I was exposed for mining on Mars

Chapter 200 The war will never stop

"After the jump ring equipment is built and tested, you can jump to the Wolf 359 star system. There are two planets here, only 7.8 light-years away from the solar system. You can jump directly from the solar system to Wolf 359."

"Two planets have enough material resources for you."

Just when Luo Xiu was arranging the candidate plan for Proxima b civilization, an alarm suddenly sounded in his ears.

"Your Excellency, Commander, the particles following the cruising fleet sent back the latest information. The other party has changed its course and is heading towards Alpha Centauri again."

After hearing this information, Luo Xiu immediately raised his hand and said: "The meeting is temporarily suspended. Gou Wen, Xue He, Cao Guolin and the three members of the Proxima b civilization will stay. The others should leave first."

Although the members attending the meeting did not know what happened for a while, this was Luo Xiu's arrangement after all, so both the Blue Star personnel and the members of Proxima b civilization stood up and walked out of the meeting room one after another.

After all the members left, Cao Guolin, who was sitting on Luo Xiu's side, said, "Commander, what happened?"

The semi-mechanized Cao Guolin has basically left the scientific research position. He is old and feels that he cannot make more breakthroughs in scientific research, so now he mainly commands the battleships controlled by some Blue Star humans.

All the ships he brought from the solar system this time were basically controlled by Blue Star humans.

"The fleet that left Alpha Centauri has returned."

As Luo Xiu spoke, he asked the control system to project the information about the Ferma fleet in the center of the conference room.

"Is it this fleet?" After seeing the picture, the first person who reacted was not Cao Guolin and others who came from the solar system, but members of the Proxima b civilization.

They were observing Fermat's fleet throughout the whole process. During that time, the Proxima Centauri b civilization was always under the threat of the two fleets. They will never forget the horrific experience at that time.

"They are back again?" After Ferma's main fleet left, Proxima b civilization thought that there was only one strong person in the solar system left in this star field. This was one of the reasons why they moved closer to Luo Xiu in the solar system unconditionally. But now it seems that the fleet that left has actually returned, which is another big challenge to the situation in the entire star field.

"came back."

Luo Xiu himself did not expect why the other party would come back. According to the intelligence given by Ferma before, the base camp of the cruising fleet should be under attack. It was this information that allowed the other party to directly attack the warship, and the entire main fleet was directly out of the control of the cruising fleet.

So the opponent's actions now are actually somewhat beyond Luo Xiu's expectations, and the most likely thing that will cause the opponent to sail in the opposite direction is that either the cruising fleet has regained the command of the fleet, or the cruising fleet within the Swan's main spiral arm has been Destroyed, the main fleet no longer poses any threat.

But no matter which one, Luo Xiu could not directly determine it. He hinted that he could only judge the other party's movements by prediction.

But this is not to blame Luo Xiu, after all, he does not have any intelligence receipt system in the Cygnus spiral arm, and he knows nothing about what happened at the cruise fleet base camp.

Under such circumstances, Luo Xiu basically could only rely on his own predictions to determine why the Fermana fleet moved in the opposite direction and headed towards Centaur Alpha again.

"Your Excellency, Commander, we can try to let particles enter the fleet to steal some intelligence." While everyone was silent, Xue He stood up and thought of a plan.

"Use particles?" After hearing Xue He's suggestion, Luo Xiu frowned slightly. It's not that he has never considered this approach, but as long as he enters the opponent's fleet, there is a risk of being discovered for the particles. "Now our particle detection The weapon only dares to attach to the opponent's ship and follow its movements. If it starts to move rashly, even if it is extremely small, the risk of being discovered does not rule out."

Luo Xiu thought that although the particle detector was very small, the technological capabilities of the cruising fleet were still very good. The risk of directly allowing particles to invade the opponent's ship is still too high.

"But we do need more intelligence, so let's let one-third of the detectors try to break into the interior and steal their information."

"Regardless of success or not, other particle detectors continue to lurk, and we cannot lose each other's movement tracks. Gou Wen, I leave this matter to you."

Nowadays, the detection systems in the solar system are generally handed over to Gou Wen, who has ascended. After all, he is already a conscious machine, and he can receive and analyze information in a short time.

"Okay, Your Excellency, Commander." Of course, Gou Wen would not refuse this task. For him, this was an opportunity to directly detect the cruising fleet.

"In addition to monitoring, Alpha Centauri also began preparations for war. The base on Proxima C was changed to a construction base, and the 'Qinhuang-class' warship was produced on Proxima C."

"In addition to battleships, weapons are also produced directly here. Since the opponent's goal is here, let them see our current strength."

"All star ports in the solar system should not be idle. As long as the rings still have energy, the work of transition will not stop."

Although the three-party alliance between the Solar System and the Proxima b civilization at this time is still unable to compare with the cruising fleet in terms of size, if it only faces Ferma's main fleet, Luo Xiu feels that it is still capable of fighting.

After all, after the battle of destroying the warlord ship, Ferma's main fleet was left with only more than 10,000 warships, and more importantly, there was no blessing of civilized ships. In other words, the only ships the opponent can fight are the more than 10,000 when they left.

"Let's get started."


After Luo Xiu gave the order, the three participants from the solar system and the three from the Proxima b civilization stood up and walked towards the conference room.

For these people, their tasks are still very urgent. It didn't take long for the main fleet to leave Alpha Centauri. If the opponent directly accelerated its voyage, it would only take ten or twenty years.

"It seems that there is no difference between this universe and our Blue Star."

Cao Guolin, who walked out of the conference room, looked up at the starry sky outside the battleship and said to Gou Wen and Xue He.

"Of course, as long as there is civilization, the war will not stop." Xue He, who has joined the starship humans and obtained more information, of course knows more about the situation of the two spiral arms. What the Cygnus civilization has done is better than Lan What happened inside the star was even worse.

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