Chapter 182 [Destruction and Hope]

Fermat and his assistants did not know the information that the Cygnus civilization was an omnic civilization, nor did they know that the person currently controlling the cruising fleet was not the Cygnus civilization itself, but the backup omnic 'No. 1' located within the cruising fleet.

Precisely because of the intelligence gap, except for the Speaker of the Ascended Council, most people guessed that the destruction of the Star Gate might be related to the Cygnus Civilization, but they could not guess what the Cygnus Civilization did. For what.

Now only Demigod, the speaker of the Ascended Council, who has faced Number One, knows that as a long-term backup omnic, Number One will be separated from the Cygnus civilization.

But whether this cutting will be successful is not something Demigod can consider.

At that time, regardless of whether No. 1 succeeds in usurping the throne, he will become the real behind-the-scenes controller of the cruising fleet. Or the Cygnus Civilization came back and eliminated the traitor No. 1 in one fell swoop. He, the Speaker of the Ascended Council, could only watch.

As a member of a subordinate civilization, even though he has become a semi-intelligent life form, Demigod is only a second-class citizen.

However, the premise of all this must be placed on the unknown civilization that is destroying the star gate and heading straight for the base camp.

If this unknown civilization directly destroys the cruising fleet, then of course the two previous options will have no meaning.

"At this rate, our latest batch of civilized ships won't even have a chance to be built."

In the virtual world of the cruising fleet, Demigod met with No. 1 again, and had begun to discuss the situation of resisting the high-speed approach of the unknown civilization through the star gate.

"I have tried to cut off the link between the star gates before and destroy the middle star gate, but the other party still jumped directly to the next star gate."

"The other party seems not to be limited by the star gate jump distance at all, and can jump across the star gate."

The transformed image of Kasakuk No. 1 has his back to Demigod, and in front of him are the coordinates of the star gate within the entire Cygnus spiral arm.

Judging from this coordinate, the star gate destroyed by the unknown civilization appears in red, and the star gate destroyed by No. 1 itself appears in blue star. At this time, the red star gate had already opened a hole among the many blue and green star gates, and was quickly heading towards the base camp.

"Then why didn't they jump directly to the base camp?" Demigod was a little confused about No. 1's speculation. If the opponent can really ignore the jump distance of the star gate, wouldn't it be better to go directly to the base camp?

In fact, Omnic Life No. 1 has also thought about this question, but his processor did not give a correct answer. "Don't worry about how the other party makes the jump. The most important thing for us now is how to hold the base camp."

Number One is different from the main controller of Cygnus Civilization. All his equipment is in the base camp. If the base camp is destroyed, his main body will also be destroyed.

At that time, although No. 1 can still escape to other star gates by relying on the advantage of data, at that time, both its computing power and control will be greatly reduced.

The possibility of surpassing the main controller in one fell swoop and gaining control of the cruising fleet would instantly evaporate.

In order to allow the cruising fleet to have sufficient resistance capabilities, No. 1 even directly opened the technology library that had not been interoperable before, and devolved all technological data to all civilizations in the cruising fleet.

Of course, the Kasakuk civilization before Demigord became a mechanical ascensioner also obtained various technologies that he had never seen before.

"Has any new technology been developed in the past few days?" Seeing more and more star gates marked in red, even Omnic Life No. 1 began to worry.

"The time is too short, and we cannot develop new equipment yet." Demigod shook his head and replied.

At this time, it was less than three Blue Star Moons since No. 1 opened the technology database and opened the technology data to all civilizations.

In such a short period of time, even the Kasakuk civilization, which ranks first among the affiliated civilizations, has simply extracted its essence, upgraded existing equipment, or directly developed new weapons and equipment.

"We should have opened all the technological data a long time ago. Time is too tight now." Demigod was not optimistic about the current situation. When the other party arrived at the base camp of the cruising fleet, the base camp could only use the existing technological equipment to deal with the unknown civilization.

As for Demigod's complaint, No. 1 did not have any reply.

As an omnic life form, whether it is No. 1 or the original master controller of the Cygnus civilization, they all know that the greatest advantage of organic intelligent life for them lies in the advancement of technology.

If an organic intelligent creature has the same technology as the Cygnus civilization, then only the omnic will fail, not the organic intelligent creature.

Because in the logic of omnics, they only have 1 and 0, and they can only operate according to the established logic.

Although the battle can be accurately calculated, the advantages of the equipment can be maximized. But when organic intelligent creatures improve their weapons and equipment, the omnic life forms that are still unable to make progress will usher in their own decline.

It is precisely because the Cygnus civilization knew that this situation would happen sooner or later, so when the omnic civilization of the Cygnus civilization awakened, it directly accepted the Kasakuk civilization as a vassal.

After the fall of the Kasakuk civilization, the civilizations in the Cygnus Spiral Arm and the Orion Spiral Arm were also conquered one by one, becoming the nourishment for the technology of the Cygnus civilization.

This path of the Cygnus civilization was successful. When they implemented this rule, the entire civilization within the Cygnus spiral arm fell one by one and became a member of the cruising fleet.

Of course, there were many rebels, but in the face of the extremely ferocious cruising fleet with an overwhelming number of ships, the civilization, which was already inferior in technology, was quickly defeated.

After taking control of the entire civilization within the Cygnus Spiral Arm, the Orion Spiral Arm, which is closest to the Cygnus Spiral Arm, has of course become the target of Cygnus, the omnic civilization.

Just like the process of conquering the Cygnus spiral arm, it already has a first-mover advantage. The Cygnus civilization, which is extremely technologically powerful, is of course invincible in the Orion spiral arm.

It is precisely because of its power that it gradually expanded its sphere of influence to the location of the solar system and included the Blue Star civilization into the cruising fleet.

But this time, the Cygnus civilization encountered an accident. The addition of Luo Xiu directly broke the tradition of the cruising fleet being invincible. For the first time in the solar system, the cruising fleet failed.

"What about the anti-matter weapons found in the Orion spiral arm? Can we start from this aspect?" No. 1 also turned around at this time and looked at Demigod and asked.

The previous failures of the Cygnus civilization in the solar star were basically related to antimatter annihilation bombs, so of course No. 1 is very interested in this weapon.

According to his analysis, if the civilized ship can add an anti-matter weapon or a space energy weapon, it will be a great improvement to the combat power of the civilized ship.

"We only have some data when antimatter energy explodes, but it is still difficult to make it into a weapon."

Demigod was also very helpless about this matter. Although their previous development of antimatter annihilation bombs was also in progress.

However, due to the long-term victory, the development of weapons is not the first priority for the entire cruising fleet. Among the many civilizations cruising the fleet, how to improve the efficiency of the jump and how to increase the comfort of the ship is the technology that these civilizations value most. .

"It seems that this is the only way to use it." After hearing Demigod's reply, No. 1 was not angry at all. Instead, he directly raised his hand and placed a model of a certain technology between the two of them.

Demigod's eyes widened when he saw the model, "Folding?"

Although the Kasakuk civilization was not directly involved in the 'folding' of space weapons, as the speaker of the Ascended Parliament, Demigod was certainly aware of the existence of this weapon.

In addition to knowing its existence, Demigod also knew that this weapon was extremely unstable. No one knows when this weapon will explode automatically after it is created.

There were ‘folding’ weapons in the advance fleet that went to the solar system before. The purpose of it being brought to the solar system is to conduct space weapons tests there. In Luo Xiu's original world, Mars in the solar system was destroyed during the 'folding' experiment.

Of course, in addition to the solar system, there are test sites for 'folding' weapons in other places, but other test sites have also been destroyed by Luo Xiu's previous 'positioning'.

After the destruction of their own test site by Luo Xiu's prophecy, how to stabilize the 'folded' weapon has become the most important research topic for the entire cruising fleet.

However, the possibility of an epoch-making technology being developed in a short period of time is still very low.

Without the explosion of science and technology, there would have been absolutely no progress in the development of 'folding' weapons unless it took 180 years.

"Folding is extremely unstable. If you use it, the base camp will be put in a dangerous situation." Demigod immediately rejected No. 1's idea of ​​using a 'folding' weapon, "Folding weapons must not be entered in a hurry. Base camp.”

Hearing Demigod's rejection, No. 1 smiled slightly, took a step forward and said, "I'm not here to ask for your consent."

"Now that the base camp is under my full control, there is no need to activate the Ascended Council for the time being."

When Demigod heard this, he immediately became anxious, "What?!"

"Don't be surprised, even in the past, didn't you have no effect?" No. 1 still walked towards Demigold unhurriedly at this time, saying as he walked, "I just directly convey the identity of your mascot. Just say it."

"Just do what I said. Now all the cruising fleets are under my control. After the unknown civilization is defeated, the Ascended Council will be re-established. The only thing you have to do now is to develop antimatter annihilation energy weapons, and Optimization of space weapon 'folding'."

After saying that, No. 1 disappeared into the virtual space without waiting for Demigold to reply, leaving Demigold standing there blankly.

Demigod, who appeared in the virtual world in his original Kasakuk image, smiled helplessly. These subordinate civilizations were nothing more than vassals. Even if they became mechanical ascenders, so what?

'But we still have a chance. ’

Although the major civilizations cruising in the fleet have lost the Ascended Council that can speak for themselves, Demigod is not depressed at all.

Because at this time, his Kasakuk civilization still had a seed, which was Fermat, who was far away in the spiral arm of Orion, confronting the civilization in the solar system in Alpha Centauri, and the other party's 20,000 ships.

Among these ships, there are also many members of the Kasaku civilization. If the cruising fleet is destroyed when fighting an unknown civilization, then this fleet is their only hope.

Thinking of this, Demigod raised his right hand, and a data stream flowed out of his palm, from a quantum communication generator built by the Cygnus civilization, and went straight to Ferma's ship.


As soon as the signal was sent from Demigod's ship, the warning sound sounded loudly in the virtual space where he was located, and Number 1, which had just disappeared, also appeared again, but this time, the face of the omnic was not good-looking.

"What are you doing!"

"You violated the cruising fleet regulations. Where did you get the material from?!"

It can be seen from the words of No. 1 that he has learned about Demigod's behavior. When the signal was just sent out, the energy change of Demigod's ship was detected, and directly alarmed the people who are now under control. Number one who took over the entire cruising fleet.

"I will deprive you of your identity as the Speaker of the Ascended Parliament, and the Kasakuk civilization will be downgraded."

"The main fleet must attack the opponent now!"

Facing the angry No. 1, Demigod smiled and said: "Sorry, the Ascended Council no longer exists. Moreover, I am afraid that the main fleet cannot be contacted now."

One hundred and ten light years away from the cruise fleet base camp, a ship with a length of only two kilometers from the Great Spiral Arm was passing through a star gate and instantly destroyed all living things and machinery around the star gate.

‘110 light years away from where civilization gathers. ’

‘The civilization density threshold is too large, and the civilization is expected to be above 20. ’

‘The plan has changed to destroy the omnic civilization and destroy 70% of the organic civilization. ’

‘The civilization established a channel with the Orion spiral arm. ’

‘Add targets, search the Orion Arm, destroy the tunnel. ’

After making a quick judgment, the ship directly entered the star gate again, activated the star gate through its own energy, and jumped to the next location.

As for this star gate, because the energy released by the ship was too huge, it collapsed on its own just after the jump was completed, and it no longer had the ability to make the jump.

At the same time, in the base camp of the cruising fleet, the coordinates of another star gate turned red, which meant that the star gate they controlled had fallen again, and the range of activities of the cruising fleet was once again compressed.

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