I was exposed for mining on Mars

Chapter 191 Sculpting particles, particle robots

After a simple analysis, the unknown battleship seemed to have found where the wreckage that suddenly appeared came from.

If the other party's intelligence is correct, the wreckage is likely to come from another arm of this star field, that is, the Orion Arm.

When they analyzed the wreckage, they obtained information about the cruising fleet and the Cygnus civilization. It was also from this information that the unknown battleship determined that there was a joint civilization and omnic life in the Cygnus spiral arm.

Regarding the rules of the large spiral arm, they basically will not pay attention to the civilization of each arm and the small spiral arm. However, the Cygnus civilization, an omnic civilization that coerces intelligent civilization, still allows unknown warships to use special jump equipment to jump into the Cygnus spiral arm at a fixed point.

Since this unknown warship itself does not have the ability to make long-distance jumps, after arriving at the Cygnus Spiral Arm, it continued to use the stargate built by the cruising fleet to make jumps, instead of consuming its own energy to make short-distance jumps to the cruising fleet base camp. of.

In fact, in most operations, after clearing out the omnic lifeforms that have hijacked intelligent civilization, the unknown warships will return to the Great Spiral Arm and continue to explore other star fields in the galaxy.

But now the special situation in the Orion Arm forces the unknown warship to set its sights on the star system far away in the Orion Arm.

‘United Civilizations? ’

‘Three civilizations? ’

Please take care of the unknown battleship given from No. 1. Both the Cruising Fleet and the Cygnus Civilization divided the civilizations in the solar system into two.

One is the Blue Star Civilization that the cruising fleet has been observing, and the other is the starship human race that suddenly appeared, annihilated the advance fleet, and defeated the main fleet.

Of course, No. 1 only classified these two. Blue Star Civilization and Starship Humanity had other code names here.

The third marked civilization is, of course, the Proxima b civilization that was missed by the cruising fleet base camp during the exploration phase not long after its appearance.

‘The density of civilization poses no threat. ’

‘The intensity of civilization needs to be verified. ’

Although the unknown battleship has received a full set of information from No. 1, the unknown battleship feels that the true technological strength of Luo Xiuna's cruising fleet still needs to be verified.

In his mind, such a powerful civilization should not suddenly appear in one arm. And even if it appears, how can it stay in one place and not expand outward at all? Then what is the purpose of the other party coming to this star field?

‘The target galaxy will be used to detect the civilization. ’

Although the unknown battleship has some doubts about the power of the starship humans, since he has obtained such important information, of course he will not simply return to the Great Spiral Arm, but is preparing to go to the Orion Arm to learn about the mysterious and powerful 'Civilization for an up-close exploration.

‘Target locked, establish long-distance jump equipment. ’

At this time, the unknown warship has targeted the solar system in the Orion Arm. The first thing to do is to build a new long-distance jump device in the Cygnus Arm, which is similar to the jump rings that Luo Xiu is manufacturing and using in large quantities. equipment.

However, the base camp of the cruising fleet has been directly destroyed at this time. It is definitely not feasible to directly build jump equipment at the base camp of the cruising fleet.

"You will be banned. After I return to the Great Spiral Arm, you will face the trial of the alliance."

In order to build the equipment for its own jump faster, the unknown battleship does not plan to communicate too much with No. 1. The information he wanted was now fully known, and the value of No. 1's existence had of course plummeted.

"Your Excellency, I have another piece of information. I am not the only one with the Cygnus omnic. There is also"

Before No. 1 could send out the urgently written information, the unknown battleship had already directly compressed his data core. After compression, the No. 1 data core turned into a blue cube, and all its signals could no longer be transmitted. In contact with the outside world, one can only enter eternal silence like Dasara, the mechanical ascendant who was resurrected by Luo Xiu.

How long this period of silence will last depends on how long the exploration process of the unknown warship in the Orion Arm continues.

The signal sent by No. 1 when it was about to be banned, which was the information that directly exposed the Cygnus civilization itself, had actually been grasped by the unknown warship.

However, the unknown battleship didn't care much about an escaped omnic.

As long as the opponent is just a single omnic life form, it will not pose any threat to the large spiral arm. Omnic life alone will not make technological progress, nor will there be any technological explosion that only intelligent creatures can have.

From the moment it left the cruising fleet, the escaped omnic only had a core left and no longer had the possibility of progress.

And if the other party wants to reorganize a cruising fleet and treat more than twenty civilizations as vassals, they don't know how many years it will take to achieve it.

In such a small star field, even if the Cygnus Arm and the Orion Arm are counted together, the probability of the birth of civilization is very low.

This is also the reason why the Cygnus civilization has been busy for countless thousands of years and has only gathered more than 20 civilizations that can provide interstellar technology.

The formation of intelligent life is not easy, and growing into an interstellar civilization is even more difficult. From this we can also see how difficult it is for the Cygnus civilization to establish a cruising fleet and gather so many intelligent life forms.

However, this feat has been wiped out by the explosion of an anti-matter weapon from an unknown warship.

‘This arm is no longer a threat. ’

‘A jump device will be established in a nearby star system. ’

After a short analysis, the unknown warship directly set the location to build the jump equipment in the star system closest to the cruise fleet's base camp.

The unknown battleship already had jump equipment in its body, but it had just borrowed the stargate to make the jump in order to save high-purity energy.

Precisely because it has the ability to make its own jump, after locking the construction site, the unknown battleship did not make any stops and directly activated the jump equipment in the ship to go to the star system where the construction point of the jump equipment has been located. .

At the same time, the cruising fleet ships that were escaping from the base camp that had exploded and nearly collapsed were also observing the situation in the base camp.

"The battleship has left."

"Then what do we do?"

"None of the ascended ones survived, and our damage reached about 80%. Now, what should we do?"

The ships that were escaping outward also began to communicate with each other after getting rid of the radiation zone produced by the stellar explosion.

However, now that the Ascended Council has been completely eliminated, the Cygnus Civilization has no contact with ordinary members like them. Even if they want to ask for instructions from the Cygnus Civilization, there is no way to do so.

With these reasons in mind, a civilization that was not ranked too high, but was the youngest and had the last cruising fleet so far, directly suggested: "Let's return to our respective home stars."

“Let us be us and bring civilization back to civilization.”

As the last one to join the cruising fleet, this civilization was extremely lucky. They did not become one of the members destroyed by the unknown warship, but instead had the opportunity to break away from the cruising fleet.

"Let civilization return to civilization"

There are only five civilizations that survived this time, except for the civilization that finally joined the cruising fleet base camp. Kasakuk and Dalal, two civilizations that once conducted conquests in the solar system, are also among these five civilizations.

The reason why they were able to survive was because their numbers were too large, which gave them some small advantages when they fled.

The Kasakuk civilization was the first intelligent civilization to join the cruising fleet and become the Cygnus civilization. And they are different from other civilizations. Because they have been joining for so long, their level in the cruising fleet is also quite high.

If in the past, a civilization instigated the Kasakuk civilization to flee, it would definitely be directly hit by the Kasakuk warship. But now, the cruising fleet base camp has been wiped out, and the Cygnus civilization cannot be contacted. For the first time, members of the Kasakuk civilization have the idea of ​​​​leaving the base camp.

“Indeed, it’s time for civilization to return to civilization.”

"The era of being a vassal is over."

At this point, after the five major civilizations gathered in the starry sky for a short time, they went their separate ways and sailed into the vast deep space from five directions.

However, unlike the other four civilizations that want to return to their home star, the sailing direction of the Kasakuk civilization is not the direction of its home star, but the place where it had previously disturbed the bloody storm and defeated the main fleet - the Orion branch. arm.

The reason why the few remaining members of the Kasakuk civilization set their sights on the Orion Arm is mainly because the Orion Arm has another important arm of theirs, which is Fermar, which has more than 10,000 battleships. fleet.

In the past, ten thousand ships were nothing to the base camp of the cruising fleet. But now, the Kasakuk civilization, which has no more than a thousand ships, may have their only hope of rising in the Orion Arm and the main fleet of Fermana.

At this time, in the Orion Arm, which was attracting the attention of the world and being collectively targeted by unknown warships and the remaining members of the Kasakuk civilization, Luo Xiu did not know about the extremely important events that occurred in the Cygnus Arm.

In fact, even if he learned that the cruising fleet base camp had been destroyed and the entire cruising fleet had fallen apart, Luo Xiu might not take it seriously.

After all, the cruising fleet has always been the overlord of two arms, controlling the future of many civilizations. How could such a civilization that was running freely within the Cygnus Arm and the Orion Arm be destroyed so easily.

Because of this idea, when the main fleet left, Luo Xiu thought that the opponent might return to the base camp to wait for the next attack on him.

Perhaps next time, a larger and more elite fleet will arrive.

At this time, nine years had passed since the day when Luo Xiu sent more troops to Alpha Centauri to deter Ferma from the main fleet.

In nine years, with the joint research of Blue Star Civilization, Starship Humanity and Proxima b Civilization, the microscopic particle carving technology has achieved remarkable results.

Half a year ago, a particle robot manufactured using microscopic particle engraving technology was launched, and it has very good results in interfering with scientific research equipment and screening signals.

Even when necessary, it can expand itself infinitely and directly wrap a planet.

The planet wrapped in the test was Neptune, which was designated as the venue for the joint meeting.

Neptune, wrapped by the particle robot, seemed to have put on new clothes, and the barren and dark land became full of vitality in an instant. I saw that the entire Neptune, under the influence of particle robots, was already green and full of tall buildings.

Of course, these are just a cover-up for the particle robot, a function that is almost the same as a planetary shield.

Yes, this is just a film after the particles have been expanded to the limit, and those pictures are just virtual images presented on the film.

It basically has no offensive properties and cannot defend against any attacks. It is just a simple shielding device.

Compared with the development of particles, the continued enhancement of strongly interacting materials is even more difficult. Although the first generation of strong interaction materials had been built when Fermat was mining energy, its essence did not reach the theoretical strength.

It will take a long time of testing and research and development to achieve its true theoretical strength.

However, Ferma's main fleet had already left at this time, and Luo Xiu felt that he had plenty of time.

Whether it is space weapons, anti-matter weapons, or strong interaction materials, they can now be developed in an orderly manner. Even the basic equipment and technology needed by Blue Star civilization can be developed by some departments from the Blue Star Research Base.

For Blue Star Civilization and Proxima b Civilization, if there was not a starship human to control them, it would be considered the best era.

"Your Excellency, Commander, the ships from Alpha Centauri have entered the Oort cloud and will reach Neptune in one year."

On Blue Star, in the former Gallic Kingdom, Luo Xiu stood on a modified iron tower with a height of 1,000 meters, listening to the report of the lunar research base control system.

"It's only been a year."

For Luo Xiu, these nine years have passed very quickly. He spent the first few years in a dormant chamber and had no sense of time at all.

And he only woke up more than half a year ago, in order to witness the successful construction of the new jump ring and watch the particle robot demonstrate its abilities.

There is no doubt that these two technologies have been developed very successfully. What Luo Xiu wants more is a weapon that can solve fundamental problems and play a decisive role on the battlefield.

For example, space weapons, or ships made of perfect strong interaction materials.

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