Now, the season is autumn.

The season of Cheongomabi.

It was also the most important period for Japanese high school students.

One of the highlights of the school days is a school trip.

“In that sense, the destination for this school trip has been decided to go to Kyoto.”


At the same time as Yamada, the homeroom teacher, said so, boos from students erupted from all directions.

“Teacher! Why aren’t you traveling abroad this year?”

“We want to go to Hawaii too!”

“A chubby foreigner sister! Bikini swimsuit! Love that blooms on the beach!”

“Ugh, men are badass.”

“Why are you there?”

“Still, Kyoto is a little bit. If I go again this time, elementary, middle and high school are all Kyoto.”

“Hey you?”

“Isn’t that almost native level? I’ll go to tourist spots with my eyes closed.”

As dissatisfaction ran rampant from all directions, Yamada took a deep breath and spoke as if making excuses.

“You want to go to Kyoto because you like the country. Last year, a third grader who went on a school trip to Hawaii secretly left the hotel at night and was caught by the local police, so the principal said that overseas travel was banned for the time being.”

Because it was a really realistic reason, it made sense.

Actually, I had never been to Kyoto, so I had no complaints.

Anyway, Yamada, who broke through the boos of the classmates, continued to do his job.

“Then, we need to make a group that will share the same room for our school trip, did you decide in advance?”


“Well, it’s good because it’s fast. Then, call them in order. Write them down on the blackboard.”

Then, one by one from the front row, they began to say the names of the people who would be in the same group.

“Then the three men’s group is Satoru Momochi, Ryuji Sakamoto, and Yuseong Kim, right?”


In my case, as I had negotiated beforehand, I was in the same group as the two of you.

‘This is safe.’

If I had shared the same room with the other guys, I would have felt extremely uncomfortable.

When the group for the school trip was decided like roasting beans in a lightning bolt, Yamada brought up a different topic this time.

“Then this time it’s about the cultural festival, what will our class do?”

Then, one of the tight trio who had talked about swimsuits before, frankly revealed his desires.

“A maid cafe!”

Then, Yamada looked at him like he was pathetic and muttered.

“Ryohei, you have no intention of hiding that you are a pervert.”

“What’s wrong with a man being a pervert!”

“I don’t think that’s wrong, but think about your reputation.”

Yamada looked at the girls as if asking for consent while saying that, but surprisingly, the reaction was not bad.

“Maid cafe, not bad.”

“It’s cute, so I want to try it on at least once~ Maid clothes~”

Yamada is instantly puzzled by the unexpected reaction.

Then, immediately, he found reinforcements.

“Chief! What do you think?!”

Then the class leader answered, pushing up the round glasses, the symbol of intelligence.

“A maid cafe, to be honest, I don’t think it’s bad. Others don’t cost money, but in a maid cafe, if you’re average, you can definitely crave a portion.”

“Brutus, even you!”

The teacher speaks as if he had been betrayed, but knowing that the class leader had an original temperament, it only seemed like a reasonable choice to me.


Maid cafes make money.

That fact was already vividly experienced in Akihabara.

“Any other opinions?! Haunted house or something like a play!”

However, there was no option for adolescent boys other than maid cafes.

“Why don’t men wear butler clothes at all!”

“That’s great! Why don’t you make cookies and cakes and sell them too!”

Rather, they participate more actively and are just trying to pass this agenda somehow.

And these efforts led to the voting results.

“Kyu, the maid cafe is in first place with 20 votes.”

Yamada said so with an angry expression and put down the chalk, but the atmosphere was already half-confirmed from the middle of the voting, so the boys were in a festive mood.

“Then class president, if you have other ideas or agendas, please organize them and let me know.

Saying that, Yamada left the classroom as if running away.

As always, it was Ayase, the class president, to finish the class meeting.


“So it wasn’t even a riot.”

Wednesday’s inactivity.

I attended the student council room every day and talked about what happened during the class meeting.

“Fufu, Yoosung-kun’s class seems to be constantly chaos.”

The president drank tea with an elegant gesture and greeted each other like that, but there was no strength in his smile than usual.

“Chairman? Where are you sick?”

When I asked this by surprise, the president widened his eyes in amazement.

“Yes? Me?”

“Yes. Unlike usual, I don’t seem to be able to concentrate on the story.”

“Ah… just, I have a lot to think about.”

The president said so and laughed bitterly.

The vice president, who was watching this from the side, said while pushing the glasses up with his middle finger.

“If it is the president’s health, the doctors at home are taking care of it day and night, so there’s no need to worry about you, Kim Yoo-sung.”

“Then I’m glad.”

After saying that, I scratched the back of my head, and followed today to find Minami, who is nowhere to be seen.

“By the way, where did Minami go?”

“If it’s Minami, someone I know told me that he’s coming to Tokyo, so I went to meet him at the train station for a while. He’ll probably be back soon.”

“iced coffee….”

Boob! Boob! Boob! Boob!

Did I say that even the tiger will come when I say it?

As soon as the president had finished answering, the sound of busy footsteps was heard from outside the hallway.

“Looks like he’s back.”

The president said so and put down the teacup he was holding in his hand.

Eventually, the door to the student council room that had been firmly shut opened.

“Lady, you just returned.”

It was Minami, the accountant of the student council, who came in saying that in a dreary voice.

And behind her back stood a stranger.

“Hello. Kumiko-san. Long time no see.”

The one who opened the door with Minami was a woman who looked to be in her mid-30s.

It’s probably the one she went to pick up at the train station.

There was a point of beauty around the woman’s mouth, probably because of her neatly tied up hair, or something like a young mistress who works at a snack bar.

As soon as I received her greeting, the president and the vice president stood up at the same time.



Perhaps both are spherical.

Among the members of the student council, it seems that I am the only one who does not know his face.

Everyone was awake, but I was the only one sitting on the sofa.

“Is that the rumored Kim Yoo-seong? It’s as reliable as I’ve heard.”

“Yes? Oh, yes.”

It seems that they already know me.

Did I become a celebrity without knowing it?

Even with those doubts, I watched other people talk.

“What happened all of a sudden? You didn’t even contact me.”

“Fufu, I wanted to do a little surprise.”

Unlike the vice president who was usually harsh with everyone, he acted like a gentle sheep to a person named Izumo.

I called him a teacher earlier, so he must have had a similar job as a teacher, but it didn’t seem like an ordinary priestly relationship.

And as if to prove this conjecture, Minami, who was standing in the back, explained about her.

“The person here is the 11th head of Koga Izumo, the ninja association ‘Koga’ that united the 53 families, and is my brother’s teacher. In the afterlife, he is called by the nickname ‘Heroes’.”

“Nice to meet you. Kim Yu-seong-kun. My nose is Izumo. Please feel free to call me Izumo.”

She reached out her hand as she spoke intimately.

While shaking hands involuntarily, I was surprised to find out that the person in front of me was their teacher.

‘There are too many ninjas around.’

To be honest, at this point, the appearance rate is at the level of a comic book battle with fake eyes.

The author of the original story, how much without material.

I’m a first-timer, but I asked her with a straight ball.

“How do you know about me?”

Then Izumo replied with a smile as if he had heard an interesting story.

“Rather, it’s strange to not know. It’s the name of the man who defeated one of the Seven Swordsman who is said to be a legend in the afterlife. In addition, he recently made contact with the Fuuma clan, didn’t he?”



Maybe it’s because his main job is a ninja, so he seems to be quick to investigate other people’s backgrounds.

The former story is famous, so even so, it was quite surprising to know that I had been in contact with Fuuma-senpai and, furthermore, the Fuuma clan.

“Fufu, you don’t have to look so nervous. I’ve only come to see you today.”

Having said that, Izumo let go of his hand and looked at the president and said.

“As I informed you in advance in writing, today I’m here to take the young lady in person. The expectations that the President is putting in this position are quite high.”

line seat? What do you mean by that?

“…I guess. Otherwise, you, Grandpa’s secretary, wouldn’t have come in person.”

“Then let’s go. If we don’t prepare right now, we’ll be late for our dinner appointment.”

“I know.”

After saying that, the president gave a short answer and looked at me.

“Yoosung-kun, I’ll go first today. It’s a pity, but I have an appointment for the evening.”

I felt strangely saddened by the cold attitude of the president, which was different from usual.

However, I couldn’t have a conversation, and while I was thinking about it for a while, the president, the vice president, and Minami followed a person named Izumo and went out.

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