When the old village chief heard this, a wave of anger suddenly rose in his heart.

Now the whole village is working in full swing.

Suddenly, someone came out and said.

Stop, or you will be punished.

If it were placed in ancient times.

Such people will be spurned by all men.

or even directly beheaded on the spot on the grounds of disturbing the people's minds.

But considering the identity of this old man.

The old village chief only said coldly with displeasure on his face.

"Taigong, it's not the same era anymore, the emphasis is on putting an end to feudal superstition, don't talk about it anymore. "

This old man.

He is now the oldest person in the village, and everyone will respectfully shout Taigong when they see it.

It is mainly responsible for some burials, tomb selection, and marriage in the village.

If there is a child in the village who cries strangely in the middle of the night, then it is right to find the grandfather.

But there are countless gods and ghosts, and there are countless rules.

Until now.

It was even more beaten into feudal superstition, if it weren't for his age.


I'm going to go to the prison cell.

Taigong sighed and explained.

"We're doing evil!"

"There is no room for such plundering of livestock and wild fowl, whether adults or young, alive or killed. "

"Even the dead beasts, skinned and dried. "

"Once or twice once in a while, if you go on for a long time, you will definitely be robbed!"

"In my opinion, there are already bursts of dead air wrapped around our village, and if we don't stop, it will be too late!"

"When the time comes, it really will be..."

Before the old man could finish.

The old village chief snorted coldly and waved his hand.

"Taigong, you are old, and people are old and confused, our village is obviously getting better and better now, where are the things you said. "

"What's more, aren't animals meant to be eaten?"

After finishing speaking, the old village chief walked directly in the other direction.

Spat on the ground.

didn't take Taigong's words to heart at all.

Taigong looked at the old village chief whose figure was gradually moving away, and sighed heavily.

"Do humans eat animals, or do animals eat people?".

In the cloudy eyes, the crystal tears flickered.

Over time.

The whole Fengmen Village is becoming more and more prosperous.

Everyone is full of energy.

But this spirit is a little weird.

In the eyes of outsiders.

It's like an old man on the verge of dying.

The last breath of the light and shine.

The time finally came to the fifteenth day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar.

The fifteenth day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar, the Mid-Autumn Festival.

In some places, the status of the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Compared to Chinese New Year's Eve.

Don't let it go.

For this year's closed village.

This Mid-Autumn Festival is destined to be an extraordinary day.


When the old village chief decided to do a big special event.

Early in the morning, the whole village is cheering and celebrating, preparing all kinds of ingredients.

This Mid-Autumn Festival is already more lively than Chinese New Year's Eve.

Or so to speak.

The most lively festival in the history of Fengmen Village.

Mid-Autumn Festival is the moon viewing.

Therefore, the banquet was naturally put in the evening.

Eight o'clock in the evening.

The feast begins.

The staggering of the chips is non-stop, and everyone is drunk and hot.

Said in three sentences.

There must be a sentence about the fence in the back mountain, which has been imagined for the future.

Just when everyone is a little bit upset.

The old village chief stood up, held a glass of wine in his hand and raised it to everyone.

"The life we have now in Fengmen Village is inseparable from everyone. "

"This glass of wine, toast all of you. "

After all that's said.

The old village chief drank the high liquor in the cup.

Everyone applauded vigorously and looked excited.

I don't know who started it.

The audience began to shout.

"Go to the fence, go to the fence. "


The old village chief was also arrogant and waved his hand.

"Let's go to the fence and have a look!".

The whole village walked towards the fence.

Now this fence.

It is their hope and their thoughts.

The weather on the 15th day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar is already a little cloudy.

A cloudy wind blew.

Everyone shuddered involuntarily.

The wine is also half sober.

Lin Zi pulled the old village chief's clothes behind him, and said softly with his neck bent.

"Uncle, otherwise let's go back, it's strange to come here this big night. "

The old village chief suddenly glared angrily and scolded.

"I'm afraid, I'm afraid, I'm afraid of an egg, I'm such a big person, and I still believe in those who don't!".

A flashlight that snatched his nephew from the front walked in the front.

As we approach the fence.

Dazhu frowned and said suspiciously.

"It's strange why it's so quiet here today, and there is no sound of wild boars chirping. "

"It stands to reason that when I passed by here at night before, there were all kinds of sounds. "

At Dazhu's side, Erzhu joked.

"Maybe the wild boars have been to the Mid-Autumn Festival like us. "

At a time of less than twenty meters from the fence.

The old village chief sniffed hard and asked back suspiciously.

"Do you smell anything strange? "

People who hear this.

They all sniffed hard and said loudly.

"Does it smell of blood?".

"It's blood, the smell of blood. "

"Why does it smell of blood?".


The old village chief chuckled in his heart.

The flashlight swept into the fence.

In the dim light, a miserable picture.

Appear in front of everyone.

A wild boar lay in a pool of blood, with a large hole in its belly and its colorful intestines and entrails running all over the place.

His eyes were wide open, and he was already silent.

See this scene.

The old village chief suddenly roared.

"Copy, someone's killing our livestock and wild fowl!".

All of them were drunk without the slightest fear.

Strode towards the fence.

As they go deeper and deeper.

Something happened that they couldn't believe it had happened.

All the livestock, wild fowl in the fence died.

And the deaths are extremely miserable.

Some of their bodies were broken in two, and the distance was seven or eight meters.

Some of the heads were directly torn into two petals, and the beanflower-shaped brains were all over the place.

Some of them can't even find their bodies.

There is only one head left.

Standing alone on the ground, terrifying.

Look at the scene in front of you like a slaughterhouse.

The old village chief broke down and hugged his head and shouted.

"What's going on, that brute, what that brute does!".

Right now.

Out of thin air, a gust of wind whistled majestically.

A dark cloud drifted through the sky, obscuring the full moon.

It was pitch black and there was not a glimmer of light.

The flashlight with a little insufficient power flashed and flickered gray.

At a distance of about fifty meters from everyone.

A pair of green eyes.

Suddenly it lit up...

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