I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 735: Fight again in Huangquan! 【6600】

The latest website: Mamiya is such a smart person?

How could he not know that Ogata's sentence just now, "Taking this guy as an opponent...you can't increase your advantage by simply increasing the number of people" is just a euphemism for "you stay here, it's not useful at all" statement.

However, he was not displeased by what Ogata just said.

He will always focus on the overall situation, and will not care about personal gains and losses. This kind of character of Mamiya is one of the most important reasons why everyone in Gourd House trusts him so much.

If he would feel unhappy about such a thing, then he would not be Mamiya.

Not only did Mamiya not feel unpleasant, but he thought very seriously about the instructions Ogata had just told him.

"Ogata-kun." Mamiya asked softly, "Are you sure you can defeat Toyotomi Nobuhide?"


Ogata smiled slightly.

The young man wearing a haori embroidered with a bellflower pattern did not answer Mamiya's question.

Instead, he asked Mamiya:

"Will you trust my sword?"

"...I understand." After a moment of silence, Mamiya smiled, "Makimura and I will take the lord and the source to a safe retreat."

"Ogata-kun, I wish you a prosperous martial arts."

Mamiya stretched out his left hand, which was not holding a sword, and took Genichi in Ogata's arms.

"Makimura! Come with me!" While supporting Yuanichi, Mamiya walked quickly towards the direction of Makimura.

da da da da da...

At this moment, the sound of dense footsteps sounded.

It was Kasugabee who sent reinforcements to the open deck to intercept Mamiya and Makimura's troops.

Mamiya and Makimura are now holding one person each.

Makimura is not bad, Lin's petite body is no different from a larger doll to Makimura, who is nearly 1.9 meters tall.

Mamiya had a bit of hard work, Yuanichi was about the same height as him, and it was a little difficult to support him.

Both of them have some people who must be protected in their arms, and it is extremely inconvenient to move, so when they see reinforcements from the enemy, they do not want to fight, and they retreat.

A small number of reinforcements sent by Kasugabee were unaware of the existence of the order "Don't interfere in Toyotomi's battle".

But before they came, Toyotomi slammed them back:

"Retreat all! If you come together, it will only kill you and get in the way! Retire all!"

Toyotomi's scolding made the members who wanted to come over to help shrink their necks, and hurriedly retreated, and then went to chase the retreating Mamiya Hekimura with the rest of the companions.

"...Take the initiative to let people who are no longer useful and will only cause trouble to leave here." Toyotomi sneered at Ogata in front of him, "What a smart choice."

"The young man with glasses just now is also very aware of current affairs. He didn't have a pointless argument with you, and immediately evacuated with someone."

Toyotomi didn't go after Mamiya and Makimura, who had evacuated with Genichi and the important Rin -- because he was sure that as long as he went to pursue Mamiya and Makimura, if he took half a step, Ouhan would immediately stop him. in front of him.

"Yeah." Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced in the direction where Jian Gong and the others were leaving, and after confirming that they were far away, Ogata said in a calm tone, "If you don't do this, how can you let go of your hands and feet and chop you?"

Before the words had completely fallen, he saw Ogata take a deep breath, exerting all the strength on his feet and back, he threw himself towards Toyotomi, using the potential energy of the forward thrust brought by throwing his body over, he slashed the two swords in his hands, both of them. Cut to Toyotomi.

Without any warning, without saying hello, Ogata took the initiative to restart the showdown with Toyotomi.

Toyotomi lifted Yoshimitsu's bone food up and held up Ogata's slash.

"There are always accidents before the critical moment... Now even Xiaolin has been taken away..."

Toyotomi whispered at a volume that only he could hear.

"I'm really... bored..."

The dark clouds with the thunder hidden in them bloomed little by little from Fengchen's cheeks...

The slightest bit of hideousness and madness, since its pupils appear...

With an imperceptible little movement, he squinted at the mainmast not far away.

To be more precise—it was a glance at the figure sitting on the mainmast lookout...

"After working for a long time, do you still have to gamble your life..." He muttered in a volume that only he could hear.



Hikki Maru, Ammunition Depot A—

The bright bald head, the old face, and the slightly plain cassock representing the status of a monk—it was the Venerable Master Xianyuan who made great contributions to Toyotomi's "rejuvenation of Toyotomi".

In the right hand of the old monk, he was holding a small, flint-haired short gun.

The gun mouth pointed directly at Kikutaro, and a faint smoke of gunpowder floated out of the gun mouth.

It was the short flint-haired gun in the hands of Master Xianyuan that made a hole in Kikutaro's stomach.

——Why... Venerable Master Xianyuan is here...? !

This was the first thought that popped out of Kikutaro's mind after seeing Venerable Master Xianyuan.

As a monk, why did Venerable Xianyuan appear in the No. 1 ammunition depot?

While Kikutaro was still astonished at why Venerable Senyuan, who was almost inseparable from Toyotomi, was here, Venerable Senyuan then said to him in an indifferent tone:

"Kyutaro, you can't do this."

"How can you come to the ammunition depot to steal muskets when everyone is working together to overcome the difficulties together?"

"Is it because after entering the ammunition depot, seeing this row of flintlock guns made you too carried away and neglected to take precautions?"

"Or is it because of seasickness that your senses are dulled?"

"It wasn't until I pointed the short gun at you that you realized that you were not the only one here."

"It's really helpful. If you found me as soon as you entered the ammunition depot, then I really don't know what to do with you."

"After all, my shooting level is not that outstanding."

"...Xianyuan...Master..." Kikutaro, who had blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, said with difficulty, "You...why...are you here...?!"

While questioning the monk in front of him, he quietly checked his injuries.

The site of the bullet was his right flank.

According to his preliminary judgment... the projectile that hit his stomach directly smashed his soft intestines... There was also a slight injury to his stomach.

The torn stomach and intestines made Kikutaro so painful that even his consciousness was a little unclear.

A soft belly with no bones for protection and just a lot of organs is undoubtedly one of the most vulnerable points in the human body.

This part was severely damaged, and the person basically lost the ability to fight.

Kikutaro now feels that all the strength in his body is draining out through the wound in his abdomen, he is unconscious, and it becomes difficult to even speak.

"……I have been here all the time."

Venerable Xianyuan's tone was still indifferent.

"I am here to prepare for the important task that Toyotomi-sama has given me at all times."

"Kyutaro, I heard the sound of fighting outside clearly just now. You killed all the guards outside the ammunition depot?"

"You appeared here at this time... Kikutaro, the explosion in the No. 2 ammunition depot just now has something to do with you, right?"

Having said this, Master Xianyuan paused.

After a while, I heard him continue:

"... If it's normal, I won't let a traitor like you die so easily. You have to be tortured to see if the explosion of the No. B ammunition depot was your fault. Find out who you are. For what reason, do you have any other accomplices?"

"But the situation is special now... and I don't have the spare time to leave you aside, and then I will deal with you a traitor slowly after the event."

"Really, I have to... spend an extra bullet."

After all, Venerable Xianyuan retracted the short-haired gun that had just shot through Kikutaro's belly into the cassock.

I saw his right hand fiddling with the cassock for a while.

When he finally stretched his hand out of the cassock... a brand-new short gun with flint hair appeared in his right hand.

Master Xianyuan did not say anything to Kikutaro.

He only silently raised the brand new short gun in his hand, which had not yet been fired, and aimed it at Kikutaro's chest.

"Wait, wait a minute!"

Looking at the short gun flashing with bright silver and cold light in the hands of Master Xianyuan, the color of fear was like a beast out of control, and the face and pupils of Kikutaro who could not move his body gushed out.

"Please, spare me, spare me!"

Driven by the desire to survive, Kikutaro spoke a lot more quickly.

"Master, you're a monk, aren't you? If you kill, you won't be able to go to the Pure Land of Bliss..."


Before Kikutaro could say a few words for begging for mercy, the sound of a cork popping out of a bottle exploded again...

In the face of Kikutaro's begging for mercy, Master Xianyuan pulled the trigger without any hesitation or hesitation.

The hot projectile flew out of the barrel and pierced Kikutaro's chest.

Although Kikutaro's plea for mercy did not make Venerable Master Xianyuan hesitate for a moment, it did make the old monk a little moved - the corners of his mouth were slightly raised because he was amused.

"Is it the Pure Land of Bliss..."

The corners of his mouth were slightly upturned, and Venerable Xianyuan, who had a strange smile on his face, slowly put down the short gun that was still smoking gunpowder in his hand.

He said in a calm, unhurried, unhurried tone:

"Since I decided to live and die together with Lord Toyotomi, and vowed to build a world where the Buddhadharma spreads between heaven and earth, I was ready to suffer endless torture in the eighteenth **** after my death."

After the gunshots fell and the severe pain came from his chest, Kikutaro felt like he was out of breath.

No matter how hard you inhale, it feels like you can't get air to your lungs.

He knew - his lungs should have been smashed.

After the stomach and intestines, the lungs were also smashed by a short gun... This is already an injury that medicine stones have no cure in this era...

A sense of unreality lingered in Kikutaro's mind.

He was still thinking about absconding successfully, and then sold these flintlock guns on the black market, in exchange for a bright future of huge wealth that could not be used up for decades.

As a result, in just an instant, he was shot twice and fell to the ground dying.

This huge gap and this too rapid change made Kikutaro feel a sense of unreality, a feeling that he was floating in the clouds and dreaming.

The speed of strength loss has increased several times since a hole was opened in his chest.

I could barely move my hands and feet just now, but now... the only part I can barely move is my tongue.

——If...I didn't come here...steal the iron gun...and just jumped into the sea to escape...isn't...the consequences...the current situation...?

——I just...want to get some money...just stay away from this kind of life-threatening business...

Kikutaro asked himself in his heart.

Fear, resentment, unwillingness, regret... all kinds of negative emotions were stirring in Kikutaro's mind.

These kinds of negative emotions eventually mixed into grief and anger.

Driven by this full of grief and anger, he raised his eyes and stared at the old monk in front of him who had shattered his sweet dreams.

Gu Yu

"To build a world where the Buddhadharma spreads between heaven and earth...?"

He was full of grief and anger and had nowhere to vent, so he concentrated the only remaining strength in his body on his lips and tongue.

"it's so funny……"

Kikutaro tried his best to pull the corners of his mouth upwards, pulling out a smile that was as full of sarcasm as possible.

"You... in the eyes of Toyotomi Nobuhide... maybe it's just a consumable!"

"Damn... spread Buddhism...! After Toyotomi's world is rebuilt...will help you support Buddhism? You don't really believe Toyotomi Nobuhide's words, do you?!"

"You tried your best to help Toyotomi Nobuhide... When the world of Toyotomi is really rebuilt... Toyotomi Nobuhide might kick you aside immediately...!"

"Anyone with the slightest ambition...isn't likely to tolerate your gang of Buddhists getting bigger!"

"Let Japan return to the peaceful world of hundreds of years ago... Do you think it's possible?!"

[Note · The World of Heian: Japan's Heian period (794-1192), in 794 AD, Japan moved the capital to Heianjing (now Kyoto), so this period of self-moving the capital Heianjing was the beginning, and the Genji Samurai Group successfully oversaw the emperor and established The first shogunate: The 400-year period when the Kamakura shogunate ended was designated as the "Heian Period". The power of Buddhism in this era is quite powerful, and the imperial court has to act according to their faces]

Kikutaro abused and ridiculed Master Xianyuan with a momentum of not caring about anything.

Pour out the full of grief and anger on Xianyuan Master - this is the only channel for Kikutaro to vent his emotions at present, and it is also the only way that Kikutaro can fight back against Xianyuan Master.

He mocked, cursed, feared, regretted, puzzled...

Blood dripped from the corners of his mouth.

Tears flowed from the corners of his eyes drop by drop.

After struggling to shout the last sarcasm to Venerable Master Xianyuan, he no longer had the strength to shout.

The head drooped down, and the consciousness gradually peeled away from the body.

Venerable Xianyuan had been silently listening to Kikutaro's vent just now, expressionlessly.

After Kikutaro completely lost the strength to shout, Master Xianyuan took the short shotgun with the bullet out of his hand and retracted it into the cassock.

At the last moment of his life, the last scene that appeared in front of Kikutaro... was Venerable Xianyuan who took back his short gun, folded his hands, half-closed his eyes, and smiled on his cheeks.

After Venerable Master Xianyuan folded his hands together, the atmosphere around him... seemed to be a little more quiet and sacred.

At this time, Venerable Xianyuan did not look like a "powerful subordinate who faithfully served his dogs and horses for Toyotomi".

More like a "faithful saint".

"...Yes." The saint said softly, "Of course I know: even if I finally succeed in helping Lord Toyotomi to ascend to the throne of the world, I will most likely be abandoned by Lord Toyotomi because of all the bird's strength. aside."

"But—I've already made up my mind."

A gentle and firm smile bloomed on the saint's face.

"Even if Toyotomi-sama will abandon me in the future."

"But as long as Toyotomi-sama is still alive, I am willing to believe in this young man who gave me the hope of realizing my ideals."

"As long as the lofty ideal of 'widespread Buddhism', there is still a slight possibility of realization."

"I am willing to smash my body to pieces for this ideal."

For some reason, Venerable Xianyuan emphasized the phrase "smashing the body and breaking the bones".

Hearing Venerable Xianyuan's calm confession, Kikutaro's eyes slowly showed a faint stunned expression.

"...Huh..." Kikutaro, who drooped his head with all his strength, murmured, "You and... Toyotomi Nobuhide... are both lunatics..."

sound drop-


Kikutaro tilted his head to the side and bumped his head against the wall of the ship behind him.

Completely silent.

There is one less person who has witnessed the last end of Shiranui...



Hikarimaru, on the open deck—

The voices of Toyotomi's followers chasing Mamiya and Makimura kept going away—Ogata was still very relieved about Mamiya and Makimura.

He believed that the two of them would be able to safely withdraw Yuan Yi and Lin to the shore.

On the open deck, there were no more companions, and there was no one that Toyotomi could hold hostage.

Without the hostages, Toyotomi could take them hostage, and Ogata was finally able to let go of his hands and feet and launch the most severe offensive against the monsters in front of him.

After this trick to hold Genichi failed, Ogata and Toyotomi returned to fierce offense and defense.

Everything is the same as the previous battle.

The advantage ratio of the two sides is the same-bodily functions and skills, Ogata, who has the upper hand, has an absolute advantage.

The situation on the battlefield was the same - Ogata attacked, Toyotomi defended. Ogata, who maintained a fierce offensive, beat Toyotomi and could only focus on defending key areas such as his head.

And the expressions of the two of them... are also the same as before - Ogata, who did not dare to be careless, had a tense face. However, Toyotomi, who was clearly on the verge of defeat, had a serene expression on his cheeks.

Chi - After Ogata used Dazai to deceive Toyotomi, he slashed Dashatian to Toyotomi's forehead, and Toyotomi tilted his head back in time, only to let Dashatian's blade cut through his forehead. Flesh.

"Hey..." Toyotomi grinned slightly, stuck out his scarlet tongue, and licked the blood dripping from the broken forehead to the corner of his mouth, "I really didn't even give me a chance to breathe..."

"Ogata Ichitosai, let me guess - the reason why you launched such an urgent attack on me is because you are afraid that I will eat something that can strengthen my strength again like when I fought against Kinoshita Genichi before. ,Right?"

"Kinoshita Genichi should have told you just now: I survived his fatal blow by eating something."

Although Toyotomi was severely beaten by Ogata, he still had time to speak.

In the face of Toyotomi who suddenly spoke to him, Ogata ignored him and continued to attack him one after another.

Ogata ignored him, and Toyotomi didn't seem to have thought about letting Ogata come to him. He continued to defend Ogata's onslaught, and said slowly:

"If you are worried that I will eat something to increase my strength, then you don't have to worry."

"It's my miscalculation. I didn't bring enough pieces of meat on my body. The pieces of meat were all eaten up during the fight with Genichi Kinoshita just now."

- Sliced ​​meat?

The word "meat slices" uttered by Toyotomi made Ogata's eyes twitch slightly.

"You and Kinoshita Genichi are really more troublesome than I expected."

"I haven't been forced into such a desperate situation for a long time..."

Chi - Ogata's blade once again cut a big incision in Toyotomi's face, from the corner of his left mouth to the corner of his right eye.

Ogata's blade never stopped or delayed the attack on Toyotomi.

The blade kept swinging out, leaving one wound after another on Toyotomi's body.

But... no matter how terrifying wounds he had on his body, Toyotomi still looked as usual, no matter how many wounds Ogata's sword cut on his body, he continued to grin calmly. mouth.

Seeing Toyotomi's expression, Ogata involuntarily narrowed his eyes.

There is still a little calmness on his face - Toyotomi's expression made Ogata unable to help thinking like this:

——He is... what else is there to do?

Although he doubted in his heart whether Toyotomi had any other tricks to make him look like he is now, apart from continuing to maintain a fierce offensive against Toyotomi, Ogata had nothing else to do. .

"Ogata Ichitosai."

After listening to Toyotomi dodging a slash from Ogata sideways, he suddenly asked Ogata a question that seemed completely irrelevant to the current battle:

"Do you know what I rely on to have such a huge power at such a young age, and have so many heroes willing to work for me?"

Woohoo——Ogata just happened to be launching a new round of attack on Toyotomi at this time.

Da Zizai slashed at Toyotomi from the bottom road, and Da Shitian launched a stab at Toyotomi from the middle gate, and the atmosphere moved.

Toyotomi raised Jiguang Bone Food, ignoring the great freedom that had been bullied on the road.

Immediately after that... he made a movement that caused Ogata's pupils to shrink slightly.

In the face of Da Shitian who was stabbing from the middle door, he did not use a knife to defend, nor did he dodge sideways.

Instead, he raised his left hand, spread out his five fingers, and grabbed the tip of the stabbing Da Shitian knife!


The iron-shattered Da Shitian easily penetrated Toyotomi's left palm like a thin piece of paper.

The left palm was directly stabbed in the opposite direction - there was no pain on Toyotomi's face.

Instead, he saw a smile on his face...

The corners of Toyotomi's mouth were raised exaggeratedly, revealing his white teeth, and the two eyes were also squeezed into a "crescent moon" with a strange arc due to the sharp rise of the corners of his mouth.

Showing this arrogant smile, Toyotomi waved his right hand and slashed towards Ogata's legs from the bottom.

Da Shitian was still stuck in Toyotomi's left palm, and the length of Da Zizi in his left hand was too short, making it difficult to defend against attacks from the bottom lane, so Ogata could only take half a step back and dodge.

After dodging in the direction of Xu, Toyotomi took advantage of the situation and pulled his left hand back, pulling his left palm away from Da Shitian's sword.

Immediately afterwards... I saw Toyotomi waving his **** left hand upwards heavily, raising his left palm above his head.

Blood droplets splattered everywhere along with the raindrops, drenching Toyotomi all over his body.

And the next moment when Toyotomi raised his pierced left palm—

call out--!

A fireworks flew out from the observation deck of Hikkimaru's main mast and flew straight into the sky, making a harsh sound.

Seeing the fireworks soaring up from the autonomous mast, Ogata couldn't help but startled.

--fireworks……? !

As soon as his eyes swept to the fireworks that suddenly appeared, he heard this... the demon with a mad smile on his face, said softly to him with a big mouth:

"Ogata Ichitosai."

"Let's see if you can survive...or if I can survive..."

"If we don't survive... let's fight again in Huangquan...!"

The voice just fell-

The dazzling red light gathered in one breath on the Hikari Maru.

This changing red light continued to expand, extending to most of the hull of Hikki Maru.


Rumble rumble-!

The deafening explosion~www.readwn.com~ instantly overwhelmed the sound of wind and rain!

The explosion first started from the cabin of Hikari Maru, and then a powerful shock wave swept through most of the hull!

The flames spread rapidly around with the shock wave.

Debris splattered and flames erupted.

The battleship that was still sailing on the sea with a mighty attitude just now turned into a terrifying fire ship!



Today I wanted to write a 4D chapter, but today the whole city of Guangzhou is doing nucleic acid, and the author has been in line for a long time... QAQ, it took a lot of time.

Everyone should be careful recently.

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