I was exposed for mining on Mars

Chapter 107 War begins! Xia Qi level, advance four!

"Entering the planetary zone."

"Weapon systems are open to a limited extent."

While Luo Xiu was actively preparing for war, the advance fleet had also crossed the Kuiper Belt and was about to reach the downgraded orbit of Pluto.

Although Pluto is no longer among the nine planets, arriving here means that the distance between them and Blue Star humans is already quite close in astronomical units.

At the same time that the advance fleet arrived in Pluto's orbit, Luo Xiu at the Saturn Star Port also received a prompt from the base control system.

"Target has crossed the orbit of Uranus."

"Sure enough, it's ahead of schedule." After receiving the prompt, Luo Xiu looked at the large screen of the star port console, which was playing the operation trajectory of the advance fleet.

At this time, the advance fleet is already preparing to enter a state of deceleration, and when they reach the orbit of Neptune, the reverse thrust engines will start running.

"All personnel, all ships, state of war."

The advance fleet is approaching, and after a long wait, the war is finally about to begin.

Although there was a huge error in the timing of the arrival of the advance fleet, after all-out production and manufacturing, the warships under his starship humanity had already formed a large scale.

In terms of quantity, the nearly 100,000 warships in Saturn Star Port have exceeded the opponent by thirty times.

Among these 100,000 battleships, there are as many as 27 million Blue Star operators selected from the fantasy world.

Although the number of selected personnel was 3 million less than planned, the number of warships they operated was already close to 9,000.

Although there is a huge gap between this number and the total number of ships, it still allows Luo Xiu to produce more warships. When the signal is forcibly interrupted by the opponent, the unmanned ship's attack will be chaotic and uncoordinated.

And just when the war preparation order was issued, most of the Blue Star humans among the thousands of manned ships became nervous.

For these Blue Star humans, they might have been chefs, drivers, or athletes a year ago. At that time, their understanding of interstellar warfare came from novels and movies.

Even though they had received professional training before, in order not to cause large-scale energy fluctuations, Luo Xiu still operated in a "dream" most of the time.

"All personnel, enter combat positions!"

"All personnel, enter combat positions!"

After two consecutive broadcasts, the spirits of the Blue Star humans on all the ships suddenly became tense. Some were so nervous that they even felt that the muscles of their hands and feet were trembling.

"The opponent has entered the predetermined position, and the thrusters are activated!"

As the base control system continued to broadcast, although the Blue Star humans who had developed a habit of dreaming were breathing heavily, they still successfully completed the activation of the thrusters.

On the other side, the flagship of the advance fleet, which was rapidly approaching the orbit of Neptune, immediately issued a series of instructions to each ship after gaining authority.

"Observe star system orbits."

"Confirmed, it's safe now."

As the most professional combat fleet among the cruising fleets, although the advance fleet does not feel that this primitive galaxy poses any threat, routine observations are still being carried out.

In turn, the Xia Qi-class battleship, an unmanned warship that uses a shield to silence itself in Neptune's orbit, also received instructions from the base control system at the same time.

"Lock the target and prepare to attack."

After the instructions from the base control system were conveyed, all 310,000 Xia Qi-class warships were activated, and every three hundred ships locked on one advance fleet warship, striving to annihilate the opponent in the orbit of Neptune in one fell swoop.

"Target locked."

As the Xia Qi-class battleships responded, 310,000 battleships simultaneously turned on their stern thrusters, and streaks of blue light lit up in the starry sky, instantly filling the orbit of Neptune on the side facing the advance fleet.

When more than 300,000 warships ignited their thrusters at the same time, the advance fleet, which was almost approaching the orbit of Neptune, also discovered energy fluctuations in the orbit at this time.

More than 300,000 warships ignited their propellers at such a close distance at the same time. Even if they were all equipped with shields, it would be impossible to hide them from the approaching advance fleet.

When they stopped camouflaging themselves, the brightest stars in the sky changed from speckled stars to blue lines.

Such a huge fleet made the captain of the vanguard fleet's flagship feel like he was acting like a mantis. This is a feeling that has never appeared when facing any civilization.

"Energy fluctuation detected!"

"The security level nearby has dropped, be ready for battle!"

In the advance fleet that suddenly detected energy fluctuations, alarms sounded one after another, leaving all the personnel on board at a loss.

As the organization with the strongest Cygnus Cantilever-Orion Cantilever, they have never encountered such a situation. Even if they encountered resistance when they took over primitive civilization, they were always crushed by them.

Precisely because of the constant crushing, they had never heard such an alarm.

And just when the members of the Dalal civilization were wondering why there was such an alarm, the AI ​​of the Cygnus civilization warship once again heard the voice, "Encountered an unknown civilization. The unknown civilization has a high level of civilization and a high level of threat."

"cruising fleet, please prepare for battle!"

"Prepare for battle!"

Under the continuous broadcasts from the warship, the Dalal civilization reacted and all turned on their weapon systems, preparing to face the unknown civilization in the broadcast.

"What kind of civilization is this?" The captain of the flagship said uncertainly as he looked at the endless starry sky in the detector.

He has lived for 1,400 Blue Star years, migrated to three primitive civilizations, and destroyed a resistant civilization, but he has never encountered this situation.

"Is there really any unknown high-level civilization?"

The captain stared closely at the screen, hoping to see the shadow of 'higher civilization'. "But the two cantilevers are under our long-term detection. How can there be a high-level civilization?"

"Even if there is a big explosion of technology, it is impossible to reach the height of a cruising fleet."

"Could it be an unknown civilization coming from two major cantilevers?"

Like the original Blue Star humans, the captain of the Dalal Civilization fell into confusion. Faced with this situation for the first time, he could only use the same method to deal with the resisting civilization.

"Apply for full permission on the weapon system."

"The application is approved and permission is granted."

The AI ​​of Cygnus Civilization was not as confused as the captain. It immediately agreed to the granting of authority after the flagship captain applied.

"All fleets, weapon systems are fully activated. The aircraft move forward to explore the eighth planetary orbit of the galaxy."

"Roger, the aircraft has been dispatched."

Following the captain's order, the Dalar people, who had obtained authority over all weapon systems, released all the aircraft in the fleet.

Countless white lights flew out from the ship's hatch, assembled in space, formed a fan shape, and quickly covered the orbit of Neptune.

War is about to break out.

At this time, Luo Xiu, who was observing the orbit of Neptune, of course also learned that the advance fleet had begun to respond, so after seeing this, he immediately ordered the base control system: "Xia Qi-class battleship, Go forward four and attack the advance fleet."

"The order has been issued."

When Luo Xiu's order was transmitted to the Xia Qi-class battleship through the base control system, the propellers of the 310,000 battleships suddenly stretched the blue light at the stern of the ship, and the triangular hull jerked forward, heading straight for the advance fleet. The direction went quickly.

Due to the high-speed movement, the shielding system of the Xia Qi-class battleships also lost its effect, and the 310,000 battleships were directly exposed to the detection system of the advance fleet.


When the shielding coat of the Xia Qi-class battleship was removed, countless red dots suddenly lit up on the detection display of the advance fleet flagship, and they were heading towards the advance fleet at high speed.

"Target warships 310,312."

"310,000 ships?!"

After hearing the screening and locking of the ship's system, the captain of the flagship suddenly felt a big headache. What kind of civilization is this? How long have you been in this galaxy to build so many battleships?

And most importantly, what did the other side use to hide these 310,000 warships?

There is no large star as a barrier at their location, so they cannot avoid detection by hiding behind stars. Since it is parked directly in the starry sky, how can it avoid detection?

"Optical stealth? But how did you avoid the detection wave?"

"Captain, now is not the time to think about this." Next to the captain, the deputy captain who said the wrong thing before reminded him, "We should slow down now and lift upward to avoid the impact of these battleships. "

"Their speed is not very fast. As long as they can change their orbit as quickly as possible, the other party will not be able to catch up with us."

Although the Xia Qi-class battleship has just appeared, the advance fleet has already obtained the general parameters of the opponent through the information from the warship.

"Can't keep up with us?" At this time, the captain looked at the parameter display position of the opponent's ship, "Okay, raise the orbit and prepare the beam cannon."

After the captain gave the order, the advance fleet quickly lifted upwards, preparing to escape the impact of the Xia Qi-class battleships.

While rising, the beam cannon on the battleship also adjusted its angle at the same time, aiming at the overwhelming fleet that had covered the starlight.

However, there are too many Xia Qi-class battleships, and the orbit they occupy is not a single one. From top to bottom, from left to right, the Xia Qi-class battleships are like weaving a net in space, always moving the advance fleet. Covered within the attack range.


Although the advance fleet has not yet shaken off the fleet of Xia Qi-class battleships, it does not prevent them from attacking the Xia Qi-class battleships first.

Under the command of the flagship, a hundred battleships of the advance fleet activated their beam cannons at the same time and fired at the phalanx of Xia Qi-class battleships.

"So fast!" When the captain of the flagship of the advance fleet was running and shooting at the speed of light, he saw the opponent's dense battleship formation suddenly spread out in all directions, leaving a huge space between the battleships.

"There is a unified control system and a signal jamming device!"

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