Chapter 577 An old mother’s heart

  Du Shi looked at the two of them, her cheeks flushed, she was really not used to being praised by everyone.

"When you said that, I didn't know where to put my face. I'm so embarrassed."

Bai Yunxi looked at her blushing cheeks and couldn't help laughing.

  "What's there to be embarrassed about? It tastes good. Talent is not something that just anyone can have."

After three years of getting along, Du Shi's over-sensitivity has improved, and she is no longer nervous when things happen. Now, she has become a qualified sister-in-law. In a few days, she will be the head of the family.

In addition to her, Bai Jingjing has also changed a lot. She has put a lot of effort into this. The low self-esteem and sensitivity she used to have have almost disappeared with life. As long as she does not encounter major setbacks, her character flaws will not be exposed. .

“Sister-in-law, my mother is right, you just have a talent for cooking. Don’t worry, I will light the fire when you cook from now on, and I will help you, and I will not cause any trouble to you again.”

Ms. Li held her hand and flattered her with a smile.

 In the past, she thought that she was embarrassed to always eat ready-made food and let her sister-in-law cook all the time, just like how lazy she was.

So, every few days, she would rush to cook a meal, but she also found that as long as she cooked, everyone ate very slowly, even herself, it was like chewing wax.

It was also at that time that she knew that she was not as good as her elder sister-in-law in cooking.

Seeing her embarrassed look, Du Shi covered her mouth with a handkerchief and chuckled.

"You don't have to feel embarrassed. Apart from cooking, I can't do anything else as well as you. I'm not as strong as you, so you and your second brother are busy doing all the work in the fields. Cooking a little food is the easiest job for me. Son."

“Besides, my mother also said that everyone’s talents are different. Maybe I am suitable for living in the kitchen, while my sister-in-law, you are suitable for living in the fields.”

Baiyunxi listened, nodded in agreement, and echoed,

“That’s true. Everyone’s talents are different, and the things they are good at are naturally different. As long as you work hard and do what you are good at, you can always add glory to your family.”

  After being praised repeatedly, Mrs. Li's eyes were bright and she puffed up her chest without thinking, like a proud bird of joy.

"Hehe... I like to hear this. I am strong but stupid, so I am not suitable for detailed work. But you can definitely find me for the work that requires strength."

As he spoke, Li held his head high and his eyes bright.

Looking at her energetic posture, everyone burst into laughter.

Wenyou looked at the family, the corners of her mouth slightly curved, and even the ends of her eyes were smiling.

In the blink of an eye, she has been living with them for two years. Although she is living an ordinary life, the family and Lele get along easily and happily. It is the most comfortable time in her life.

Occasionally in the dead of night, she would always think that everyone in the world likes a comfortable life. As long as there are comfortable days, she will subconsciously be greedy for them.

 And she was greedy for this mediocre life.

Bai Yunxi sat on a chair, smiling and watching the children talking and laughing, feeling the same emotion in her heart.

 In the three years she spent with the children, the children adapted to her discipline, and she also adapted to her new identity during these three years.

 In the past three years, she thought she had grown as much as a few children.

Now she is an old mother through and through, worrying about the growth of her children, their food, drink, clothing and future.

 (End of this chapter)

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