I was exposed for mining on Mars

Chapter 125 Wormhole technology?

This picture was a great shock to Cao Guolin and others. This was the first time they had received pictures of their warships being directly affected by space energy.

It is precisely because this picture comes from the shooting of the battleship itself, so when the picture is sent back, first-hand data about the changes in the ship's hull are also sent back to the huge virtual research room of Cao Guolin and others.

"It's the latest data on space distortion."

While everyone was waiting for the new Shangtang-class battleship to bring antimatter annihilation bombs to the core area of ​​​​annihilation, Cao Guolin and others also focused all their attention on this string of data.

"Hurry up and model and analyze it."

Cao Guolin and others were very excited when they received such important data for the first time. Although they were working for the starship human Luo Xiu, their desire for science also made them immersed in the pleasure of discovery and exploration.

Regarding this feeling, Cao Guolin has a sentence that can very accurately explain his thoughts at this time.

That is, 'If you hear the Tao in the morning, you will die in the evening. ’

Understanding the origin of this universe and discovering more unknowns is the ultimate goal of everyone present.

Of course, this goal is still a bit too far away for Cao Guolin and others. The most important thing right now is still the exploration of the energy in that space.

"The modeling is complete."

Modeling was completed in a matter of seconds with the help of supercomputers covering half of the moon.

Among the data obtained after modeling, Cao Guolin discovered the most important one at the first glance: "The volume of the front electromagnetic railgun guide rail object is infinitely close to 0."

"Time and space distortion!"

But after Cao Guolin read that sentence, his eyes suddenly widened, because he had seen this message before, and it came from a great scientist from Blue Star.

"Relativity?" Gou Wen also noticed that sentence at this time, "No, if so, its gravity will be very strong, and all the asteroids in the surrounding Kuiper Belt will be attracted by it."

"By then, not to mention the Kuiper Belt, the entire solar system will continue to be attracted, and it will not be impossible to create a black hole in the solar system."

"Its gravity field is not enough to change the surrounding four-dimensional space."

After Gou Wen's words, Cao Guolin recovered from the shock just now.

"Then how to explain the change in volume?" Although what Gou Wen said is not unreasonable, apart from this, what else can distort the four-dimensional space and interfere with time and space.

"This does not seem to be caused by gravity." Gou Wen pulled down the data listed on the lunar computer and pointed at the data above. "Outside the annihilation zone, no warship has detected the change in gravity."

"Aside from gravity, the only thing that directly affects space is space energy itself."

Gou Wen's statement was convoluted, but as his old friend, Cao Guolin seemed to understand something, "It was done through the speed difference of the vacuum ground state? Wormhole?"

"Hiss, in this case, it will be even more difficult to handle."

If, as Cao Guolin said, the distortion of space does not come from changes in the four-dimensional space, but because of the emergence of wormholes, then it involves something deeper - dark matter.

In the view of the great scientist from Blue Star, 'wormholes' are thin tubes of space and time that connect distant regions of the universe.

Dark matter is the key to maintaining the opening of the wormhole exit.

‘Wormholes’ can connect two disjoint spaces and provide the possibility of direct time travel.

Simply put, this is an interstellar jump solution that is more convenient and faster than the star gate.

"Wormholes, space energy, dark matter, and space-time distortion."

The simultaneous appearance of these words made Cao Guolin's head grow bigger.

The technology they have is not enough to analyze this kind of thing. Even if more data is obtained after the explosion of another antimatter annihilation bomb, it will be just a bunch of data to Cao Guolin and others.

Even if the current research laboratory obtains those data, it still has no way to carry out experiments.

"We must first develop front-end technology before we can move in this direction." Gou Wen said to Cao Guolin as he looked at the Shangtang-class battleship in the model that was once again heading towards the core area of ​​Annihilation.

"That's really how it should be."

Cao Guolin nodded in response, "But the data obtained today is also extremely important, and will also be of great help to our front-end technology development."

"After all, in addition to the technologies just mentioned, he is very useful to us in the improvement of anti-matter annihilation bombs, shield generators, and ship hull materials."

While Cao Guolin and the two were talking, the two warships, one behind the other, had arrived at the core area of ​​annihilation.

After the two warships arrived, the warship carrying anti-matter annihilation bombs in front did not directly release the anti-matter annihilation bombs in the ship. Instead, it increased the output power of the thruster and used the ship's hull to move towards the extremely twisted ship. The outward-expanding debris crashed into it.

Because he was out of space, although the impact looked very violent, it didn't make the slightest sound.

When the front end of the Shangtang-class battleship came into contact with the debris, the entire battleship suddenly twisted into a ball, and the space energy was directly transferred from the debris to the hull.

"Data has been returned."

Before the system in the Shangtang-class battleship could fully display the text on the bridge display, the antimatter annihilation bomb in the ship was activated again, covering the ship and debris.

Following the warship carrying the anti-matter annihilation bomb, the warship responsible for observing the annihilation also sent the picture back to the moon as soon as it was swallowed.

By modeling and processing the data returned by the battleship, the scene of the antimatter annihilation bomb bursting out immediately appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

In that picture, the battleship that had hit the debris and was twisted into an arc by the space energy activated the antimatter annihilation bomb inside the ship.

After the antimatter annihilation bomb was activated, the location where the annihilation bomb was stored was first devoured, opening a large hole in the belly of the ship.

If it weren't for the extremely slow speed of the demonstration, everyone would never be able to see clearly the sequence of the ship's annihilation.

And just as the annihilation energy continued to explode and was transmitted to the fragments through the ship's hull, the ship's hull, which had been contaminated with space energy, directly transmitted the annihilation energy to the interior of the fragments.

This impact caused the fragments and the battleship to be affected by space energy, so the annihilation energy did not attack the fragments from the outside at this time, but directly impacted from the inside.

At this time, the violent annihilation energy was locked in the space membrane, but it was unable to expand outward. It could only annihilate the ship body and fragments repeatedly within the space membrane, sometimes expanding and sometimes contracting, forming a very strange picture.

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