I was exposed for mining on Mars

Chapter 171 Reconciliation Agreement

‘Target locked, 029 arm, 030 arm. ’

‘Civilization analysis results show that omnics and organisms coexist within the two arms. ’

‘The internal analysis of the ship shows that there are a large number of civilizations within the two arms. ’

‘The density of interstellar civilization has reached a threshold, and it is requested to clean up the regional civilization. ’


'Authorized. ’

Far away in Perseus, the outer spiral arm of the Milky Way, unknown signals are flowing rapidly.

The transmission of this signal is different from any transmission method known to Luo Xiu. It seems to be faster and more convenient than the quantum communication held by Luo Xiu and the Cygnus civilization.

The most important thing is that Luo Xiu's quantum communication can only transmit simple data. The transmitted pictures and text need to be converted before they can be obtained. This is why Luo Xiu can only observe the changes ahead through models when transmitting long-distance signals.

But this unknown signal can directly transmit text and signals over long distances in the universe, even faster than Luo Xiu.

‘Prepare to enter the star field. ’

‘Apply for permission to use the Zhengzheng Agreement for this star field. ’

‘The application is dismissed. ’

‘Application for limited crackdown. ’

'pass. ’

Although there are undercurrents surging in the starry sky, every bright light in the universe may be a spying eye.

And all this is because the distance is too far. Luo Xiu, Cao Guolin and others in the Orion cantilever have no idea of ​​the changes outside.

In the solar system at this time, due to the failure of the first wormhole jump test, Xue He was conducting an emergency investigation of the ring.

However, judging from the three consecutive days of non-stop work, there is no problem with the ring itself.

Since there is no problem with the ring itself, and the antimatter annihilation bombs are launched at a fixed rate, the only problem should be the space debris at the center of the circle.

But no matter whether it is Luo Xiu or Cao Guolin, they cannot cut every piece of space debris. The most they can do is to use energy to push it. However, although Xue He could not directly change the size of the space debris, he could fine-tune the energy of the antimatter annihilation bomb and the ring.

Judging from the previous jump data, the space energy is slightly 7% more than the predetermined value. If we continue to increase the energy of the antimatter annihilation bomb, there should be no problems.

To Luo Xiu, ten days basically passed by in a blink of an eye.

Compared to the days of confrontation with the cruising fleet and the Cygnus civilization, ten days were simply nothing.

"The second wormhole jump test is ready."

"Target Kuiper Belt Test Site."

"The experiment begins."

The second test was completely left to Luo Xiu's command by Xue He. Luo Xiu still valued the first human comrade on the starship after the new world.

After all, in terms of the attribute of scientific research, the other party is indeed much better than me.

It is extremely normal for an organism to have individual differences. If the attributes of each individual are almost the same, it will be no different from omnic life forms.

Although Luo Xiu has never seen a real omnic life, the Mars mastermind he imprisoned, as well as the member of Kasakuk, the semi-intelligent Dasara, the two closest omnic life forms, Therefore, Luo Xiu still knew a little about the four words "intelligent life".

‘It’s time to take a look at the mechanical ascender cruising the fleet again. I wonder if she has thought more clearly over the years? ’

While Luo Xiu watched the battleship on the big screen rushing towards the center of the ring, he was also thinking about the mechanical ascender of Kasa Cook in the Kuiper Belt star port.

"Contact successful."

Just as Luo Xiu was thinking, Xue He's voice rang from the side.

At this time, on the large screen of the console, a huge warship was seen leaping in from the center of the ring, and in a very short period of time, the entire ship had entered the center of the ring.

Soon, just as the battleship disappeared, the ship responsible for testing at the Kuiper Belt Test Site directly transmitted back the on-site data.

With the latest data, the lunar research base also immediately replaced the latest model and compiled the latest pictures of the Kuiper Belt test site.

"It's done!"

When Xue He saw the intact Zhouwen-class battleship in the model, he suddenly smiled and said, "The test was successful!"

Following Xue He's shout, the hearts of the entire research room, including Cao Guolin's, were surging.

For these scientific researchers, they have been conducting various studies since entering the lunar research base. Although they have made a lot of contributions to the improvement of the ship and the design of the shell of the anti-matter annihilation bomb, these are just modifications of the original equipment.

No matter how the equipment is modified, it is still an expansion of other people's achievements.

The ambition of any researcher is not to be just an optimizer, but to become a creator or pioneer.

Now, the successful test of the ring marks that Blue Star humans have achieved the same level of strength as starship humans in high-end technological research.

"Continue the test. The second and third ships will be launched at the same time. We must keep up our efforts!"

Although the first test was successful, Xue He had no intention of neglecting after being so excited.

A successful test can only mean that everyone's ideas and routes are correct, but only after many successful tests can the jump wormhole in the solar system obtain a series of usage data.

In the following experiments, Xue He will continue to change the energy output in order to obtain a complete wormhole transition database.

After possessing a huge wormhole jump database, Xue He dared to hand over to Luo Xiu a wormhole jump device that could be used routinely and could jump outside the solar system.

"Contact successful!"

"Two ships successfully arrived at the Kuiper Belt Test Site."

With the success of the first experiment, the subsequent two impulse jumps were relatively simple.

Xue He compared the successful data of the first test and kept the energy output constant in a range. As long as the energy output range did not change, there would be no difference in the destination of the ship's jump.

"Your Excellency, Commander, are we going to make some more long-distance jumps?"

"We have previously sent several observation ships to Alpha Centauri. According to the state of super-accelerated sailing, they should arrive at Alpha Centauri in two months."

"If we directly perform a fixed-point jump on the triple star system now, we will be able to get news about the success of the experiment in two months."

The Alpha Centauri star that Xue He mentioned was exactly the star system that the cruising fleet fled to after the star gate was destroyed.

Ferma, the commander of the main fleet, thought that although it was dangerous in the star system closest to the solar system, there was a high probability that he could avoid detection by the other party.

After all, the trajectory of this triple star system is very chaotic, and it is basically of no value. Even a cruising fleet with powerful star system transformation capabilities would have no interest in this area.

Perhaps it was for this reason that Fermat chose the Alpha Centauri star, which has a triple star system.

But the result is likely to disappoint the mechanical ascendant of the main fleet. He is now afraid of exposing the fleet's whereabouts, so he does not dare to super-accelerate the voyage. The entire fleet has not yet reached Alpha Centauri.

However, this mechanical ascendant of the Kasakuk civilization, whose escape route has been cut off, will arrive at Alpha Centauri within these two months.

As long as you reach Alpha Centauri, you can start building a stargate for the jump, so that you can quickly return to the Cygnus spiral arm through the stargate channel reserved by the cruising fleet.

But what Fermat didn't know yet was that the terrifying "civilization in the solar system" would soon come to this place again.

And this time, if Luo Xiu agrees to Xue Hena's request for testing, the ships of the 'civilization within the solar system' will suddenly appear in front of the main fleet again.

"Alpha Centauri?" In the lunar research base at this time, Luo Xiu obviously seemed a little uncomfortable after hearing the name of the star system closest to the solar system, "Is it the star system composed of three stars? "

Under Luo Xiu's question, Xue He also quickly replied: "Yes, Commander, this is what I call Alpha Centauri."

At the same time as they answered, the model in front of everyone also changed. It no longer looked like the Kuiper Belt test site, but the triple star system 4 light years away from the solar system - Alpha Centauri.

"Hey, this place feels a bit familiar." Luo Xiu was obviously confused after seeing this area. He seemed to have seen this star map somewhere, "It seems to be in some text."

Because the time span was too long, Luo Xiu's human body data chip when he was a human in the starship was no longer usable, so he could not recall what he was looking at at the time.

But for Luo Xiu, these are all trivial matters. The most important thing now is to continue the jump test of the ring. After all, compared to the jump within the star system, the interstellar jump within a few light years is more important to Luo Xiu.

Only by breaking through the constraints of the star system can Luo Xiu's starship humans truly move into deep space.

If it only sails and jumps within the solar system, no matter how it develops, it will be nothing more than a target in space. Regardless of whether it is a cruising fleet or any other civilization, as long as the coordinates of the solar system are located, it is only a matter of time before it strikes.

"Just make a jump to this star system. If the jump is successful, then we can also conduct long-distance interstellar navigation."

Luo Xiu looked at the model of Alpha Centauri and nodded in agreement.

"Okay, Commander."

After Luo Xiu nodded in agreement, Xue He quickly returned to the console, preparing to change the energy output data of the ring so that it would have the energy to make long-distance jumps.

"Ring transmission energy ready."

"Antimatter annihilation bombs are ready."

After the latest information was reported at each station, Xue Hecai, who was in the command position, gave an order and said to everyone in the research room: "The test has begun, and the first long-distance jump test will be conducted."

"The battleship is ready."

"Long jump underway."

The report of the researcher in front of the console is very simple, but for the entire human race, this is indeed an extremely important technology.

The significance of this technology is no less than that of antimatter annihilation bombs to the migration faction and starship humans. If this test is successful, it means that human civilization in the entire solar system has the opportunity to make an overall jump.

This is very important for a civilization. Even if they are as powerful as the Cruising Fleet, they are unable to transport all ships out of the Cruising Fleet base camp in a short time due to the transmission limitations of the Stargate.

But the ring does not have this shortcoming. As long as the nuclear fusion reactor inside the ring still has energy, Luo Xiu will have no problem jumping as many ships as he wants.

"The jump is over and there are no problems with the data."

"Whether it is successful or not depends on the report of the test ship that arrives at Alpha Centauri in one month." The two heads of the research base, Cao Guolin and Xue He, stared at the numbers that were still beating on the big screen and discussed.

At this time, Luo Xiu had already quit the research laboratory and was preparing to move from the lunar research base to the star port in the Kuiper Belt.

Signal transmission cannot be used to communicate with the Ascended member of Kasa Cook. The other party is a mechanical Ascendant. To put it bluntly, it is just a bunch of data. If the other party is exposed to the signal, then the other party will either be directly detected and killed as a virus by the control system in the solar system, or the other party will control part of the data and then escape or attack Luo Xiu's base.

No matter which outcome it was, Luo Xiu didn't want to see it.

As an organism, Luo Xiu knew that his lifespan had a limit. And not only themselves, but also Cao Guolin, Xue He and others who have undergone genetic optimization, their lives will one day come to an end.

After all, there is a saying circulated within the cruising fleet, that is, 'flesh and blood are weak, but machines are soaring; material is weak, but spiritual energy is eternal'.

How to achieve spiritual eternity, the cruising fleet didn't know, and Luo Xiu certainly didn't know either.

Apart from the path of spiritual ascension, the only path left for Cao Guolin and others, whose body is about to weaken, is mechanical ascension.

In order to ensure the success of the mechanical ascension, Luo Xiu certainly needed to communicate with Dasara, who was already a mechanical ascension member of the cruising fleet.

As for whether the other party is willing to communicate, that is another matter.

"Go directly to the Kuiper Belt starport."

As soon as Luo Xiu entered the bridge of the Zhouwen-class battleship in lunar orbit, he told the control system the destination of his trip.

"Okay, Commander, the ship is starting."

The sound of the lunar research base rang out, and under the operation of the control system, the ship gradually left the moon's orbital platform and headed towards the Kuiper Belt star port.

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