I was exposed for mining on Mars

Chapter 117 Galaxy·Spiral Arm War

The more the commanders from the Kasakuk civilization thought about it, the more they felt that this trip was not simple. Perhaps the unknown civilization they were facing came from outside the territory, as previously analyzed?

‘Is it a civilization beyond the Cygnus Arm-Orion Arm? ’

‘From the Perseus Arm or the Sagittarius Arm? ’

The current sphere of influence of the cruising fleet is only in the two spiral arms, and they know very little about the situation outside the two spiral arms.

You must know that in this universe, every civilization knows how to hide itself and not be easily discovered by the other party.

In the Milky Way, there are four main spiral arms alone, and the size of each main spiral arm is unknown how many times the Orion spiral arm is.

Among these main spiral arms, which are like the trunks of trees, the Orion arms can only be regarded as branches attached to them, and there is no comparison at all.

‘It takes 13 light years to reach the galaxy from here. We don’t know what the galaxy will look like when we arrive. ’

‘It would be great if the stargate of that galaxy had been built. ’

For the commander of the Kasakuk civilization, the distance of 13 light-years seems too far for the current situation.

Since the opponent is already a high-level civilization, the long journey will bring a lot of uncertainty to the entire fleet.

No one knows whether the other party is still in the galaxy, or whether it is transforming the galaxy into a front-end base in an attempt to get involved in the Orion spiral arm.

It stands to reason that the Orion Arm hangs alone between the Hercules Arm and the Sagittarius Arm, with only a small area connected to these two major spiral arms.

This appearance completely belongs to a desolate area of ​​the galaxy.

Apart from the similar swan arms, I didn't expect any civilization to take an interest in this place.

‘Perhaps we are going to have a real war since our establishment. ’

Thinking of this, the commander of Kasa Cook reached out and pushed aside the virtual solar system model in front of him, and walked towards the front of the bridge.

‘Civilized ship. ’

The commander looked at the screen in front of the bridge. On the screen, a civilization ship belonging only to the Cygnus civilization was playing out of the star gate.

Since the hull of the civilization ship is too huge, only one ship can pass through at a time, which also makes the assembly time seem a little long.

However, they still need to sail 13 light-years to reach the solar system, which means that it will take a full 20 cruising fleet years (100 Earth years).

Since it takes so long, the time it takes to wait for the civilization ship to jump over seems a bit insignificant.

"All ships have arrived."

When the last civilization ship sailed out of the star gate, the flagship of the Kasakuk civilization also sounded a prompt.

After hearing this, the commander said: "Apply to the warship for operational command authority."

"Application sent."

"The application has been approved and the authority has been delegated."

Just like the previous advance fleets in the solar system, this civilization that ranks first among the cruising fleets also needs to obtain the authority of the warlord ship before it can control the entire fleet.

And this does not include the hundred civilized ships that formed a separate army.

"Departure, target 061 galaxy."

Galaxy 061 is the code name of the cruising fleet for the civilization of the solar system. 61 means that the solar system is the 61st primitive civilization discovered by the cruising fleet.

Among these discovered civilizations, some have not yet entered the migration line, while others have long since died out.

There are many reasons for their demise, and being directly destroyed by a cruising fleet is one of the most common. As long as the primitive civilization is unwilling to cooperate, the cruising fleet will certainly not give the other party a chance to develop.

Only by destroying it can it pose no threat to the cruising fleet and the Cygnus civilization. Even if they had just left their home star at that time, even if it was a one-in-a-billion possibility, the Cygnus civilization would not allow it to appear.

If Luo Xiu had not appeared in the solar system, the result would have been the same as those primitive civilizations, either migrating or destroyed.

"The order has been issued, the thrusters are started, and the fleet is targeting the 061 system."

Under the order of the commander of the Kasakuk civilization, more than 100,000 warships of the cruising fleet set off from the star gate and headed straight for the solar system 13 light-years away.

They need to go through a time span of 100 Earth years during this trip. In order to maintain sufficient condition and to minimize consumption, the fleet is led by Kasakuk and 7 members of the civilization, including members of the Dalal civilization. Entered hibernation together.

‘We don’t know what awaits us 13 light years away. ’

The commander of the Kasakuk civilization stood in front of his dormant warehouse, looking a little confused about the future of the fleet.

This is the second time that the civilization in the Cruising Fleet has experienced a confrontation with a high-level civilization. The first time was with the Cruising Fleet and the Cygnus Civilization.

As a member of the group that was suppressed at the time, they certainly knew the gap between themselves and the Cygnus civilization at that time.

If the opponent is really as powerful as the Cygnus civilization, or even more powerful than the Cygnus civilization, then we don’t know what this war across the spiral arm will look like.

But for this commander, as someone who has conducted experiments on civilized ships, he is very clear about the data of civilized ships.

‘Maybe this is the sea of ​​stars, anything can happen. ’

‘It happens anytime, anywhere, without any warning. ’

The commander of the Kasakuk civilization took one last look at the virtual image of the solar system on the big screen in front, and then fell into the dormant chamber, waiting to be awakened in 100 blue star years.

When the wall of the dormant chamber was about to close, his eyes unconsciously glanced towards the screen 061 in the direction of the solar system.

He couldn't say he was looking forward to a war of this magnitude, nor was he afraid. He is just very curious about the war between advanced civilizations.

The strong bullies the weak, and the confrontation between the strong and the strong may be staged for the first time in the Cygnus Spiral Arm-Orion Spiral Arm.

I just don’t know what the outcome of this war will be. Whether the entire 061 galaxy is destroyed, or the main fleet of the cruising fleet is destroyed, the opponent sings a song of victory all the way, from the Orion spiral arm to the Cygnus spiral arm, and finally enters the location of the cruising fleet.

Thinking of this, the commander of Kasakuk Civilization also closed his eyes. Hibernation has begun.

"Everyone has gone into hibernation, and the warship is taking over the fleet control system."

When all fleet members entered the hibernation chamber, the images and text on the screens of each ship were instantly replaced by strings of characters.


Every screen on the bridge, down to the ship corridors, sleep bay displays, and member identifiers are all replaced by characters, as if this is what they should be displaying.

This situation will continue for 100 Blue Star years from now until the fleet members are awakened.

It took a lot of time to modify the previous 027 reservation plan, so today I have to make up for the Mid-Autumn Festival.

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