Chapter 297 I have never seen the world.

 Large flakes of snow were flying in the wind, and a thick layer of snow fell in the yard and on the branches.

Baiyunxi looked at the scenery in front of him and was shocked. He quickly went back to the house and changed into thick clothes, then went out for a walk. Being in the sea of ​​snow, Baiyunxi felt the wonder of nature for the first time.

Whether it is the mountains in the distance or the mountain village in front of us, they are all covered with a layer of snow.

The chimneys of every household are filled with smoke, exuding vitality.

  She used to live in a high-rise building, which was full of high technology. Even if it snowed, she could not survive. If she wanted to have a snowball fight or ski, she had to go to a professional ski resort.

 A person is in the vast world. While feeling the magic of nature, he also feels the insignificance of life.

“Mom, what are you doing standing outside on such a cold day?”

Ms. Li walked to the door carrying a load of water. She watched her mother-in-law raise her head and look at the sky. She also looked up and saw that it was all snowflakes.

Bai Yunxi looked at Mrs. Li carrying water and hurriedly came to open the door for her, patting the snowflakes on her body.

“Seeing such heavy snow suddenly, it feels a bit fresh, let’s go out and take a look.”

Mrs. Li carried the water into the yard and replied casually.

“Although it is the first snow, the snow is really heavy, and it looks like it won’t stop for a while.”

Hearing Li's tone, Baiyunxi looked up at the snowflakes flying in the sky, and then looked back at the shack at home. With the blessing of Bodhisattva, I hope the shack at home can last through the whole winter.

At this moment, Bai Anyan came back wearing a straw hat. Looking at the **** in white, Bai Yunxi was so surprised.

 “What are you doing when it snows so heavily?”

“Mom, I went to the field to look at the winter wheat. I was thinking of pouring freezing water on the field in the past few days, but I didn’t expect it to snow, which saves trouble.”

Bai Anyan took off the straw hat on his head, patted the snow on his body, and smiled honestly.

“The book says that if winter wheat is to survive the winter safely, it must be poured with freezing water. But before it even started, it started to snow.”

Thinking of Shennong's Planting Manual that he had in hand, Baiyunxi was very satisfied. It was really good to be able to learn and use it now.

Because of the snow, the family didn't have to go into the mountains. After breakfast, they all sat in front of the charcoal pot to warm themselves up. There were a few footboards and sweet potatoes placed beside the charcoal pot. Once they were cooked, they could be eaten as snacks.

 The family had a conversation and then went back to their houses.

In this weather, it is warmer to stay in bed.

Baiyunxi and Yaya got into bed. After telling a short story, they both dozed off.

When they opened their eyes again, it was already dusk and the charcoal fire in the charcoal basin had gone out.

Opening the door, Baiyunxi shuddered with a biting cold wind and immediately wrapped up his cotton-padded jacket.

There was only a thin layer of snow in the yard, but a high snowdrift was piled up beside the fence. Looking at the snowflakes still falling in the sky, Baiyunxi couldn't help but frown.

Although it is auspicious snow that indicates a good harvest, if we go down at this speed, we will soon reach the calf.

The bigger the snow, the colder the temperature, which can easily cause snow disasters. This kind of snow is really unfriendly to poor people like them.

Everyone had dinner together. Baiyunxi looked at the snowflakes that didn't stop, and turned to look at the two children.

“Do you feel that the snow this year is much heavier than in previous years?”

“Mom, auspicious snow heralds a good year. It doesn’t matter if the snow is heavy. Anyway, we have enough food stored. It will snow for a few days.”

 (End of this chapter)

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