Chapter 515 Is country life boring?

Sharecroppers will not delay planting the land, because every delay will affect the harvest, and they will also lose one point of rations.

Hearing his mother's tone, Bai Anyan felt scratchy in his heart, but he didn't force it. Xiaowu reminded him yesterday that he should learn more and see more when following his mother.

He has little reading and limited knowledge, and the ideas in his mind are always different from others. He also realizes this problem and needs to change it.

 “Mom, I understand.”

Baiyunxi saw that he was able to hold his own. It seemed that Xiao Wu had said a lot to him after the meeting last night.

“That small village is half a mile away from the town. It’s on our way back. I’ll point it out to you later.”


At this time, Bai Anyan was happy and bought some oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar, and they left the town. As soon as they arrived at the entrance of the town, they met Xiao Si who was squatting on guard.

  "Didn't you look for Shunzi to play? Did you come back so quickly?"

Xiaosi chuckled and waved his hand casually, "I'll just talk to Shunzi. It's nothing important."

Baiyunxi glanced at it but didn't pay much attention to it, and the few of them continued walking home. When he reached the two big willow trees, Baiyunxi asked the second child to stop and pointed to the field opposite.

“Have you seen those two thatched houses? The surrounding area is the field we bought. If you want to see it, go ahead.”

When Bai Anyan heard this, his eyes lit up.

“Mom, didn’t you say you would go and see it after you get the red deed?”

Bai Yunxi smiled and said, "It's all a trivial matter. You can go if you want to. I've already bought it anyway. It doesn't matter if it's a day earlier or a day later."

She just thought about it. Everyone’s mentality is different and their ideas are naturally different. If you want to cultivate a person, you have to start with small things.

Once, when she was a child, she got a floral dress that she had dreamed of. She jumped with joy for a long time and couldn't bear to take it off when she went to sleep.

Bai Anyan's mood at this time is probably similar to the mood she had when she was a child.

 Xiaosi looked at the busy crowd not far away and also echoed,

“Mom, I’ll go over with my second brother and take a look at their farming situation.”

Hearing Xiao Si’s arrogant tone, Bai Yunxi rolled his eyes at him rudely.

“Your second brother and second sister-in-law have always taken care of the fields at home, so you just followed suit. What do you know?”

When his mother questioned his ability, Xiaosi immediately stopped working.

"Who says I don't understand? I've never eaten pork, and haven't seen pigs leaving? Every day I listen to my mother and my second brother discussing how to make the fields more productive. I also learned something. Although I'm not as talented as my second brother, I'm better than my second brother. Compared to ordinary people, it still stands out.”

 Watching Xiaosi arguing with his mother, Bai Anyan patted him on the shoulder directly.

"Okay, let's go take a look and be back soon. Go home early, we still have to go to the fields."

Looking at the two brothers walking to the fields together, Bai Yunxi sat beside the cart, enjoying himself and leisurely.

Anyway, it’s a done deal, so it’s okay to go and explore the situation.

Thinking of this, Baiyunxi turned to look at Wenyou,

“Isn’t life in the countryside a bit boring for you?”

Hearing Bai Yunxi’s inquiry, Wenyou was stunned for a moment, turned to look at the busy fields around her, and shook her head.

"There is no such thing as boring. It makes no difference to me whether I am in the city or in the countryside. My personality is dull and talkative. I have become accustomed to it over the years, and I am afraid it will not be easy to change in the future."

 (End of this chapter)

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