I was exposed for mining on Mars

Chapter 128 Interstellar Material Isolation Zone

Regarding the blatant conspiracy of the three Kasakuk mechanical ascendants, the Cygnus civilization, which monitors all ships and can still connect to the ascenders' data, certainly knows all their thoughts.

However, for the Cygnus civilization, he does not seem to be as worried as the Kasakuk civilization.

As a civilization that has always been hidden behind the cruising fleet, the Cygnus civilization has never exposed its home planet, or even revealed its true identity in front of any civilization.

It is precisely because of the confidentiality work that the Cygnus civilization is not worried about the opponent's counter-tracking of the cruising fleet and the Cygnus civilization after defeating the main fleet and a hundred civilization ships.

Even if the other party can find the base camp of the cruising fleet, it is impossible to find the whereabouts of the Cygnus civilization.

"Unknown civilization, the threat level has increased, and the threat level has reached: extremely high."

Compared with the analysis narrated by the three mechanical ascendants in Kasa Cook, the signal sent back from the warship of the main fleet to the base camp of the cruising fleet was obtained within a few seconds.

When the strong gravitational waves are captured by the warship, it already 'knows' how powerful the opponent is.

Such powerful gravitational fluctuations have never appeared before, even when the Cygnus civilization experimented with 'folding'.

Judging from this comparison, the opponent's weapons are at least one level beyond 'folding' and have entered the unknown territory of the Cygnus civilization.

"Prepare to construct a physical isolation zone."

"All engineering ships go to the predetermined location and start construction of the isolation zone after receiving the signal."

After conveying the 'great threat' to the solar system, the warship also conveyed a previously planned plan to the cruising fleet base camp.

But that plan was to prepare the base camp to take action only after the cruising fleet was defeated.

But after receiving the gravitational wave signal just now, the warship felt that preparations had to be made in advance.

Only by building a material isolation zone can the other party be unable to make interstellar jumps. If you want to sail directly, even if you have the ability to travel at the speed of light, it will take at least more than a thousand years to sail from the location of Blue Star to Deneb.

More than a thousand years have been enough time for the cruising fleet to relocate and go to another location.

And Cygnus-themed civilization? They don't even need to move because they are never exposed.

Just two minutes after the warship sent a signal to the cruising fleet base camp, the originally calm cruising fleet base camp suddenly became restless. A large number of engineering ships separated from the super fleet orbiting the star and headed to the nearest star gate to prepare. Establish an isolation zone in the Orion cantilever.

Since establishing an isolation zone is a huge project in the interstellar world, the engineering ships in action this time covered the sky and swarmed toward the nearest star gate like locusts.

‘A primitive civilization needs to be relocated. ’

‘Two affiliated civilization mother planets need to be destroyed. ’

‘It is recommended to directly use unconventional weapons such as ‘Fold’ to destroy stars, planets and other stars. ’

Although the 'folding' weapon is not stable in the hands of the Cygnus civilization, at this moment when the survival of the cruising fleet is endangered, no matter what weapon is used first, use it first.

However, no matter whether it is the cruising fleet or the Cygnus civilization, no matter what they think at this time, they will not know that the strength of the unknown civilization far away in the solar system is not very strong.

Except for the antimatter annihilation bombs that the Cygnus civilization has not yet mastered, this civilization will not pose any threat to the cruising fleet and the Cygnus civilization at all.

Of course, these conditions are unknown to both the cruising fleet and the Cygnus civilization.

And just as the cruising fleet's main ship separated 1,000 warships for hyper-acceleration, and the base camp's separation engineering ship was preparing to establish a material isolation zone, some places in Blue Star seemed not to be satisfied with the five newly established regions.

For example, India, which was divided into the Ocean Region, was very dissatisfied with John's leadership in the region.

In the Indian country's mind, the John Kingdom was already declining at this time, and it was no longer what it used to be as their suzerain country.

With this idea in mind, after the five regions were established by Luo Xiu, India sent an application to Luo Xiu, hoping to remove the leadership of John's maritime region.

Even if they are not abolished, at least the Indian and John kingdoms should be placed on the same footing.

Luo Xiu, who was preparing to establish a base in Australia, also smiled after receiving the application from India.

Although John's country is declining, it is not something that India can provoke.

"Tell Yin Guo that there was no objection when the region was established yesterday, so there is no need to say it again today."

Luo Xiu walked into a desert in Australia and continued to say to the base control system, "If they really want the regional leadership seat, let them go directly to John Country."

"No, it should be called John District now."

After re-dividing Blue Star, the previous organizational relationship has been completely modified and is transitioning towards the Blue Star Alliance.

"Okay, Commander."

The base control system has always carried out Luo Xiu's instructions unconditionally, so as soon as Luo Xiu finished speaking, the signal was transmitted to all places with seats in the Ocean Region at the same time.

Yin Guo, who submitted the application before, never expected that his application would be directly announced on all the screens in the region.

For a time, comments about India suddenly occupied all Blue Star discussion platforms.

And precisely because of Luo Xiu's move, members from the other four regions who were planning to apply also stopped at the same time.

Especially in Australia, which is directly managed by starship humans, they dare to be angry but dare not speak out.

As the place chosen by Luo Xiu, most of Australia will be transformed into starship human bases stationed on Blue Star.

This place will be used as the research base of Blue Star. Just like Cao Guolin, Mu Di and others on the moon, local Blue Star personnel involved in the research and development of starship human technology will be gathered here.

Unlike the virtual research projects on the moon such as the 'Stargate', 'Antimatter' and 'Shield Generator', Blue Star's research base will focus on physical research and conduct material research in the true sense.

And the research in this area will of course be slightly less difficult than the 'Star Gate' and so on.

However, when it comes to the research of technology, it is not just about ‘Star Gate’ and other technologies. Research on food and living space is equally important to intelligent creatures.

"This area will be managed by the Dahua National District."

In view of the outstanding performance of Cao Guolin, Hou Wen and others, Luo Xiu, the research base on Blue Star, is also prepared to continue to be managed by Chinese personnel.

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