I was exposed for mining on Mars

Chapter 136 Detonation coordinates, deterrence in progress

The main fleet, which was ordered to move forward, and the super-accelerated fleet outside the Oort Cloud received the combat order. Although they were very worried about their situation, this was an order from the cruising fleet base camp, so facing the situation within the fleet, Cygnus Civilized Warship, they also had to carry out this order.

"The main fleet continues to move forward."

"The squadron outside the star system cloud has stopped repairs and prepared for battle."

In the main fleet, after receiving the coordinates of the cruising fleet's base camp, the three Kasakuk mechanical ascenders immediately sent war preparation signals to the two fleets.

At this time, the fleet sent by Luo Xiu was already close to the position of the super-accelerated fleet, so when the super-accelerated fleet stopped repairing and took the engineering robot back into the ship, this information was also truthfully transmitted to Luo Xiu's hands.

‘Stop repairing? ’

In the data model received by Luo Xiu, the hyperacceleration fleet gave up most of its resources, recovered the engineering ship from space, and started its thrusters.

From this appearance, it looks like it is always ready to head into the inner solar system.

‘Did you see through it? ’

'Or do you want to test my strength? ’

Although Luo Xiu didn't know what purpose the cruising fleet had in changing the status of the super-accelerated fleet, he had already anticipated this situation.

After all, the cruising fleet is not an ordinary civilization. It can survive in the two spiral arms for tens of thousands of years. They are definitely not something that can be scared by a few words.

Therefore, Luo Xiu also had a backup plan in this plan.

When he received that the status of the super-accelerated fleet had changed, a new message was also sent from the core area of ​​the solar system and transmitted to the edge of the Oort cloud through the quantum transmitter.

"Continue to launch targeted broadcasts to the other party."

When Luo Xiu's order was sent to the fleet, the information just received by the fleet system was also sent from the Oort cloud, heading straight towards the super-accelerated fleet that could be seen visually.

At this time, after waiting for a while, the super-accelerated fleet was ready to turn on the thrusters under the urging of the three mechanical ascenders and headed towards the interior of the Oort Cloud.

But just when the thrusters of hundreds of ships were about to start, the signal from the surveillance fleet in the solar system had been received.

"Latest signal."

The Kasakuk member who received the signal from the inner solar system somehow breathed a sigh of relief as soon as he received the signal.

"Send to the main fleet."

After being reminded by the member who received the message, the temporary fleet commander of the super-accelerated fleet immediately forwarded the signal to the Ascended Ones behind.

After transferring the signal, he also said to the tribesman in charge of communication: "Put out the signal sent and take a look."


After receiving the order, the Kasa Cook member in charge of communications immediately transmitted the newly received signal to the screen on the screen bridge.

If the signals from the inner solar system received by the Kasakuk civilization were the same before, the signals sent by the other party this time are also coordinates locked by multiple pulsars.

"Only one coordinate this time?"

The coordinates received by the cruising fleet before were at least five, and those were the coordinates of the five star gates within the Cygnus cantilever.

So when the temporary commander saw that this information only marked one coordinate, he was a little surprised.

However, despite being surprised, he still did not forget the business, "Compare the coordinates of the star gate in our spiral arm to see if this is the coordinate of another star gate."

After what happened before, the Kasakuk civilization has already acquiesced that the coordinates transmitted from the sun are the coordinates of its own star gate.

"Okay, Captain."

After the correspondent responded, he marked the coordinates of all the star gates in the Cygnus spiral arm one by one.

On the large screen on the bridge, under the operation of the correspondent, red light spots lit up in the data model of the Cygnus spiral arm.

But when the coordinates of the last star gate lit up, the coordinates marked by Luo Xiu had not yet coincided with the coordinates of these star gates.

"what happened?"

What happened at this time greatly exceeded the imagination of the temporary commander of the super-accelerated fleet. The coordinates marked by the opponent were not star gate coordinates at all, but the coordinates of a star gate between the Cygnus spiral arm and the Orion spiral arm. within nearby star systems.

"Is the labeling wrong?"

Because this coordinate was too close to the star gate, the temporary commander felt that there was something wrong with the signal from the inner solar system.

"This coordinate comes from the joint positioning of thirteen pulsars. It stands to reason that there should be no problems."

Regarding this signal coming from the inner part of the solar system, the correspondent did not realize that it would be a simple error.

All the coordinates transmitted by the unknown civilization inside the star were correct. The first time there were even sixty or seventy marks, but the other party did not mark even one wrong coordinate.

Every coordinate they marked highly coincided with the star gate and the cruising fleet base camp.

"Then there is nothing wrong?"

The temporary headquarters of the super-accelerated fleet looked at the individually marked coordinates and didn't know what to say for a while.

"If there is nothing wrong, then why mark this point?"

Faced with this problem, the temporary fleet commander was a little confused no matter what he thought.


While the temporary commander of the fleet was still thinking, his deputy captain walked over from the side and asked, "We should enter the clouds."

Although the signal received by the fleet this time was strange, it could not prevent the super-accelerated fleet from carrying out the instructions issued by the Ascended Council.

After the temporary fleet commander heard this, he looked up again at the stargate coordinates on the big screen on the bridge, and then said: "Execute the order, the fleet will continue."

Before the commander finished speaking, the warning light inside the bridge suddenly turned on, and the voice from the AI ​​warship suddenly rang among all the ships in the super-accelerated fleet.


"Operation plan terminated!"

"Terminated?" When they heard the message from the Warlord ship passing through the main fleet's mechanical ascenders, all the Kasakuk members on the bridge were stunned.

They had been fearful before, fearing any conflict with that powerful unknown civilization, so the fleet was used as cannon fodder in advance.

When the fleet members finally made up their minds and rushed into the Oort cloud, the warship came out again, which somewhat dampened the morale of the super-accelerated fleet.

"Why should it be terminated?" The temporary commander of the super-accelerated fleet asked the warship in confusion.

Faced with the temporary commander's questions, the warship had no intention of answering him.

"Contact the main fleet."

After being ignored by the warship, the temporary fleet commander remembered the three ascendants of the same race as the main fleet and sent an inquiry message to them.

And just when this message was transmitted from outside the Oort Cloud to the main fleet, the members of the Ascended Council who had just been disbanded at the cruise fleet base camp had gathered together again in the virtual world.

"Have you seen the coordinates just now?"

This is the first time that the Speaker of the Ascended Council has held meetings so frequently. However, what he is facing now is the powerful unknown civilization inside the solar system. At this time, no matter how frequent it is, he can only continue to hold meetings.

"A planet was simply destroyed."

"The destroyed location is the latest coordinate marked by the other party."

"In other words, this destroyed planet is likely to be related to this civilization."

"Even if they were not responsible for destroying it, the situation within the Cygnus spiral arm has been completely grasped by the other party."

Under the Speaker's series of words, the other members of the Mechanical Ascended fell silent.

The mechanical ascendant of Dalal Civilization, who had been encouraging the main fleet to continue to move forward and test the opponent's strength, was silent at this time and no longer talked about this matter.

"This is the picture returned from the stargate fleet near the destroyed planet."

The speaker looked around the virtual world parliament and saw that no one was speaking, so he just put the picture of the destroyed planet in the middle of the venue.

Since the Stargate Fleet had no interest in observing nearby star systems before, they only paid close attention to this star system after the signal was transmitted from the base camp.

While they were observing at the edge of the star system, the outermost planet of the three planets in the star system suddenly began to collapse and rapidly disintegrated, turning into pieces of cosmic debris.

Under the observation of the cruising fleet ships, first one side of the surface collapsed inward, and then the rest of the surface also collapsed inward.

Due to the intensification of collapse, the planet's structure can no longer withstand this drastic change. After it reaches a threshold, it suddenly releases outward and collapses.

This picture shocked all the ascendants. Is this what the unknown civilization did?

Before this, even the cruising fleet, their weapons could not collapse the planet with one blow and break it apart instantly.

The most powerful weapon of the cruising fleet at this time is the still imperfect 'folding'. However, this weapon is too unstable, and once used, it is no longer under the control of the cruising fleet.

What's more important is that the 'Fold' self-destructed twice during transportation, swallowing up two squadrons of the cruising fleet.

It is precisely because of the excellent performance of the 'folding' weapon that the cruising fleet does not position it as a weapon for regular use, but each one is under testing.

Regarding such a situation, the cruising fleet was also surprised after seeing it.

Isn't this the Star Destroyer weapon they have always dreamed of?

But while they were surprised, what they were even more afraid of was that the signal at this coordinate came from the interior of the star system surrounded by the super-accelerating fleet, and came from a completely unknown civilization.

"It collapsed and collapsed directly, without any warning before that."

"Our scientific research fleet is already rushing to the location of the planet to see why it has undergone such drastic changes."

Under the speaker's explanation, the parliament became even more silent.

If these Ascended Ones were to deal with each primitive civilization, they would have a thousand and ten thousand ways to execute it.

But at this time, when they were discussing how to fight against a super civilization that pointed out where to explode, their minds had not yet found any way to deal with it.

"According to the instructions of the warship, all plans must be stopped, the main fleet will no longer move forward, and we must stop all threats to the star system."

"Even the physical isolation zone fleet that is already in place needs to stop advancing."

The speaker was somewhat able to understand the instructions given by the warship.

After all, the star that the other party 'named' is within the Cygnus spiral arm. Although this area is at the junction of the two spiral arms, this also shows that the other party will have the ability to easily cross the two spiral arms.


When the speaker wanted to say something else, a signal transmitted from the main fleet came to the communication ship again.

"here we go again?"

After suddenly receiving a stream of data, the speaker stopped what he was about to say and said instead: "The other party sent a signal again."

Just as the speaker finished speaking, a spiral arm model that was different from the Cygnus spiral arm appeared in front of a group of ascendants.

"Is it the star system where the other party is now?"

When the new model appeared completely, some mechanical ascenders who were paying attention to the situation of the Orion spiral arm spoke up.

"Yes, that's the model of the spiral arm."

"But it's not this model that we're looking at, this is this."

The speaker of the Ascended Council raised his hand and pointed, and a star in the spiral arm of Orion suddenly lit up and turned red.

As soon as this scene appeared, the ascendants immediately realized that it might be the same planet that had collapsed before, and it should be destroyed.

"Can we get a signal from this planet?"

Regarding the coordinates that appear in the spiral arm of Orion, the ascendants still want to see its changes as soon as possible.


The Speaker shook his head and said.

"This coordinate is thirty light-years away from the nearest star gate. We cannot observe its changes as quickly as previous planets."

After the speaker finished speaking, everyone was silent again.

It is a distance of thirty light years, and even if the ship uses super acceleration to advance, it will take a full sixty years to reach it.

Even if the speed of picture transmission is included, the fleet still needs to move half the distance to observe the picture of the planet's collapse and explosion. That means that it will take at least thirty years for the base camp to know the changes of this marked planet.

"Too far."

"Are we going to wait until the planet collapses and explodes before taking action?"

"This would take too much time."

Regarding the second coordinate, all the Ascended Ones felt that the distance was too far, which was very unfavorable for observation. More than thirty years are too long to wait for the current cruising fleet.

The situation at this time was very different from before. They were already greatly aware of the threat posed by the unknown civilization in the solar system.

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