Chapter 292 Buying Grain

By the time the fried pine nuts are cooked, the whole yard will be filled with a burning smell, attracting people passing by to look into the yard frequently.

“Auntie, what are you frying? It’s so fragrant.”

"It's nothing. I got some pine nuts in the mountains. I fried them up as snacks during my free time. You're welcome to grab a handful and try them as soon as they come out of the pot."

 When there were pine nuts to eat, the man immediately beamed.

"Then I'll take advantage of it." He said, reaching out and grabbing a handful, "Hey, it's still warm."

The two of them said a few words at the door, and then the man left with a smile. Baiyunxi turned around and sat under the eaves, peeling pine nuts to eat while looking up at the gloomy sky.

 The weather has changed and the air is getting colder. It is estimated that it will snow in a few days.

Baiyunxi was worried and checked everything he ate.

 After this period of hard work, we have indeed harvested a lot, including sweet potatoes from a semi-cellar, as well as sun-dried cassava flour and kudzu powder.

 Coupled with the recovered chestnuts and tuna, these alone are enough to support the house for a while.

When they turn around, they will go to the town to buy a few buckets of brown rice and store it. They try to prepare enough food. No matter it is windy, rainy or snowy, they will not panic if they have food at home.

 Let's just do it. The next day, Baiyunxi had breakfast and started making arrangements.

"An Yan, Mrs. Li, you two come with me to the town today. We will buy some food and store it back."

As soon as Du Shi heard about buying food, he quickly spoke,

“Mom, I still have three bushels of brown rice at home.” In addition to the coarse grains sent by my grandfather’s family, there are also things from the mountains and forests to supplement the food, so the food consumption is slow.

Baiyunxi nodded,

"I know this. Seeing that the weather is getting colder, if it snows and it is inconvenient to go to the town, I have stored the food in advance so that I don't have to run if it snows."

This time when she went to town, she planned to inquire about the price of pine nuts. If it was suitable, it would be more practical to exchange the collected pine nuts for money.

Upon hearing this, Bai Anyan said, "Mom is right, you really need to take precautions in advance. If it snows, the road will be difficult, and sometimes the price of food will increase."

Especially when the door is closed due to heavy snow, even if you want to go out, you can't.

 Storing food for winter has become a habit among villagers.

"Mom, do you need my help?" Bai Anyi raised his head and looked at Baiyun Xi.

 “You stay at home in case someone comes to cause trouble, and your sister-in-law cannot handle it alone.”

 She is still worried about Er Bo Niang’s family.

Upon hearing this, Bai Anyi clenched his fists and said, "Mom, just go and leave the house to me. If anyone dares to cause trouble, I will break her legs."

 The three of them pushed the cart and carried the baskets, and went to the town together.

With two laborers, Bai Anyan and Li, Baiyunxi didn't need to walk. He sat directly on the cart and let the couple push it.

When they arrived in the town, they walked along the street and went directly to the grain store.

Seeing Baiyunxi, the shopkeeper came out with a smile.

“Sister-in-law Bai, I haven’t seen you come to town for a while. This year’s autumn grain has already arrived, but what do I need?”

“Shopkeeper Wang really guessed it right. The large number of people in the family consumes a lot of money. I will take the children here to buy some brown rice and other cereals.”

Baiyunxi said, pointing to the sky, "It's getting cold, and I'm afraid it'll snow and I won't be able to go out. I bought more this time, so I don't have to run back and forth."

“Is this the truth, or is Sister Bai having a foresight?”

Shopkeeper Wang agreed with his face. It was better for people in the town to go out, but it was really not easy for people to go out in the countryside below.

 (End of this chapter)

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