I was exposed for mining on Mars

Chapter 163 Forward, space battleship

Dasara entered the protective core directly when the 'neutron annihilation' was turned on, so she did not know what happened in the later stages of the battle.

Precisely because Dasara did not know the situation in the later stages of the battle, when she saw the civilization ship being penetrated inexplicably, the data flow was slightly disrupted.


As the most powerful warship in the cruising fleet stationed by the Cygnus civilization, the civilization ship has always been a 'god'-like existence in the cruising fleet.

Only with the existence of civilized ships can the cruising fleet have the confidence to suppress the two spiral arms.

After all, for all organic creatures, the 'neutron killing' weapons on the civilized fleet are extremely lethal.

As long as it is swept by the neutron plume of 'neutron killing', whether it is organic life or mechanical life, it will disappear in the universe in an instant.

Of course, until now, it was the first time for Dasara to see the use of 'neutron killing'.

However, what made the cruising fleet a little embarrassed was that the first use of 'Neutron Killer' ended in failure. All the simulated situations did not occur. Instead, the civilized ship they relied on was directly penetrated by the opponent and did not play any role in the battle.

"Why is this happening?" Although Dasara was previously the supreme governor of the Kasakuk civilization, she could not calm down her excitement when encountering this situation.

After all, judging from the current battlefield situation, the cruising fleet is simply unable to fight this unknown civilization.

Now that even the civilized ships have no role, what fighting capital does the cruising fleet have? Could it be that with Kasakuk’s population of nearly 100 billion?

Obviously, even if all the members of the Kasakuk civilization are sent here, they will not be able to resist the opponent's attack.

At this moment, Luo Xu's virtual image suddenly took a step forward and approached Dasara's protective core, "There is no reason."

While Luo Xiu was talking, the picture played in the cube changed again, from the destroyed civilization ship to the star map of the Cygnus spiral arm and the Orion spiral arm.

"This is your star gate."

When Luo Xiu's voice sounded again, all the stargate coordinates of the fleets cruising within the two spiral arms also lit up at the same time, sparkling inside the cube.

Dasara has seen this scene more than once. Compared with the last time Luo Xiu directly exposed the coordinates in the spiral arm of Orion, the lighting up of all the star gates this time did not shock her too much.

At this time, Dasara just stayed there quietly and looked at Luo Xiu, wondering what the other party was going to say this time.

"And this is the base camp of the cruising fleet."

Luo Xiu's avatar raised his hand and pointed, and the base camp of the cruising fleet also appeared in the star map, and was quickly zoomed in, showing a huge star system wrapped in various ships in Dasara. In front of you.

Of course Dasara knew about the exposure of the base camp coordinates, but when the base camp coordinates were enlarged, she seemed to realize something was wrong.

The reason why Dasara had such an idea was mainly because in the enlarged base camp, the area where the Kasakuk civilization was located was being sent to the center of the screen.

Could it be

Dasara raised her head and looked at Luo Xiu with some embarrassment.

However, Luo Xiu did not look at Dasara, but continued, "The civilization you are in should be here, right?"

"!" If Dasara had not been digitized, she would definitely be breathing faster at this time, with a look of disbelief on her face.

The opponent's ability to obtain the coordinates of the star gate and base camp has greatly puzzled the Ascended Ones cruising in the fleet. After all, their signal transmission is completed through quantum communication, and the content of this signal communication is basically impossible to detect.

In other words, this kind of communication basically does not expose the content of the signal.

Even if the unknown civilization found the coordinates of the star gate and the base camp through the transmission of signals, how did the other party know the contents, or even know the identity of the members of the Kasakuk civilization?

Regarding Dasara's shock, Luo Xiu, who had been observing Dasara in the monitoring room, also smiled slightly. It seemed that his operations were effective.

As a member of the former Blue Star Civilization Migration Faction, he certainly knew the appearance of all civilized members in the cruising fleet.

From Kasakuk to Dalal, the intelligence of every civilization is common among the cruising fleets. For these civilizations, there is certainly no need to deliberately conceal these simple information.

It was precisely because of this that after Luo Xiu saw Dasara's virtual image, he immediately recognized the identity of the other party's member of the Kasakuk civilization.

If Dasara was using a mechanical body at this time, Luo Xiu would not be able to guess the opponent's identity from his appearance.

But at this time, Dasara only had one protective core. When she manifested from the inside of the protective core to the outside, she chose her former appearance, which allowed Luo Xiu to directly reveal her identity.

"Why? Why do you know so much?"

"Did the Dalal people rebel?"

At this time, Dasara had to wonder whether the previous advance fleet had directly defected to Luo Xiu's side and handed over all the information about the cruising fleet to the other party.

Perhaps this is the only way to explain that the coordinates of one's own star gate and base camp, as well as the information about one's own civilization's identity, have been directly grasped by the other party.

Luo Xiu looked at Dasara, who had revealed his anxious mood, and continued to smile: "What do you think?"

Luo Xiu's answer was ambiguous, neither affirmative nor negative. But it was this ambiguous answer that made Dasara even more worried.

"Damn Dalal people!"

After Dasara shouted, her protective core suddenly lit up with a strong white light, and the picture in Luo Xiu's monitoring room was filled with white.

‘The other party is releasing the data flow in the protection core. ’

‘The data stream is released and the other party is controlling the monitoring system. ’

‘The data flow has come to the control room. ’

When the white screen filled the screen just appeared, the voice of the backup control system also rang in Luo Xiu's ears.

Judging from the reports from the backup control system, it was obvious that the ascendant was stimulated by Luo Xiu. Believing that the cruising fleet had been betrayed by the Dalal civilization, she directly transmitted the data stream to the monitoring system, hoping to use the monitoring system to look for opportunities to escape.

But when Dasara took control of the surveillance system, she discovered that the area she was in turned out to be a local area network.

Obviously, the rebellion of the Dalal civilization that Dasara himself thought also directly exposed the characteristics of the ascended people, and allowed the other party to build an area in advance that could imprison the ascended people.

As an ascendant at this moment, there is no way to move outward at all, and can only go to another space through a data channel. And if Dasara thought correctly, the other space was probably the location of the person who just communicated with him.

However, although Dasara already knew that he had entered a trap, he had now rushed out of the protective core. Her protective core was blocked by something while the data flow was being transmitted outward.

Now even if Dasara wants to return to the protective core, there is no chance.

When this opportunity to return to the protective core was lost, the only thing Dasara could do was to go through the data channel and go to the space where the opponent was.

After making up his mind, Dasara directly moved his data flow again, drilled from the monitoring system into the data cable connecting the cube and the monitoring room, and directly entered the room where Luo Xiu was.


As soon as Dasara entered the monitoring room where Luo Xiu was, all the surveillance images in the room disappeared, and Dasara's figure appeared instead.

"Is it Dalal?"

Dasara, who could only control the monitoring system, could not pose any threat to Luo Xiu in the monitoring room. After knowing this, Dasara recovered from the exposure just now and calmly asked Luo Xiu .

"Did they betray you the information about the cruising fleet?"

Although the advance fleet intelligence previously received by the cruising fleet came from the warship, Dasara, who had already acquiesced that the Dalal civilization had rebelled, still asked Luo Xiu directly.

However, Luo Xiu had no intention of paying attention to the other party. At this time, he looked relaxed, sitting on the chair in the middle of the control room, and said softly to Dasara in the control room: "I know what use these are to you. Woolen cloth?"

"You can no longer return to the cruising fleet. Forget your identity as an ascended member of the cruising fleet. You only have one identity now, and that is the prisoner of our starship Blue Star."

After saying that, Luo Xiu was not ready to continue communicating with Dasara.

Luo Xiu had no intention of directly asking Dasara to reveal all the information about the cruising fleet. The other party was an ascendant, and this was not someone Luo Xiu could directly instigate rebellion or force a confession with just one or two words.

If you want the other party to spit out information that Luo Xiu doesn't know, of course you need to constantly put pressure on him to get what Luo Xiu wants.

Dasara's protective core has now been disconnected by the shielder and transported out of the cube. Without the protective core, Dasara is just a simple data flow.

As long as the opponent is not allowed to come out of the shielded area, the ascended person will be just a simple data flow and will not pose any threat to Luo Xiu.

But it still takes a lot of time to pry out some information from the other party.

And this time may be very long, one year, ten years, or even forty or fifty years are possible.

However, judging from the technology generation gap between the two parties, even if it takes a very long time, it is still valuable.


Luo Xiu, who ignored Dasara, turned around and walked towards the door of the control room.


When Dasara saw Luo Xiu leaving the monitoring room, the data stream moved directly from the monitoring system again, preparing to go to the door of the room in advance.

But before Dasara started to move, the jammer outside the monitoring room had already disconnected Dasara from the outside world and blocked it in a data line.

To deal with a data stream, a jammer capable of large-scale signal simulation in space is of course readily available.

After being locked by the jammer, Dasara, who originally thought that she would face endless darkness, really cut off all contact with the outside world and could only wait quietly for Luo Xiu in a small data line. Next summons.

When Luo Xiu ignored her, this section of the data line was Dasara's 'home'.

‘Your Excellency Commander, the control room and cube have been shielded, and the Ascended data flow has also been blocked. ’

When Luo Xiu walked out of the control room and came to the area where the exoskeleton armor was placed on the outer layer, the control system of the lunar research base also rang again.

‘The protective core has been removed from the cube and is being sent to the research laboratory. ’

At this time, in the Kuiper Belt base, in addition to Luo Xiu, there was also a team of Blue Star scientists specially brought to this star port.

They came here specifically for Dasara, but of course the mechanical life of the ascended person will not be easily studied, but except for the ascended person of Dasara, whether it is the protection core or the wreckage of the civilized ship, they can make Those Blue Star scientists have been studying it for a long time.

"Well, the personnel of the lunar base continue to transport to the Kuiper Belt star port. Compared with virtual images and personal contact, there is still a big gap."

Of course, Luo Xiu attached great importance to the newly captured civilized ship hull.

After all, if Luo Xiu can control this technology, even if the main fleet of the cruising fleet arrives, Luo Xiu can use 'neutron killing' to directly paralyze the opponent's ship and erase the members of the Kasakuk civilization on the ship.

‘Most members of the lunar research base have already set off and are already near the orbit of Neptune. ’

Luo Xiu's order to move the lunar research base to the Kuiper Belt had already been issued, so the members of the lunar research base had been arriving for a while and were about to leave the core area of ​​the solar system.

"Don't turn off the monitoring of the space battleship. The nearest star gate should also be observed around the clock. Don't miss any information."

‘Okay, Commander. ’

Of course, the control system directly transmitted Luo Xiu's instructions.

However, although the space battleship is moving at super acceleration at this time, it still takes a long time to reach the star gate from its current position.

As the space battleship continues to advance, it can contact the area where the opponent's star gate is located after several gravitational pulls.

And if nothing else, the space battleship can only pass by places beyond the distance between the earth and the moon, and cannot pose a direct threat to the star gate.

As for the opponent's main battleship, Luo Xiu was unable to grasp the opponent's specific movements. The space battleship could no longer move or be controlled at this time. Luo Xiu's space battleship had no effect other than deterring the opponent's main fleet.

Of course, even for deterrence, the opponent still needs to detect the space warship. Without detection, even deterrence may not work.

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