Chapter 131

Feng Yan hadn’t noticed the previous few people’s breath.

At this moment, when all four of them locked on him, he had just sensed how terrifying the strength of these people was.

Think of him Feng Yan, thinking that he has entered the top early stage, and he is considered a master.

But standing in the main hall of this palace at this moment.

When comparing with these four breaths one by one.

But I found that I didn’t even have any confidence in winning any of them!

Let alone the terrible aura of the two Innate Great Masters.

Even the two elders who looked like Wenchen, their Cultivation Base seemed to have reached the top of Realm.

If this can’t be arranged deliberately, then Jiang Guo is really terrible!

Feng Yan felt that because of Jiang Tianming’s words, the four Jiang State courtiers who wanted to attack him.

For a while, the sweat on his forehead shed unconsciously.

“Hehe, Zhennan Wang is serious…”

It is almost the four murderous intentions that will erupt at any time.

Feng Yansan placed the edict of the emperor in his hand on the case that had been awaited a long time ago.

At this moment, I didn’t dare to delay anything, and I didn’t dare to say anything more, for fear that it would make King Jiang unhappy and my life would be hard to save.

Seeing Feng Yan finally put down the edict.

Jiang Tianming is also more and more aware of this secular reality, whoever is strong, who has strong forces, can have the absolute right to speak.

Even the former royal court had to abide by this mundane real rule.

“At the Baihua Banquet, I will come alone. Get out.”

Between Feng Yan’s anxiety, Jiang Tianming’s fluttering words fell in his ears.

Feng Yan only then secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Since entering the hall, he has not received the slightest clear answer, and all the initiative is in the control of the king of Zhennan.

This time to convey the imperial edict, although there were many twists and turns, but fortunately the final result did not let him down.

With Jiang Tianming’s words, he is also easy to deal with.

“The old slave is in Longcheng, waiting for the king of Zhennan to drive~…”

Feng Yan bowed slightly, and walked out slowly, without the slightest sluggishness.

Jiang Tianming stared at the figure of Feng Yan who was leaving, and in his heart he treated the father-in-law Feng sent by the Great Xia court a little differently.

I originally thought that the Great Xia Dynasty had a history of thousands of years after all, and most of its officials served the royal orthodoxy.

There should be more or less superior superiority and self-righteousness.

But he didn’t expect to see Feng Yan from his body.

Like this kind of person who can recognize the situation clearly and not be immersed in the aura of the emperor’s approaching minister, I don’t know if there are many Daxia courts…

Shaking his head, Jiang Tianming was only impressed by Feng Yan.

After Feng Yan left, it was above the main hall.

“My lord, the Daxia court suddenly ordered all the princes to participate in the Baihua Banquet.

It seemed that he was also aware of the princes who were ready to move in Daxia. ”

Situ Cheng Yu said.


This move by the Daxia court is indeed a wonderful move, which can at least cool down the current situation in Daxia.

As long as all the princes gather in Dragon City, even if the princes are ready to move in their hearts, they will not be able to fight in a short time.

It seems that the Great Xia court is not useless at all. ”

Jiang Tianming said.

In the light of Star, there is also a hint of inexplicable meaning at first glance.

“My lord, are you really going to this Baihua Banquet?”

Xiao Lin also asked aloud.

Jiang Tianming nodded.

“In this battle between Jiang and Wu, I have been waiting for the actions of the Great Xia court long ago.

Now this Baihua Banquet is said to be a wonderful move, which balances the current situation of the Great Xia court.

But it was also a double-edged sword, and many princes gathered in Dragon City.

If there is no change, the situation will change even worse than what the Daxia court sees today. ”

Jiang Tianming’s words fell on the main hall, and there were no messy people present.

Everyone has almost understood the key point after almost turning their heads.

One by one, he was full of eagerness to try.

Today’s Jiang Guochao, including Cheng Yu, Xunmu and other veterans, are all centered on Jiang Tianming at this moment.

These veterans are foolish and loyal to the country.

It’s just that this country is Jiang Kingdom from beginning to end, not the Great Xia Dynasty.

Coupled with Jiang Tianming, the heaven and earth visions and miracles that have frequently appeared in the past few months.

All have captured the hearts of the subjects.

In the eyes of the people of Jiang State, the emperor recognized by the world is the only monarch in the whole world.

Because that is what they have seen, heard, and felt.

The emperor of Daxia, in the eyes of the subjects, was nothing more than occupying the shade.

There is no vision of heaven and earth, no emperor’s body, no call for wind and rain, and no order for heaven and earth!

Why should Jiang’s people recognize you as the lord of the world? !

Therefore, the current state of Jiang is completely operating in the will of Jiang Tianming.

There is a sense of blind worship in their hearts.

As long as their monarchs do it, it is God’s will.

The will of heaven is irreversible, and any obstacle that stands in front of the monarch will eventually be turned into ashes by the power of heaven and earth!

This is the self-confidence and custom made by Jiang Guo’s people.

“. Go to Longcheng, Xiao Lin this time, you choose some Jinyiwei to go with the lonely.”

“Yes! Lord.”

When Xiao Lin heard that he was going to Dragon City this time, Jiang Tianming chose to take him with him.

His happiness did not arise from seeing the Dragon City where the Great Xia court was located.

But because in the eyes of the king, the first thing that came to mind was him, Jin Yiwei.

Cheng Yu, Xun Mu and Fu Guang also nodded.

With Jin Yiwei serving the king, they have nothing to worry about.

For the next few days, Jiang Tianming had been making more arrangements for Jiang Guo before heading to Dragon City.

Forty-six cities in the southern border of Wu State are now all under the rule of Jiang State.

However, the people in it both have a sense of belonging and hostility towards Jiang Guo.

Regarding this point, Jiang Tianming also directly issued several king orders.

First, all the residents of 46 cities who previously had to pay Wu tax each year should be exempted.

Second, encourage intermarriage between the two places, conduct business and trade, and exchange what is needed without discrimination.

Third, academies and scholar halls have been added in various places, similar to Jiang Guo.

Mengtong can be admitted to the church. Forty-six cities are well-educated scholars and scholars with real talents. After examination and comparison, they should be admitted to Jiang Guochao Hall as an official.

Fourth, all those who disobey Jiang’s rule, deliberately discredit or spread rumors will be killed without mercy. Those who shelter, conceal and do not report will all sit back and forth!

Fifth, all correspondence with the north of Jianling City must be stamped by Jiang Guo’s official before being sent out.

Once there is a private proponent, he will be killed without pardon on the charge of secretly communicating with spies!

Use heavy codes in troubled times! .

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