In fact, for the super-accelerated fleet, they have already found the loophole that Luo Xiu used to continuously send coordinates.

After all, if the solar system was really as powerful as they thought, there would be no need to use coordinates for deterrence. Instead, they would directly use force to crush the main fleet of the cruising fleet.

But at this time, the fleet has lost contact with the base camp, and even the warlord ship in the fleet cannot be contacted for the time being.

The super-accelerated fleet is now like an isolated island in space, with nothing to use but itself.

"Your Majesty Commander, what should we do?"

Faced with this situation that had never occurred before, members of the Kasa Cook in the bridge also asked the commander of the temporary fleet.

In response to this question, the temporary commander of the super-accelerated fleet stared at the huge screen in front of the bridge, not knowing how to reply to the other party for a while.

"Continue to observe the interior of the star, and in addition to the target planet, we will also increase our detection efforts in other areas."

"Although the opponent's concealment ability is very strong, we must try to find flaws in it."

"As long as we can find the opponent's base and fleet, we can evaluate the strength of the opponent's fleet."

Since the temporary commander of the super-accelerated fleet was unable to contact the outside world, he could only make decisions by himself at this time.

However, without the constraints of the base camp and the surveillance of the warship, the temporary commander felt an unprecedented feeling.

‘Maybe this is power? ’

Ever since the Kasaku civilization was suppressed by the Cygnus civilization, even those mechanical ascenders will be monitored by warships.

Every move they make is under the surveillance of the Cygnus civilization.

As long as a decision is not in line with the wishes of the Cygnus civilization, the warship will immediately reject the instructions of the fleet command and the mechanical ascendant.

And now, this temporary commander has experienced an addiction called 'power' that even the mechanical ascenders have not experienced.

"Monitoring and observing the outer planets of the target planet."

"Monitoring and observation of the asteroid belt in the core area is ongoing."

After the temporary commander gave the order, the observation center of the hyperacceleration fleet also moved away from the target planet 'Blue Star' and instead increased its observation of Mars and the asteroid belt.

These two places are very suitable for use as bases in terms of distance and resource conditions.

If that unknown civilization wants to establish its own base in the solar system, then Mars and the asteroid belt are definitely a good choice.

The fact is just as these Kasakuku tribesmen thought, Luo Xiu's two main bases are located on Mars and the asteroid belt.

The most important of them is, of course, the planet that is almost the same as Blue Star - Mars.

At this time, Mars produced the largest number of battleships for Luo Xiu. Whether they were Xia Qi-class battleships or Shangtang-class battleships, most of them came from Mars' orbital platforms.

However, due to the huge planetary shield on Mars, the super-accelerating fleet cannot see those huge buildings on Mars from direct observation.

However, with the fleet fully observing these two areas, whether it is the fluctuation of gravity or the abnormality of regional energy, it is very likely that the other party will detect it.

If the advance fleet had conducted in-depth observations of the interior of the solar system like the current super-acceleration fleet, then maybe the advance fleet would have discovered Luo Xiu's existence at that time.

But for the advance fleet at that time, the solar system at that time was simply not worthy of such treatment. If it weren't for the fact that the operating guidelines stated that detection waves must be used to detect the interior of the star system, the advance fleet might not even have released the detection waves.

“Minimal fluctuations in light and shadow discovered in the asteroid belt within the solar system.”

"Discovering the navigation trajectory from the red planet to the target planet location."

As the super-accelerated fleet continues to conduct high-precision detection of Mars and the asteroid belt, some extremely subtle information continues to appear in these two places.

"It seems that the opponent's base is indeed in this area." The temporary commander of the super-accelerated fleet was not surprised by the existence of a hidden fleet in the solar system.

After all, the other party can mark the coordinates of each star gate, which shows that the other party still has considerable strength.

For such a civilization, it is of course a very routine operation to be able to navigate the interstellar space.

"Continue to increase the detection of these two areas, and we must understand the specific conditions."

The super-accelerated fleet has nothing to do now. Apart from continuously observing the solar system, there is nothing else to do.



Just when the Kasa Cook members in the bridge were preparing to continue executing the temporary commander's instructions, an alarm suddenly sounded throughout the bridge.

"what's the situation?"

This was the first time they heard such a violent siren since the super-accelerated fleet stopped moving.

"Discovering strong gravitational fluctuations."

"The target is approaching at high speed."

After the ship's own control system answered the temporary commander's question, a virtual model immediately went cold on the big screen in front of him.

This model is very different from regular ships. It is just a simple color mark and has no specific shape.

In other words, apart from knowing that there is such a violent gravitational fluctuation, the current super-accelerated fleet does not even know the appearance of the opponent.

"Is it a weapon?"

Since they couldn't see clearly what was coming towards the super-accelerated fleet, some members of Kasa Cook suddenly became nervous.

If it were an attack weapon, the super-accelerated fleet that had now stopped outside the Oort Cloud would have basically no chance of evading it.


The temporary commander of the super-accelerated fleet also showed his leadership skills at this time. After shouting, he stepped down from his captain's seat, "What is the opponent's speed?"

"After analyzing the interval of gravitational wave transmission, it should be 13% of the speed of light." The analysis team at the bottom of the big screen looked at the data in front of them and replied to the temporary commander.

"Thirteen percent?"

Upon hearing this number, the temporary commander suddenly became nervous, "Is it a ship?"

"A ship that emits huge gravitational fluctuations?"

The temporary commander's hands shook with fear when he thought of this.

A ship that can produce gravitational fluctuations during action. How massive is the ship's mass?

‘A super battleship created by strong interaction? ’ The temporary commander thought to himself as he looked at the ships on the big screen that were constantly moving towards the outskirts of the Oort cloud.

Regarding the technology he was thinking of, both the Cruising Fleet Base Camp and the Cygnus Civilization were conducting research, but without exception, the materials they produced were not enough to use strong interaction force.

‘Did I guess wrong before? This civilization is really a powerful unknown civilization. ’

At this time, even the temporary commander, who had always been skeptical of civilization in the solar system, could not help but feel fluctuations in his heart.

‘What is the other person like? ’

The cup was marked red and was accompanied by gravitational waves. Every step it took forward frightened the temporary fleet commander.

"It is expected to reach the outer edge of the cloud in an hour."

"An hour?" The temporary commander's eyes widened and he looked at the marked area, "How could it be so fast? This was not detected until it was already in front of us?"

"It may be that it is in a shielded area. We only observed gravitational fluctuations and did not observe that it was moving toward the outer edge of the cloud."

"There were too many gravitational fluctuations in the galaxy before, and the signals of gravitational fluctuations were somewhat disturbed."

The Kasa Cook member in charge of signal detection seemed a little nervous. Such a major mistake occurred at this time, which was a huge threat to the fleet.

"Sir, do we need to move?"

At this time, other Kasa Cook members in the ship suddenly had the idea of ​​leaving the area immediately. If this thing was really a weapon, the super-accelerated fleet might be swallowed up instantly.


Faced with the questions from these tribesmen, the temporary fleet commander bluntly rejected them.

"The information we received from the main fleet is to stay where we are and wait for contact from the base camp."

"Once we leave, we will be directly in breach of the cruising fleet regulations."

"You know the seriousness of this situation."

Just like the starship regulations previously implemented by Luo Xiu in the inner solar system, the cruising fleet also has very severe penalties for those who violate the regulations.

"Your Excellency, now that we have lost contact with the main fleet, base camp and warship, we can completely escape the danger."

Faced with a weapon capable of producing gravitational waves, all the Kasakuks on the bridge knew they could not withstand it.

Now that they have lost contact with the base camp, they can make their own decision and leave their current position directly.

Anyway, the base camp just stopped the fleet from entering the interior of the star system, and it didn't say that it couldn't retreat.


The temporary commander was also in a dilemma at this time. Although he had already mastered the power of life and death of the fleet, he was still a little embarrassed when he really wanted to go against the decision-making of the base camp.

After all, he has lived in the cruising fleet for decades since his birth. For such a long time, all the Kasaku people have been executing the instructions from the base camp and the Cygnus civilization.

It is somewhat difficult for them to make a choice when it comes to disobeying instructions.


After taking a long breath, the temporary commander closed his eyes and said solemnly: "Start the propeller, let's evacuate backwards."

"Okay, Your Excellency."

After receiving the instructions from the temporary commander, the Kasa Cook members who had been waiting finally breathed a sigh of relief and returned to their consoles.

With the movements of the Kasa Cook members on the bridge, the ship's propellers, which had been shut down for a long time, were started again, slowly pushing hundreds of fleets away from the orbit they were on before.

"Your Excellency, the warship has not followed."

When all the ships of the super-accelerated fleet broke away from their previous orbits, the warlord ship, which had entered a silent state before, seemed a bit abrupt on its original orbit.


The temporary commander of the fleet looked up at the position of the warship marked on the big screen, "It directly cut off all external signals?"

"Send a ship to take it down"

The commander who was originally planning to have the warship towed away suddenly had a bold idea.

"Don't worry about it, let's continue to retreat."

Without the constraints of the warship and no instructions from the base camp, the temporary commander felt that he could let the warship test the unknown weapon.

If the warship is destroyed, there will be no memory for him. He only needs to report that the warship was destroyed by the opponent.

And if the other party stops, then he only needs to restart the fleet and return to its previous track, and there will be no problems.

"Your Excellency, is this okay?" The Kasakuku tribesman in charge of the ship's propeller looked back at his fleet commander and asked with some concern.

After all, this is the warlord ship. If any accident occurs, no matter it is them, even all the members of Kasa Cook may be affected.

"Act according to the instructions, activate the fleet thrusters at full power, and leave the star system."


Following the temporary commander's affirmative words, his tribesmen on the ship also began to increase the power of the thrusters, constantly moving away from the Oort cloud, and separated from the warlord ship, which was completely cut off from the outside world.

This is also the first time that the cruising fleet has escaped the control of the other party and sailed freely in space after being suppressed by the Cygnus civilization.



Although the ship continued to increase the thruster power, the alarm sound inside the ship continued. This also means that the opponent's UFO is still rushing towards the super-accelerated fleet at high speed.

"Your Excellency, you see, that ship created a substanceless belt within the cloud."

When the super-accelerated fleet was evacuating, they did not forget to monitor the ships emitting gravitational waves.

And as the opponent gets closer to the outer reaches of the Oort cloud, the more things they can observe.

In the picture they observed at this time, the Oort cloud, which was originally full of small stars, now appeared an extremely wide empty area, in which there were no small stars.

It's like drawing a finger across the sand, leaving a very obvious trace in the Oort cloud.

"The other party is already approaching the warship."

With the continuous observation of the super-deceleration fleet, the unknown ship had reached the edge of the Oort cloud.

It is only a short 10 kilometers away from the position of the warship of the super-accelerated fleet.

This distance is not too far on a blue star, let alone in space.

"Stop it!"

Although the ships on both sides were only 10 kilometers apart at this time, the ship at that position suddenly stopped and had no intention of continuing to move forward.

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