I was exposed for mining on Mars

Chapter 178 Proxima b civilization, a technological explosion

If it develops according to the normal trajectory, the Blue Star civilization that has not joined the cruising fleet should be weaker than the Proxima b civilization at this time.

The Proxima Centauri b civilization, which had not been discovered by the cruising fleet, was now able to develop its own star system with its own technology.

If it were not for the influence of the weird triple star system, the Proxima Centauri b civilization might have gone a step further and left its own star system in advance to conduct interstellar navigation.

But if that time really comes, even if the cruising fleet does not discover him at first, his position will definitely be exposed when he begins his interstellar voyage.

In such a universe, exposing one's position means danger is coming.

The cruising fleet is like a nightmare above the two spiral arms, watching the civilization in the spiral arms all the time. Once it finds that the civilization is ready to be harvested, the butcher's knife will fall, and an independent civilization will become its vassal.

The cruising fleet itself is nothing more than a vassal.

Of course, the current Proxima b civilization does not know this. They do not know the situation outside Alpha Centauri, nor do they know where the two civilizations at war in their own star system come from.

At this time, they could only analyze the situation from what they saw, and the cruising fleet with tens of thousands of warships was obviously more powerful.

After all, the other civilization only had four warships in total. Although the other civilization had jump technology, it couldn't jump out tens of thousands of warships in an instant, right?

Judging from the fact that the opponent only jumps one ship at a time, the energy consumption of this kind of jump technology is definitely not small.

It is precisely because of this idea that Proxima b civilization directly chose to establish contact with Ferma, who was cruising in the fleet.

But Fermat did not pay attention to the attentive Proxima b civilization. He was anxiously waiting for instructions from the base camp and would not have any communication with a primitive civilization.

In the view of this Kasa Cook mechanical ascensioner, as long as he can defeat the civilization in the solar system, isn't this civilization that is only four light years away from the solar system within his reach?

"The other party didn't reply to us."

In the parliament in Proxima b, after waiting for a long time, the intelligent creatures on this planet also learned that the cruising fleet refused to communicate.

"It seems that the first plan failed, we can only"

The Proxima b Council was not too depressed about the failure of the first plan. They had already made several plans before this. When one plan failed, of course they had to implement the second plan.

But before the Speaker of the Parliament could say what the second plan was, two familiar warships suddenly jumped over near Proxima C, where the Proxima b civilization had begun to develop, and soon stayed on in the outer orbit of Proxima Centauri c.

"It's another civilization! They're starting to jump over."

The members of the Proxima b civilization who saw this scene also began to become nervous at this time.

"Has our signal been detected?" The speaker of the Proxima b Civilization Council looked at the two stationary human starships on the screen, frowning and said softly.

"It is very possible that their technology is more powerful than ours. Although we have encrypted the signal, judging from the current performance of the other party, it is very likely that they can crack our communication signal."

It can be seen from the introduction of this member of the Proxima b civilization that the communication signals currently used by the Proxima b civilization are not quantum communications, but conventional electromagnetic signals.

This kind of signal is enough for the Proxima Centauri b civilization, because they can only move within the star system and do not need any advanced communication technology.

However, such simple communication technology also has a consequence, that is, it is easy to be directly cracked by more advanced civilizations.

Previously, for Proxima b civilization, a powerful civilization did not exist at all. Apart from observing changes within the solar system, they cannot observe the existence of other civilizations at all.

Judging from observations in the solar system, the Proxima Centauri b civilization seems to be a more powerful presence in space.

It was precisely because of that observation that the Proxima b civilization felt that it still had a place in the universe.

There are even times when Proxima b is definitely able to directly occupy the solar system and go to a star system that is gentler and more conducive to its own survival.

However, this idea disappeared directly from the mind of Proxima b civilization after the outbreak of the first war in the solar system.

Because the two families were too close, Luo Xiu also observed the destruction of the advance fleet of the fleet using Xia Qi-class battleships.

When the antimatter annihilation energy exploded, Luo Xiu's shield failed to block all the light and energy, and powerful gravitational fluctuations were transmitted from the solar system to the Alpha Centauri star only four light-years away.

This discovery of gravitational waves caused the Proxima Centauri b civilization to cut off external signal exploration. Because at this time, they have realized that they are not the only existence in the universe, nor are they able to turn their hands into clouds and rain in the starry sky.

The extremely powerful gravitational fluctuations let this civilization that had just left its home star know that it was not alone in the starry sky, and they were not an existence that could expand outward at will.

It was also from that time that the Proxima b civilization suddenly began a technological explosion.

They were originally unable to land on Proxima Centauri C, but they developed a new space vehicle in just four years. After three years of construction and three years of flight, members of the Proxima Centauri b civilization successfully landed on Proxima Centauri c and developed the planet.

In addition to strengthening and developing battleships, Proxima b also has a different talent for materials science.

The 'Strong Interaction Force' material is currently undergoing intense testing. If it were not for the arrival of the Cruising Fleet and Luo Xiu, the Proxima b civilization might be able to master this extremely practical material in the near future.

In addition to 'strong interaction' materials, such as the development of microscopic particles and the improvement of thrusters, the Proxima Centauri b civilization is ongoing.

The explosion of science and technology allowed the Proxima Centauri b civilization to easily cross the gap that had not been crossed for hundreds of years. It also allowed them to regain their confidence and believed that they could compete with the civilizations in the solar system.

But just when this confidence was half gained, the Cruising Fleet and Luo Xiu moved the battlefield from the solar system to Alpha Centauri.

The Proxima Centauri b civilization, which has been in the triple star system for a long time, has endured this feeling of being choked by fate many, many times.

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