I was exposed for mining on Mars

Chapter 120 ‘Survivors’ in the Annihilation Zone

When dealing with an advance fleet of only a hundred battleships, Luo Xiu had already damaged 300,000 Xia Qi-class battleships.

If there are 10,000 or even 100,000 battleships a hundred years later, even if Luo Xiu hollows out Mars and even collects the asteroid belt, he probably won't be able to produce battleships that can crush the opponent through numbers.

Therefore, Luo Xiu's focus at this time is no longer to increase the number of warships in the solar system, but to improve the quality of his own warships.

Now regarding Luo Xiu's battleship technology, the only one that is ahead of the cruising fleet is the anti-matter annihilation bomb developed by the Migration Faction themselves.

In terms of other common technologies, Luo Xiu is mostly the same as the cruising fleet.

As for some key technologies, such as the unstable weapon "folding" and the "neutron bombing" that only the Kasakuk civilization has mastered.

Luo Xiu has never seen this weapon used by the cruising fleet, and it is also classified as confidential in the database.

Except for the Kasakuk civilization, the other more than twenty affiliated civilizations have no opportunity to come into contact with the technology of 'neutron bombing'.

Compared with the 'fold' that has appeared before, this weapon that has matured and has been entered into the database is definitely the most powerful weapon in the cruising fleet's hands.

Just by hearing the name, Luo Xiu felt that it was an existence that could truly destroy stars.

With such a big threat, Luo Xiu's technological output to Blue Star is gradually increasing, so that Blue Star can bring some breakthroughs in basic science.

"Your Excellency Commander, we have discovered matter in the annihilation energy zone."

While Luo Xiu was still thinking about how to bring the strength of both sides closer within a hundred years, the base control system brought Luo Xiu a different kind of 'surprise'.

"And material things?"

Luo Xiu seemed a little confused about the report on the base control system.

It stands to reason that the simultaneous explosion of antimatter annihilation bombs launched by more than 300,000 Xia Qi-class battleships is enough to annihilate all positive matter in the annihilation area.

Even if there is no annihilation, the matter will be destroyed by the violent shock caused by 'folding' and antimatter annihilation and become the most basic particles.

"Yes, the shield ship discovered matter on the edge of the Annihilation Zone."

Of course, the base control system will not send back false news. While it transmits the information about the annihilation area, it also puts the picture on the screen in Luo Xiu's room.

Right in front of the room, the entire wall suddenly changed from blue to the pure black of the Annihilation Zone under the control of the Mastermind.

Although the shield ship was on the edge of the annihilation zone at this time, the picture returned was still very blurry.

However, through the glow of the shield ship's own shield, Luo Xiu could still see an iron block several meters in diameter in front of the ship.

"The matter should have been impacted to the edge by the antimatter annihilation energy wave. When the antimatter annihilation zone expanded to this area, the antimatter had been exhausted, leaving it still in this state."

"The surface of the material is extremely distorted, and it seems to have been in contact with the 'folded' weapon when it was impacted."

Under the introduction of the base control system, the only positive matter found in this antimatter annihilation energy zone seems to exist like a child of destiny.

When it is impacted to the edge of the annihilation energy zone, as long as someone is not careful, it will disappear directly in this space.

"Capture it, but luck alone cannot let it stay." After being surprised at the beginning, Luo Xiu also began to pay attention to this unexpected product.

If this thing really relied on luck, how could it have escaped the double blow of antimatter and space folding at the same time.

You must know that Luo Xiu's shield ship can only survive for dozens of minutes. How can a piece of material without shield protection survive until now?

"Okay, the order is being executed."

After Luo Xiu's command to capture was given, the shield ship's thrusters that had stopped started again, pushing the ship forward a certain distance.

When the shield energy of the shield ship was about to touch the fragment, the thrust engine started, and the shield ship also controlled its hatch to align with the position of the fragment.

After all the foreplay was completed, the hatch of the shield ship opened, and several robots loaded with individual shield generators flew out of the hatch and headed straight for the fragment.

"The substance has been captured."

"Entering the shield ship compartment."

"Capture success."

"The shield ship is sailing out of the annihilation energy zone."

After a series of operations, the shield ship, which was supposed to continue its mission, sailed out of the annihilation area in advance, bringing out the most unique substances in the annihilation area.

The shield ship carrying the material fragments had just sailed out of the annihilation zone, and the picture in front of Luo Xiu gradually became clear.

"Study on site, no need to bring it back to the lunar research base."

For this kind of material with unknown origin and unknown properties, Luo Xiu did not dare to bring it easily to the orbit of the moon and the blue star.

If that thing directly opens an antimatter or folding area near the moon, then the roots of the entire Blue Star civilization will disappear.

At that time, the Blue Star humans would be even more lonely than the migration faction that joined the cruising fleet.

Because the cruising fleet at least still has hope, at least the Blue Star is still within the orbit of the solar system. If there is no Blue Star or even the solar system, the Blue Star civilization will directly become a rootless civilization.

The meaning of their existence may be only the expectation of their own evolution.

"Let the team responsible for stargate and shield research connect the screen and analyze the material."

When the shield ship that captured the unknown material in the annihilation zone released the material again, the two research teams on the blue star and the moon also received information about performing temporary missions at the same time.

After Cao Guolin, who was still analyzing the material of the outer wall of the star gate, confirmed his participation, the models of the surrounding star gates also disappeared, replaced by the antimatter annihilation energy zone in the orbit of Neptune, and the twisted matter in the center of the virtual world. fragments.

"What is this going to do?"

Cao Guolin said with some confusion when he saw that the starship humans had actually summoned tens of thousands of scientific researchers.

If it is to study the annihilation energy area, Cao Guolin can understand it. After all, not only Luo Xiu is paying attention to that area, but also the entire Blue Star human race.

But obviously the target of this research is not the annihilation energy zone, but the inconspicuous piece of material fragments.

"Are we here to study it?" Cao Guolin in the virtual world floated forward, floating around the material debris like the robots on the shield ship.

When Cao Guolin approached, Gou Wen, who was in charge of shield research, also saw him and quickly followed him from the side, "I actually called you here this time."

"It seems like this thing is certainly unusual."

Gou Wen said, lowering his head and looking at the fragments below.

"Much like ordinary hull fragments."

Gou Wen said, reaching out to touch the fragment, but before he touched it directly, his whole body suddenly stopped and said, "This incision is too smooth."

"It was taken out from the antimatter energy annihilation zone?!"

Thinking of this, Gou Wen felt a little incredible.

You must know that when he was studying the shield, Gou Wen knew the horror of the annihilation energy zone. How could material fragments appear in such an area without the support of a shield?

Shouldn't it have been annihilated by antimatter long ago?

"Where did it come from?" After Gou Wen's reminder, Cao Guolin also paid attention to the fragment.

"Is it because of the material?"

When Cao Guolin, who was studying the material of the star gate, saw what he saw now, the first thing he thought of was the material of the other party.

"No matter how good the material is, it will only be annihilated when it encounters antimatter, right?" Gou Wen did not quite agree with Cao Guolin's guess.

No matter how good the materials are, they can only be used in the material world. Once it comes into contact with antimatter, it doesn't matter what material you are made of, it will be annihilated directly.

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