Chapter 233 Meeting Aunt Hua on the Road

 Compared with before, he couldn't hold on half the way. Now that he can appear with the team, his physical strength has improved by leaps and bounds.

"That's right. Your wife is lucky today. If it weren't for her, we wouldn't be able to get out of the mountain even if we dug yams."

The mountain road is not easy to walk on, and it is even more tiring when carrying things on your back.

Bai Yunxi looked at Lao Er and nodded in agreement.

 She used up the two bottles of health pills she exchanged, and dissolved them into water every morning. The whole family drank them together, and everyone's physical fitness increased visibly.

 Not to mention, the quality of the health pills produced by the system is really impeccable. Even Du Shi's face turned rosy quickly visible to the naked eye.

Even so, Baiyunxi still told Li Shi,

“You have worked hard. Before going to bed at night, don’t forget to soak your feet in hot water to relieve fatigue. Later, ask your sister-in-law to boil a pot of mugwort water. It has a good blood-activating effect.”

Hearing everyone praise her, Ms. Li rubbed her face in embarrassment.

“Mom, I know, it’s not that exaggerated. Anyway, I’m not tired at all. My fourth and fifth brothers are still young. If I’m tired, it might affect my growth.”

 It is really comforting to be praised by others.

 As a member of the family, she is willing to be recognized by everyone, even if she is a little tired.

When his wife was praised, Bai Anyan scratched his head and smiled honestly.

“Mr. Li is right. My four and five children are young and they are growing up. My mother is older and has limited physical strength. We are young and there is no need to work more.”

Hearing the tone of the second child, Baiyunxi choked. The second child was so stubborn that he would not stop until he poked her lungs.

A few people sat at the bottom of the slope, watching Bai Anyan sprinkle water on the dung pile, and then checked around the ridges of the terraced fields before turning back.

 Lifting up the baskets of several people with poles, Mrs. Li carried the isatis roots of Baiyun River on her back and a hoe, and asked the boys and girls to carry the empty buckets and slowly walked home.

“Hey, Aunt Bai, have you gone into the mountains again? It looks like you’ve gained a lot.”

Bai Yunxi looked at Aunt Hua walking towards her, smiled and nodded,

"Yes, you know the situation at home. Before it snows, I went to the mountains to try my luck. Fortunately, it's not bad. I dug some yams and stewed them at home."

As he spoke, Li took out three duck eggs and a few yams from the basket on his back and put them into Aunt Hua's bamboo basket.

“I picked this up in the forest, don’t dislike it, take it home to add to your meal.”

She was groggy in the first few days after arriving. Mrs. Du told him that Aunt Hua gave her two eggs, and she forgot about it as soon as she was busy with work.

“Oh, I can’t bear to do this. There is no shortage of food at home. You can take it back and steam an egg for Yaya. My family is all skinny monkeys, so we don’t need that one bite.”

 Aunt Hua looked at the three green duck eggs and quickly took them out.

  ‘Why is this lady who holds the title of a great scholar so polite all of a sudden? A few days ago, I heard my mother-in-law scolding me and saying that the lady who holds the title of governor is scolding people fiercely. ’

Hearing Aunt Hua’s thoughts, Bai Yunxi couldn’t help laughing.

"Her aunt, please don't be polite to me. It's not valuable, but it's my intention. After my head heals, I should have come to thank you, but I have so many things to do every day."

Aunt Hua is a good person, but she has a mean mother-in-law who makes the family uneasy every day.

Hearing Bai Yunxi's tone, Aunt Hua was stunned. She remembered the two eggs she had sent and waved her hands repeatedly.

“Oh, I forgot about it, how can you still remember it? It’s just a matter of convenience.”

  ‘She just thought the lady was so pitiful that she gave away the two eggs she had hidden in private. Didn’t she expect that they would still remember her? ’

 (End of this chapter)

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