is a simulation of various disaster scenes.

At a glance, Xie Ming could see various disaster scenes. It became ruins of buildings that swayed from side to side, lakes, mountains, and buildings depicting fires and heavy rains.

The students looked around in excitement, and kept sighing.

13 is also very proud, explaining to the students: “Water disaster, landslide accident, fire, storm, etc.. All accidents and disasters are envisaged here, and it is a drill field created by me.”

“Its name is-Simulated Disaster Accident Site, USJ for short!”

Hearing this abbreviation, the students were shocked: “It’s really an abbreviation…” (PS: In Japanese, the pronunciation of the simulation starts with U, the beginning of the disaster is S, and the site of the accident is J, so the abbreviation is USJ)

“On the 13th, where’s Olmert?” Kabuto asked Aizawa with his hands in it. “It stands to reason that it should be gathered here.”

“Senior, it’s actually like this…” No.13 was very helpless, approached and said in a low voice: “Senior Oermat settled the incident everywhere when he was at work, but he almost ran out of activity time. Rest in the lounge.”

“It’s an unreasonable typical example.” Aizawa sighed and thought: “Forget it, but Ormat is just to prepare in case.” Then he said: “No way, that’s it. let’s start.”

“Then, let me say 1 o’clock, 2 o’clock, 3 o’clock, 4 o’clock…” Before starting, No. 13 suddenly started counting his fingers, thinking about how many points he had to say.

“…Xiong Ying’s teacher, are all so rich in grooves?” Xie Ming staggered silently, thinking silently.

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