The door to the passage to the underground scene slowly opened, and the crowd suddenly became excited.

"Come on, come on, Brother Hammer, he's here!"

"After buying Lishou and buying Lishou, let's guess how many of them have been pushed out?"

"I want to buy an egg. Is there any other possibility besides 17?"


Before anyone showed up, the crowd of onlookers was already making a fuss. All mobile phone cameras were pointed at the entrance. I don’t know how many live broadcast rooms were broadcasting live at this moment, showing the tragedy and magnificence of these 17 warriors to fans across the country. ending.

In the chaos, someone played the BGM "May Rain". As soon as this tragic and sad tear-jerking music came out, everyone put on sad expressions and became quiet.

"Squeak, squeak—!"

There was a sound of friction between the wheels and the ground, and the first batch of "killed" tourists were pushed out by Tang Long. They were none other than Han Song, the seven "professionals".


There was a burst of cheers from the crowd. Who caused this guy to get angry before he came in? Everyone had no sympathy at all when they saw his miserable state, they just felt happy.

"You look down on Brother Zhui's haunted house, don't you? Look how scared he is."

"Look, Han Song seems to have peed his pants!"

"Alas, if I had known this, why would I have to recite a few words of letter to Brother Zhui to gain eternal life? I wouldn't be so virtuous."


Seeing that there was work being done, the medical team on the side immediately stepped forward to "unload" the goods and conduct physical examinations on the fallen tourists.

Tang Long waited until the car was empty, then walked back underground, and launched the second batch of heroes in front of countless pairs of eyes at the scene and watching the live broadcast.

This group is Mulan, Liu Jiajia and others. They followed the game flow, so they did not experience the heroic scene of being surrounded by thousands of ghost babies. They were just knocked out by waves of shock points that broke the threshold. , so his expression is quite peaceful.

"It's already 12. Sister Mulan really can't stand it."

"After all, it is a four-star horror scene. Think about how we cried for our parents in No. 7 Middle School. It is simply a dream to clear the birthplace in one go."

"Fortunately I didn't go, otherwise I would be the one who would be embarrassed now."


Amidst the commotion, Tang Long walked back underground as a matter of course, and pushed out the five people in the last car. At this moment, everyone cheered in unison, and even the barrage in all major live broadcast rooms was wiped.

"The team is destroyed! The team is destroyed!"

Those of them who didn't go in and watched the excitement outside were looking forward to this scene. Now that they saw it, they were simply satisfied.

It is worth mentioning that after waking up, Russell and the other three people could not believe their eyes after seeing Ma Bing and Fei Yang, and almost said "Are you a human or a ghost?" blurted out.

However, these two people did not give anyone a chance to ask questions, and quickly disappeared into the sea of ​​people.

They were created by Tang Long using the supernatural objects of phantom ghosts to change the appearance of Eagle and Zhao Lei. Otherwise, 17 people went in and 15 came out. His haunted house would really be famous all over the world for "eating people".

However, after all the first batch of warriors were killed in battle, it aroused the fighting spirit of the old fans. Humans are a very strange animal. After someone showed their embarrassment, they did not care so much about fainting and losing face. Anyway, someone had already lost face. , everyone is dizzy, it’s normal for me to be dizzy.

At this time, Tang Long did not continue to receive tourists, but found a secluded place to make a call.

"Hello." Soon, Wang Xiaoming got through and said in a straight voice, "If you have to speak out if you have a tight time limit, I interrupted a very important research."

If it were anyone else, Tang Long would definitely complain that you would have no friends if you spoke like that, but if the other party was Wang Xiaoming, he wouldn't need to say it, because this person just has no friends.

"I killed the cavalry soldiers." After all, he was also the person in charge of Dajian City, so he had to say hello after killing him.

"Just do it. You can just talk to Cao Yanhua and Zhao Jianguo about this kind of thing." Wang Xiaoming was a little impatient. His estimate of the value of Ma Bing and Tang Long was not at the same level at all, and he was too lazy to spare even one cent for Ma Bing. seconds.

"Hey, I'm the person in charge of killing. Logically speaking, I'm already at a shooting level. Why don't you react so coldly?" Tang Long looked away speechlessly.

Wang Xiaoming sighed: "With your character, as long as the other party does not repeatedly seek death and violates issues of principle, even if you are really angry, you will not kill him casually."

"There is only one reason why a person like you would kill a horse soldier, and that is that he has made an unforgivable mistake. A worthless person has made a big mistake of principle. He just kills him, and he still expects me to give him something. Do you cry twice to express condolences?"

"Um..." Tang Long was speechless for a moment, and after a few seconds he said, "You know me quite well."

"I know you very well, because you have this value for me to get to know you." Wang Xiaoming said lightly, "But this does not mean that you can waste my time because you have my personal contact information. Next time, if only the cavalry soldiers are eliminated, this Such small things..."

"Okay, okay, let's get down to business." Tang Long was afraid of this guy, "The horse soldier was not only eliminated, he was digested."

"Huh?" Wang Xiaoming suddenly perked up, his voice a little urgent, "Have you mastered the Starving Ghost?"

"I haven't completely controlled it, so I don't dare to let him eat freely, otherwise there is a risk of losing control. As for controlling the wishing ghost, I won't be able to do it in a short time." Tang Long did not consider things like favorability and satiety. To Wang Xiaoming, those things were a bit too magical.

"But the problem now is that the starving ghost has the urge to devour living people and ghosts at any time. I can't suppress its urge all the time, otherwise this guy will even want to eat me. But if I keep eating ghosts at a certain frequency, this will Guys who grow too fast can also lose control."

This can be regarded as the most troubling thing for Tang Long since he started the Starving Ghost. Fortunately, he has Wang Xiaoming to consult.

Wang Xiaoming was silent for a few seconds. During this time, Tang Long's heart was in his throat, fearing that he would say such crazy words as "Then let the starving ghosts eat living people."

But fortunately, Wang Xiaoming also has a bottom line. His advice is: "In this case, just find a way to dismember the starving ghost. The process of eating it is actually looking for the puzzle. If you are afraid that the puzzle will be too complete and lose control, Just eat and dismember it to keep its horror level within a certain range, and you can also feed the dismembered puzzle pieces repeatedly.”

"Slowly accumulate and improve yourself in this way, until one day you can completely control the Starving Ghost, which is the moment to end the supernatural era."

Mentioning this highest ideal of his life, Wang Xiaoming's voice trembled, but he quickly calmed down: "However, there are not many ways to dismember S-class ghosts. I will try to formulate a plan..."

"No need for now, I thought of a way." Tang Long replied, "If I fail, it's not too late to ask you for help."

"Okay, that's it." Wang Xiaoming acted decisively and hung up the phone immediately after settling the matter without saying goodbye.

"Okay, you're being cruel." When someone hung up the phone, the corners of Tang Long's mouth twitched and he could only hold his nose and admit it.

Then he raised his head and stroked his white bone bracelet: "It seems that I have to take time to go to the Caesar Hotel."

When talking about the method of dismembering evil ghosts, the first thing that every Mysterious Resurrection reader will think of is Li Qingzhi’s hatchet. After all, this thing plays a very important role in the original work.

Now that Tang Long has the shroud in hand, he should be able to pack the hatchet and Li Qingzhi together by following Yang Jian's methods in the original work, as long as nothing unexpected happens.

But Tang Long knew that there would definitely be an accident.

Because as soon as he arrives at the Caesar Hotel, he will most likely trigger a five-star horror scene trial. At that time, he will not be able to pack up Brother Li and run away. He has to think about it in the long term.

"And if the newspaper ghost follows the original plot, he probably went to ZS City and hid in the Caesar Hotel, along with Anan, Xianglan and others who were trapped inside for unknown reasons. Not to mention the mountains of swords and seas of fire. After all, it’s a five-star horror scene…”

But Tang Long didn't back down. He now has three S-class ghosts. Although the apartment ghost can only be regarded as a semi-disabled person because it is inconvenient to summon the alien apartment, Lao Luo and the starving ghost are not vegetarians.

If that doesn't work, I'll take in Brother Li first, get the hatchet, and then let the starving ghost eat his way through the Caesar Hotel, dismembering him while eating, and maybe he can get countless dead ghosts by then.

Of course, this is only the most ideal situation. There are countless high-level ghosts in the Caesar Hotel, and the death traps are even more difficult to guard against. They are more terrifying than the alien apartment. If you are not careful, you will definitely overturn.

"Things will come one by one. First I will finish the carousel, then I will go to Dahai City to pay off the debts of Zhang Dong and the ghost dealer. Finally, I will use all the power I can use now to try to complete the Caesar Hotel scene in one go. Once you unlock it, you can bring Brother Li with the dragon-slaying sword to chop down the whole place."

Just as Tang Long was formulating his future action plan, his satellite phone rang, and Qin Meirou delicately expressed that the deputy minister wanted to have a call with him.

Naturally, Cao Yanhua came here because of the cavalry incident, but of course it was impossible to raise an army to accuse him. Instead, he apologized and said that all the gold quotas for the cavalry from now on would belong to Tang Long and would be doubled.

"Deputy Minister, just tell me what you have to say." Tang Long directly understood Cao Yanhua's thoughts, "You are planning to let me guard Dajian City in the future, so that Dajian City will no longer need a person in charge, and I will take it. The gold quota from the headquarters. If you ask me for help if you encounter any trouble in the future, I won’t be too embarrassed to refuse. It’s so calculating.”

After being told off by Tang Long, Cao Yanhua could only laugh awkwardly, but Tang Long had no reason to refuse such a win-win situation.

Originally, Dajian City would not allow supernatural events to occur if he had his own relatives and friends there. In addition, there was not enough gold to build a safe villa, so both parties hit it off with Cao Yanhua's proposal.

Of course, in the future, if the headquarters wants to ask itself to take action, it will still be the same three words - more money will be required.

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