I was exposed for mining on Mars

Chapter 138 Battleship Coating and Sleeping Chamber

Until now, the cruising fleet has not seen the true form of the unknown civilization in the solar system.

But under such a situation, the cruising fleet itself has been cut off from external communications by the Cygnus civilization, and cannot even actively contact the main fleet near the solar system.

At this time, the main fleet was disconnected from the base camp, and now all decisions can only be made by the three mechanically ascended members.

However, the three mechanical ascenders have not yet figured out the situation. Why does the destruction of a star cause the Cygnus civilization to have such a big reaction?

"Could it be that the marked star was destroyed by an unknown civilization?"

In the main fleet, the mechanical ascendants who have been unable to contact the outside world are conducting their own analysis.


As for the members' speculation, the Ascended One, the leader of the trio, didn't know how to answer for a while.

If that planet was really destroyed by an unknown civilization in the solar system, then this would undoubtedly be too terrifying.

This shows that the other party can silently break through the detection of the star gates of the cruising fleet, and can also perform long-distance and coordinate-free jumps.

Only in this way can the other party jump from the solar system and this remote galaxy to the border between the spiral arms of Orion and Cygnus in such a short period of time.

But if the other party really has such ability, then why not just destroy the main fleet directly?

"The star system is still too weird right now. We don't know what we will encounter next moment."

"No matter what, let's stay silent and wait for news from the base camp."

The current main fleet has lost contact with the base camp, and in the last order the fleet received, the warship ordered the fleet to stop directly.

If the main fleet wants to move again and continue to approach the solar system, it must obtain permission from the warship or the base camp.

And with this permission, the three Ascended Ones don’t know when they will appear.

Compared with the confusion felt by these three ascended people, Luo Xiu in the solar system did not show any slack.

At this time, the cruising fleet finally stopped the thrusters and stopped the super-accelerated fleet from moving. He must seize the time to upgrade the warships in the solar system and equip them with anti-matter annihilation bombs on a larger scale.

‘I hope that planet thirty years from now can continue to intimidate the other party. ’

In the solar system, above a certain starport in the asteroid belt, Luo Xiu looked at the coordinates of another planet that would be destroyed and thought to himself.

Of course Luo Xiu knew at this time that it was because of the collapse of the star he marked that the cruising fleet gave up the attack.

And if you want to get more breathing time, another planet must also successfully collapse thirty years later.

"Your Excellency, Commander, a Xia Qi-class warship was successfully coated in the antimatter annihilation zone of Neptune's orbit. It was successfully wrapped with a layer of space film without any damage to the internal hardware."

Just when Luo Xiu was analyzing the information sent back by monitoring the fleet, the mastermind of the base sent him another important message.

"The coating was successful?!"

After Luo Xiu heard these four words, he couldn't believe that what he heard was true.

In previous experiments, the antimatter annihilation energy area that had shrunk to a diameter of only three hundred kilometers had never left even a single intact battleship.

Luo Xiu kept letting the battleships enter, but one result was that when the battleship touched the core of the antimatter annihilation zone, the battleship was directly cut into pieces by the space shock.

The test left Luo Xiu with the most wreckage of a spacecraft, which was the propeller of a Shangtang-class battleship.

"Yes, Your Excellency, Commander, the 1029th coating operation into the antimatter annihilation zone was successful. The Xia Qi-class battleship's outer armor has been successfully coated with a layer of space coating."

"However, in the 1030th test just conducted, another Xia Qi-class warship still failed."

"And judging from the successfully coated Xia Qi-class battleship we just obtained, we cannot enter the interior from the outside of the battleship. Although the defense capabilities of the battleship have been greatly improved, we cannot transform it at all, and we cannot even enter it from the outside. Place any object."


The base mastermind also informed Luo Xiu of the analysis report of the Xia Qi-class battleship that had just been successfully tested.

After hearing this detailed report, Luo Xiu, who had been excited just now, calmed down.

According to what the base mastermind said, even if the Xia Qi-class battleship was successfully coated, Luo Xiu would not be able to control it any more.

The conclusion of this result is the most important to the solar system defense commander Luo Xiu.

With the current combat power of the Xia Qi-class battleship, except for an anti-matter annihilation bomb placed inside it, its attack capability is basically zero.

In addition to the weapon system, there is another factor that restricts the Xia Qi-class battleship, and that is the fuel problem of the propeller.

Although Luo Xiu's current warships are fully equipped with nuclear fusion thrusters, they consume a lot of materials.

If the battleship can communicate with the supply fleet, then Luo Xiu doesn't need to worry about either the sailing distance or the sailing time.

But the current situation is that although the Xia Qi-class battleship was successfully coated, it also lost more things.

"How far can the energy supplies carried by that Xia Qi-class battleship allow it to travel?"

Faced with Luo Xiu's question, the base mastermind responded immediately: "Advance at 13% of the speed of light. It can be activated seventeen times and reversed sixteen times."

"If the track changes midway, this number will continue to decrease."

The sample clothing consumption table given by the base mastermind was also very annoying to Luo Xiu. From the data provided by the base mastermind, it can be seen that after seventeen activations, this Xia Qi-class battleship has escaped Luo Xiu's control.

"This successfully coated warship must be utilized to the maximum extent possible."

This Xia Qi-class battleship that has been coated is now extremely important to Luo Xiu. In addition to anti-matter annihilation bombs, it is another technology that can challenge the cruising fleet.

Compared to the 'folding' technology possessed by the cruising fleet, the space shock around this warship can cause huge damage to the warship just by impacting forward.

However, compared to the anti-matter annihilation bomb, this Xia Qi-class battleship is simply a disposable item. After it is used up, it will no longer be controlled by Luo Xiu.

"Send this Xia Qi-class battleship to the outskirts of the Oort Cloud and approach the opponent's fleet outside the Oort Cloud."

After thinking about it, Luo Xiu planned to directly send the successfully coated Xia Qi-class warship to the edge of the Oort Cloud to join in the monitoring of the super-accelerated fleet and to deter it.

"Okay, Commander."

As soon as Luo Xiu's order came down, the mastermind of the base had already passed the signal to the coated warship still in the orbit of Neptune.

However, although the signal was passed on, at the speed of this Xia Qi-class battleship, it would take at least several years to reach the outskirts of the Oort Cloud from the orbit of Neptune.

"By the way, continue to increase the intensity of testing in the antimatter annihilation zone of Neptune's orbit and the Kuiper Belt. The number of ships entering each time will be increased from one to five."

"And starting today, the hull of the warship entering the antimatter annihilation zone will be modified so that it can carry more supplies and more powerful thrusters."

"You don't need to worry about the damage to the hull after traveling at high speed. You just need to increase the power of the propeller as much as possible."

According to the current situation, even if the coating is successful, the successfully coated warship cannot be used for too long.

Since it cannot be reused, even if the battleship is damaged, it will not cause much loss to Luo Xiu.

"Let Blue Star's newly established research base be responsible and let them jointly develop it with Cao Guolin and others."

If you just change the loading capacity of the ship and roughly increase the power of the thruster, the research time required will not actually be too long.

Therefore, Luo Xiu directly asked the new research base established in Australia to be responsible for this modification plan of the ship.

"Okay, Commander."

After the base mastermind responded, the star port returned to calm again.

Luo Xiu looked up at the direction where the super-accelerated fleet was displayed outside the Oort Cloud, and stopped talking.

Even if the starship humans and blue star humans in the solar system unite, the gap between them and the cruising fleet is still huge.

Now the only thing that can close the gap and surpass the opponent in a certain direction is the space energy area within the annihilation of antimatter.

This is a technology that the Cygnus civilization has not been able to fully master for more than a hundred years. With the current cruising fleet, they cannot solve the damage caused by space shocks.

As long as Luo Xiu can come up with a fleet composed entirely of successfully coated warships, there will still be a glimmer of hope for a head-on conflict.

After all, coated warships can no longer be used too much. They can carry out super acceleration that the cruising fleet cannot bear, and use the advantage of speed to attack the opponent's fleet by impact.

Although this offensive method is primitive, it is also very practical for Luo Xiu.

As long as it is practical and effective against the warships cruising in the fleet, it is a good weapon. Just make it look ugly. As long as the solar system can continue to be stocked, Luo Xiu doesn't think there is anything wrong.

For the humans on Blue Star, except for Cao Guolin and others who developed new technologies for Luo Xiu in the lunar base, this was the first time that scientists on Blue Star could systematically study various types of warships in Luo Xiu's hands.

For this team of Blue Star humans, this is an excellent opportunity, an opportunity that can make Blue Star humans' technology make great strides forward.

So when the experiment just started and personnel recruitment was underway, the managers of the five major regions directly contacted the research base in Australia and wanted to send more of their own personnel to the research base.

Luo Xiu always rejected this situation.

Luo Xiu had previously divided Blue Star into five pieces, just to make Blue Star more united. But now it seems that Luo Xiu still thinks too much.

Even if only one alliance is left, Blue Star may still be in such a situation.

"According to the previous plan, each region sent 20,000 people to the base, and a total of 100,000 people participated in the planning of the hull and the improvement of the propellers."

Luo Xiu did not agree to the modification of personnel in the five regions. Instead, as in the previous plan, a quota of 20,000 people was allocated to each region.

After Luo Xiu made the final decision, the personnel in the five regions no longer struggled.

The reason why the five regions did not argue with each other anymore was mainly because Luo Xiu's previous actions were still fresh in their memories. Amerik's shielding and the electromagnetic railguns on Blue Star were all real.

These things are still very powerful in deterring Blue Star. As long as the starship humans are still ahead of the Blue Star humans, the members of the Blue Star humans will not dare to do anything against Luo Xiu.

Of course Luo Xiu also knew this. He knew that he did not belong to the Blue Star humans of this era.

He simply cannot integrate into the current human world, and against the cruising fleet, he absolutely cannot believe the current group of Blue Star humans.

After all, the Migration Sect back then was bred from this group of Blue Star humans.

As long as Luo Xiu hands over the defense command of the solar system and allows the starship humans and the blue star humans to merge, Luo Xiu might become a member of the cruising fleet again the next day.

This is absolutely impossible for Luo Xiu, a starship human, to accept.

The human race of the starship he was on had sacrificed everything. Except for Luo Xiu himself, no member of the crew survived the action of breaking away from the cruising fleet.

This incident also made it absolutely impossible for Luo Xiu to surrender to the cruising fleet. As long as he still existed in the solar system, the hostility between the two sides would never change.

Of course, if Luo Xiu himself died in the war, he would not be able to change what the Blue Star humans wanted to do at that time.

"Build the dormant warehouse, it's time to enter dormant state."

After the research base on Blue Star Australia began to be put into use, Luo Xiu, who had been brought back from the asteroid to the Mars orbital platform, suddenly said to the base mastermind.

Several years have passed since Luo Xiu encountered the black hole and came to this universe, and his age has also reached thirty from his twenties.

Although Luo Xiu had been genetically optimized when he was cruising the fleet, his lifespan could reach about 170 years. But for Luo Xiu, whether it is 170 or 270, this data is limited.

In order to have enough time to fight against the cruising fleet, he could not waste any time.

At this time, the cruising fleet is no longer in action, and the research projects on the moon base and Blue Star often take several years to complete.

Under such circumstances, Luo Xiu also needs to try to enter a dormant state and wait for the research to be successful or for the cruising fleet to move again before waking up from dormancy.

"Okay, Commander, we are building a dormant chamber for you."

After Luo Xiu's order was given, a cruising fleet-standard sleep chamber was quickly produced in a manufacturing factory on the Mars orbital platform and sent to the sleep room where Luo Xiu was.

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