I was exposed for mining on Mars

Chapter 146 Shield Cracker

After Luo Xu's order was issued, the ships on the edge of the Oort Cloud immediately made directional broadcasts to the area where the warship was located.

The content of the broadcast was not much, it was just a simple communication signal sent to the warship.

Since the distance between the two sides was only ten kilometers, when the signal was sent, the warship immediately received the signal from inside the star system.

‘Received the other party’s signal. ’


Although it cannot send signals outward, the warship warship still has the authority to receive signals.

‘The signal comes from the data system. ’

‘The birth of digital life inside a star has been detected. ’

Just by simulating the signal sent by the master brain from the lunar research base control system, the warship can roughly deduce the source of this signal.

Regarding this signal, the AI ​​warlord ship did not have any fluctuations.

After receiving no response from several directional broadcasts, the control system of the moon base reported to Luo Xiuhui: "Your Excellency, Commander, the warship has not made any reply."

"no reply?"

I originally speculated whether the other party was an omnic life form, but now it seems that the other party didn't seem to have much reaction after learning about the digital life form of the Master Brain.

"Is the permission to prohibit sending signals to the outside world too high?"

"How long does the Cygnus civilization want to remain silent?"

Since the last time he used coordinates to 'detonate' a planet, Luo Xiu has not seen the warlord ship and the super-accelerated fleet send out even a single signal.

This level of organization is also extremely high in Luo Xiu's opinion. After all, this is in space, and the solar system is thousands of miles away from the base camp of the cruising fleet. Faced with this situation, the super-accelerated fleet controlled by the Kasakuk civilization stopped at the end.

It can also be seen from this point that these subsidiary civilizations of the Cygnus Civilization do not only provide technology.

"Since we don't plan to communicate, then forget it."

Pretending to be the mastermind to contact the warship was not part of the plan. Even if it failed, Luo Xiu would not suffer much loss.

So although the exchange between the two parties did not take place, Luo Xiu still didn't care.

Not long after Luo Xiu finished speaking, the moon base control system that had been monitoring the warship suddenly made a sound again.

But the incident just discovered by the Lunar Research Base is not related to the warship. "Your Excellency, Commander, the super-accelerated fleet is returning from a distance and is approaching the position of the warship again."

The super-accelerated fleet that had suddenly sailed far away did not know what the wind was blowing at this time. It restarted its thrusters and returned to the edge of the Oort Cloud.

"Nearby warships prepare for battle."

Luo Xiu looked at the super-accelerated fleet on the model. The opponent's warship was still not moving. It was basically impossible for the super-accelerated fleet to attack the interior of the solar system.

But in order to prevent unexpected things from happening, Luo Xiu gathered the few fleets on the edge of the Oort Cloud together.

‘One hundred and thirty-seven warships on the edge of the Oort Cloud are ready for battle. ’

‘The opponent’s ship is slowing down, and the target is no longer able to quickly attack the interior of the star. ’

Under the constant broadcasts from the control system, Luo Xiu also continuously grasped the movements of the super-accelerated fleet.

This fleet that had been frantically escaping before was still targeting its previous defense zone, and seemed to be trying to redeem its embarrassing performance just now.

But both the warship and the space battleship had completely detected the previous movements of the super-accelerating fleet. Even if the warship is unable to contact the outside world and communicate with the base camp at this time, after replying to the communication, the Cygnus civilization will still investigate the other party's behavior.

When the super-accelerated fleet returned to the confrontation area, observations from both sides continued.

However, due to the ship's own shielding device, neither the super-accelerated fleet nor the warship can directly observe the existence of the 'stealth' warship.

But this situation did not last too long. After returning to its predetermined position, the super-accelerated fleet began to study the function of the shield inside the solar system.

This kind of technology that changes the signal so that the other party receives the wrong signal and cannot observe itself is not very advanced.

The reason why the cruising fleet and even the warlord ship were not observed was mainly because the ships did not have the equipment to deal with Luo Xiu's new technology.

In fact, even in the future era of starship humanity, when the cruising fleet attacked the starship humanity, they did not have the equipment to crack the jammer.

But unlike today's super-accelerated fleet, even without specialized cracking equipment, the cruising fleet at that time had data flow attacks.

Even if the cruising fleet did not discover the existence of starship human ships, after sending countless data streams to the target area, all kinds of Cygnus civilization data flooded the entire area.

Once the starship humans receive the signal sent by the other party, the result is that the ship is directly controlled, and the controlled ship is used as a springboard to attack the hidden starship human ships.

As soon as this style of play appeared, it caused irreparable and huge losses to the starship humanity.

Of course, the current super-accelerated fleet has not yet engaged Luo Xiu head-on, and he does not know how to restrain the opponent, let alone the warship warship that is engaged in a fierce game with the space warship at this time.

What the hyper-accelerated fleet doesn't even know is that a number of ships targeting the warships and the hyper-accelerated fleet are being produced and continuously sent to the edge of the Oort Cloud to restrain those who are unable to send out ordinary signals. ships.

This kind of ship is the quantum interference ship that Luo Xiu proposed to go to the asteroid belt for observation.

After Luo Xiu urged them, the number of members of the Blue Star's 'Quantum Interference' research team at the Lunar Research Base doubled.

Fortunately, before Luo Xiu arrived in this universe, Blue Star was already conducting research on quantum communication.

With the existence of this foundation, Blue Star humans still have certain technical reserves in this quantum research project.

The reserve of technology and the increase in personnel have made the research progress of quantum interference ships continue to accelerate.

Three months after Luo Xiu inspected the quantum interference ship being produced in the asteroid belt, a quantum interference ship with an influence range of 16 kilometers was also successfully produced in the asteroid belt.

However, Luo Xiu had already entered dormancy again at this time and did not see the appearance of this new ship in the asteroid belt.

But even without Luo Xiu watching, the control system of the lunar base was orderly executing the various instructions given by Luo Xiu before going into hibernation.

As for the warships and super-acceleration troops on the edge of the Oort Cloud, Luo Xiu gave the most orders.

‘The data of the quantum interference ship has reached the standard and mass production has begun. ’

After the instructions from the lunar base control system were issued, the construction of quantum interference ships also began in the most well-equipped places such as the asteroid belt starport and the lunar orbital platform.

Since there are already so many starports belonging to human starships at this time, the production progress of ships in the solar system is also very fast.

In just one month, the predetermined number of quantum interference ships had been completely manufactured, and together with the Xia Qi-class battleships carrying antimatter annihilation bombs, they quickly rushed towards the confrontation area on the edge of the Oort cloud.

At this time, neither the super-accelerated fleet nor the warship knew that a warship that could change the situation of the confrontation had rushed to their area.

As long as the quantum interference ship arrives at the predetermined area and shields the quantum signal at full power, their quantum communication will be cut off instantly.

Without quantum communication, communication using only conventional signals would undoubtedly be very slow for fleets in space.

And even if the ordinary signal does not attenuate and moves at the fastest speed, it will still take decades to reach the location of the main fleet.

But if the super-accelerated fleet is unlucky and the signal is attenuated during the outward transmission, then the signal they send will basically not reach the receiving hand.

However, this situation was something Luo Xiu needed very much.

Only under such circumstances can the ships within the solar system hope to annihilate the super-accelerated fleet and the warlord ship, and directly cut off communication with the rest of the outside world.

If this plan is ultimately successful, then for the civilizations in the solar system, even if the main fleet of the cruising fleet continues to move forward, it will bring a long period of 'peace' to the interior of the solar system.

"Through the observation of the gravity ahead, the number of warships inside the cloud continues to increase."

On the hyperacceleration fleet's side, as soon as they returned to the confrontation area, they continued to observe the interior of the solar system on the temporary flagship of the hyperacceleration fleet. Facing the increasing number of warships, their pressure was gradually increasing.

However, compared with the space warships that were rushing out of the solar system at lightning speed and carrying large amounts of gravitational fluctuations, these scattered warships would not scare these Kasa Cook members.

"Let's make a rough estimate of how many ships there are."

Facing the increasing number of warships, the temporary command of the super-accelerated fleet is also very difficult.

They have not yet grasped the shape of the opponent's ship, nor the types of weapons the other party has, nor do they know what the scale of the opponent's ship will reach.

These questions have been lingering in the mind of the temporary commander, and he has not chosen to enter hibernation and wait for the signal authority to be reopened.

"After calculation, the number of ships on the other side has reached about 13,000."

Facing the answers from the members on the bridge, the temporary commander frowned and said, "Are there already more than 10,000 ships?"

Since he didn't have any information about Luo Xiu, the temporary commander thought that the opponent's battleship was an interstellar battleship with the same strength as his own.

Even when he thought about it, the ships of this unknown civilization might be more terrifying than his own ships.

There are a total of 13,000 warships that are more powerful than his own. This is a very big pressure for the temporary commander of the super-accelerated fleet who only controls a few hundred warships.

"How's our cracking device going?"

In order to save himself from thinking about the number 13,000, the temporary commander decided to ask about other situations in the fleet.

"Your Excellency, an experimental model has been produced, but the first test has not been conducted yet."

A Kasa Cook member on the bridge who was paying attention to the research on cracking the jammer device immediately replied to him after the commander finished speaking.

"Bring it directly to the flagship and conduct the test on the flagship."

In order to create this thing called a 'cracker', the super-accelerated fleet had dismantled a small ship to gather enough resources for it.

"Okay, Your Excellency."

The temporary commander's request was not too outrageous, so after his order was issued, the experimental 'cracker' that had just been produced was sent to the flagship shell of the super-accelerated fleet.

The size of the 'cracker' is completely different from conventional crackers. Its length is basically a quarter of the flagship. Even if it is regarded as a small warship, it is not an exaggeration.

After the 'cracker' is transported to the flagship's shell, the installation work is completed by the robot alone.

Since there are not many interfaces for the 'cracker', the equipment that the members of the super-acceleration fleet attach great importance to finally started to activate after only ten minutes.


In the bridge of the flagship, due to the sudden surge of power to the cracker, the lights inside the bridge began to flicker for a while.

Of course, the flashing time did not last long. Just a few seconds later, the entire ship's energy supply system was restored again.

At this moment, all the Kasa Cook members of the super-accelerated fleet became nervous. This was their most likely opportunity to observe each other.

If this observation is successful, it will make up for the efforts of these Kasakuk members who have 'escaped'.

And while all the members of Casa Cook were looking at the big screen, the area covered by the 'shielder' finally reached the edge of the Oort cloud.

"Your Excellency, it works!"

At this time, the super-accelerated fleet was only ten kilometers away from the edge of the Oort cloud, so when the 'cracker' was activated, the starships and human ships on the edge of the Oort cloud had already begun to appear.

On the big screen of the flagship of the super-accelerated fleet at this time, small ships were dotted in front of the super-accelerated fleet, with a distance of ten kilometers on both sides, looking at each other.

At this distance, even when the civilizations on both sides are still inside their respective home stars, various kinetic energy weapons can already attack and cause damage.

So for most Kasa Cook members, this situation is definitely very strange.

"Why are they all small battleships?"

Although the super-accelerated fleet had previously discovered the gravitational changes at the edge of the Oort cloud and substituted its own ship data, it only obtained the number of thirteen thousand battleships.

But judging from the current scene, the opponent's number has definitely exceeded 30,000, and each of them is considered a small warship in the battle sequence of the cruising fleet.

Among the previous speculations, the temporary commander even thought that when the fog cleared, he would see something huge and a weapon that would make him fearful at a glance.

But now it seems that those imaginary super ships have not appeared at all. Instead, small warships have weaved an encirclement network in space.

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