I open an adventure house in the mysterious world of recovery

Chapter 338 The true body of human skin (4K)

After thinking for a moment, Tang Long decided to put aside the matters in the coffin for the time being. The risk of opening the coffin rashly was too great. His mission was either to find the truth hidden in Dahong Chinese Medicine Shop or to simply live past thirty. Just days.

Lying on the fire bed and reading medical books for a while before going to bed, Tang Long was more and more impressed by Zhang Chongqing's power. Although he was indeed compassionate to the point of being close to the Virgin Mary, he also had abilities that could rival him. He did not need to sacrifice others, but only relied on himself. power to save others.

Therefore, the word "Mother" is not derogatory to him.

The first half of the medical book is about how to judge the patient's condition. In addition to looking, hearing and asking, there are also various examples and experiences from Zhang Chongqing's early years when he traveled and practiced medicine. He recorded these things one by one, which can not only be used as a medical book, but also as a medical book. It is half an encyclopedia that records supernatural phenomena during the Republic of China.

As for the second half, it is about how to use the conflict between the supernatural beings to check and balance, what kind of supernatural being can restrain another supernatural being, various prescriptions, and some can even simulate the effects of suppression and dismemberment.

"These should be the traditional Chinese medicine and poisons in his hands after being improved by the master." Among these records, Tang Long saw Zhang Bohua's supernatural route when he was young.

"This is……"

On a certain page, there is a record of an amazing supernatural experiment.

"Seven Colorful Ghost Gu... Master's most powerful supernatural power. Even Yang Jian turned into the kind of ghost on Mount Everest after being infected by it."

Tang Long recalled the huge "blood slime" in his mind. Although Yang Jian's supernatural power was partially taken away by the red saint, although the ghost boy at that time should have deliberately not resisted in order to get rid of the consciousness of the time traveler Tang Long. , but judging from Yang Jian's terrifying strength, even if he stood there motionless, there probably wouldn't be much supernatural power that would affect him.

The only exception is probably the erasure of Dongtian Emperor, but now it seems that his master Zhang Bohua can barely break through the defense.

"This thing has been studied since the master's father's time, and it was not perfected until the seventh elder's time."

While Tang Long was flipping through the pages of medical books, the headquarters in the real world almost exploded.

Although he had already greeted He Yin'er in advance, everyone from the captains to Qin Meirou, the liaison officer, was worried.

Because Tang Long had been unconscious for too long, almost more than twenty-four hours. If He Yin'er hadn't found his body in time and protected it in a relatively hidden ghost street, who knows what would have happened. whats the matter.

At this time, two captains in the ghost street have arrived one after another, namely Yang Jian, who has mastered ghost dreams, and Shen Lin, an expert in supernatural consciousness.

Now is the stage of war preparations. Counting He Yin'er, there are three captains here to protect Tang Long, which shows that the headquarters attaches great importance to him.

If Luo Wensong hadn't come over to check on the situation and reminded them not to move Tang Long's body at will, these people would have moved him into the ghost post office.

Even if he didn't move to the ghost post office, Wang Xiaoming would still follow the scene through video at any time.

"No." After the third try, Shen Lin shook his head helplessly, "Mr. Tang's consciousness is too lost. If he just falls into the conscious world, no matter how serious it is, it will be fine. I can even invade the memory and change him from the past. Bring it out into the world of consciousness.”

"But his situation now... it's hard to say. It feels like even the past him and his memories have been trapped in a deep world of consciousness that cannot be reached. Not only is this tombstone supernatural, but also There is another terrifying force that traps him and protects him."

After all, Shen Lin is an expert in this kind of thing, and he actually made a guess: "I think it is the so-called black mobile phone. When giving the trial task, Mr. Tang was also given protection, so that he could feel at ease from any outside interference. interference factors."

"Well, that makes sense." Wang Xiaoming in the video nodded, then looked at Yang Jian, "How is the situation over there?"

"I have sent the dog to find Tang Long, but the dog has not come back." Yang Jian shook his head.

"That's it." Wang Xiaoming's eyes moved slightly and he looked at Tang Long, who had his eyes closed tightly. "That's basically certain. It's not just because of the supernatural influence of Cai Yuanchang's tombstone, but also the factor of the black mobile phone. Otherwise, he would also be Tang Long, who is protected by Guimeng, can at least contact you through that dog."

"Then what should we do? Can we only believe that Tang Long can complete the trial and wake up?" He Yin'er looked a little irritable.

"This is also a way." Wang Xiaoming replied calmly, "But Tang Long is too crucial to us, and we should use all means to support him."

"Then what can you do?" After hearing this, Yang Jian also looked at Wang Xiaoming. Tang Long had helped him a lot. If there was a way, he would also like to help.

Seeing the target taking the bait, Wang Xiaoming's face remained very calm, making it completely unclear what he was thinking inside.

"I do have a little idea, but I need your cooperation."


Yang Jian was a little wary. He was the one who killed Wang Xiaoming's brother with his own hands, and because of Tang Long's interference in this timeline, he could be said to have won the Starving Ghost incident. There was no reconciliation with Wang Xiaoming, and the relationship between the two parties could only be described as stiff. to describe.

"I need your piece of human skin paper." Wang Xiaoming said bluntly and seemed very candid.

"Human skin paper..." Yang Jian narrowed his eyes slightly, "I don't think it will give you the answer you want."

After rushing to the ghost street and discovering Tang Long's condition, he had actually asked about the human skin paper, and the words that appeared on it looked like this.

"My name is Yang Jian, and I will be dead when you read this sentence."

"A very happy thing happened. Tang Long fell into the conscious world and couldn't leave. No one can save him. I don't want to waste that time, so let him die."

The next long list is full of "Let him die, let him die, let him die..."

"Well, as expected, as Tang Long said, the human skin paper is very hostile to him." After listening to Yang Jian's description, Wang Xiaoming remained calm, "But have you ever thought about the reason why it did this?"

"Do ghosts need a reason to do what they do?" Yang Jian raised his eyebrows.

"Of course it is necessary. Aren't the so-called rules of killing also considered as a kind of reason?" Wang Xiaoming replied calmly, "When this human skin is in Fang Jing's and your hands, it shows the same pattern, that is, it will not tell lies. , but there are traps hidden in the intelligence provided, and the traps are very deadly, but if you can identify the trap, you can directly obtain the important methods it provides."

"But when facing Tang Long, it did not hide its hostility at all. What does this mean?"

Without giving Yang Jian time to answer, Wang Xiaoming continued talking to himself: "In my opinion, human skin paper is indeed a supernatural item. It is very dangerous, but it can provide a lot of information and even predict the future. supernatural items."

"But at the same time... it might still be human."

"Human?" Yang Jian frowned.

"In the supernatural world, the definition of human beings is already very vague. Aliens can be regarded as ghosts with human consciousness."

Wang Xiaoming said, his eyes scanning Yang Jian and Shen Lin in turn. Both of them are genuine aliens. Shen Lin does not even exist in reality and can only appear based on the memories of others.

"I won't talk nonsense with you here about complicated theories. In short, my conclusion is that Human Skin is a person with a living consciousness, but adheres to the ways of evil ghosts."

"Just like the 'living ghost' Luo Wensong calls him, Cai Yuanchang is not a unique existence, but he is the most special one because he can predict the future."

"The human skin paper is Mr. Qin?" Shen Lin suddenly spoke and made an astonishing guess.

"Mr. Qin seems to have the ability to predict the future. Even I am just guessing. How do you know?" Wang Xiaoming narrowed his eyes suddenly and looked at Shen Lin.

Tang Long told them many things he had experienced, but due to time constraints, he also omitted some details, and Mr. Qin was the one who omitted them.

"Memory, all my supernatural powers come from memory. By manipulating memory, I can restart it in a way similar to 'memory', but this comes at a cost."

Shen Lin pointed to his head: "To be honest, the real me is dead, in the ghost lake."

"Ghost Lake...Yang Jian became the ghost lake in Yang Jian's timeline?" Tang Long had told the plot of the original work, and Wang Xiaoming naturally knew it.

"Yes, I am also a relatively special existence now. To be precise, I am a second-level existence."

Shen Lin pointed at his head: "It can't compare with Yang Jian's terrifying ability to restart the whole world, but when it comes to restarting oneself, few people can match me, because I can use the ghost mother to implant memories. As long as the memory continues in the past, I can restart it no matter how far in time it is."

"The me you see now is actually the product of me who was lost in my memory after the Ghost Lake incident and returned to the past memories, and helped me suppress the resurrection of the evil ghost three years ago. In other words, after I became a ghost controller, I’ve had supernatural powers before.”

"And because I invaded Yang Jian's memory last week, I also know and have seen all the things Tang Long said, which even gave me the illusion that I am a time traveler. As my memory increases, this illusion of being a time traveler becomes stronger and stronger, which makes me read Yang Jian's memory as a novel, and I even saw the ending all the way..."

"And Mr. Qin's ability is to talk to his future self. I still remember this clearly."

He spoke very calmly, and Yang Jian and He Yin'er beside him couldn't help but change their expressions slightly. From the moment of their death, they followed the memory intrusion back to the past, and helped their past selves control the ghosts and walk the supernatural road again. This terrifying ability is too outrageous.

"It seems that the captains are really hiding their secrets." Wang Xiaoming sighed meaningfully, "Liu Sancheng is the owner of the paper shop, and now here comes you as the 'traveler's memory'."

"It's just struggling to survive." Shen Lin replied calmly, "In that situation, if I don't make a decisive decision, I will be lost in my memory forever, which is equivalent to death."

"And Professor Wang, you are going too far. Let's go back to the human skin paper."

"According to your statement, the human skin paper may indeed be Mr. Qin. He who can talk to the future left behind his own supernatural power and transformed into a supernatural object. He may even be sent to the past by restarting. That's why the human skin paper is made. Exists at the same time as Mr. Qin."

Wang Xiaoming also changed the topic: "But, I have another guess, that is, the human skin paper is Zhou Mu Yang Jian."

"Yang Jian?" Shen Lin frowned, "Didn't we already meet that Yang Jian..."

"That's Yang Jian, the ghost boy, I'm talking about Yang Jian." Wang Xiaoming said lightly, "On Mount Everest, why would Yang Jian run away when he saw Wang Shanshan? If it has completely released its restraints, then Wang Shanshan is just a Just ordinary people."

"The human skin paper is obviously a supernatural item, but it can be threatened, and it can show unconcealed hostility towards Tang Long. The things inside have been clearly reflected."

Wang Xiaoming made the final decision: "Yang Jian is a ghost boy and a ghost. He has the action pattern of a ghost, but he acts according to the memory and consciousness of some humans."

"The human skin paper is Yang Jian, a human being. He thinks like a human, but he acts according to the murderous rules of some evil spirits."

"So Yang Jian is very dangerous. As a ghost with some human memories and consciousness, he can be regarded as a wise ghost. He is far more difficult to deal with than ordinary ghosts who only have supernatural powers. And because there is no killing pattern, there is no way to lure him to show up. body."

"But at the cost of his wisdom, he also has a weakness, and that is Wang Shanshan."

"The human skin paper is also very dangerous. Although he is essentially Yang Jian, he has all the memories about the future and knows a lot of information. However, because of the killing patterns of ghosts, the information given must be mixed with traps, and he will kill people. A deadly trap."

"After restarting the whole world, there were two parts that returned to the study room. The first part was the Lord of Ghost Eyes who was nailed by the coffin nails. Later, when Tang Long took away the coffin nails, it left the supernatural land and passed by After many confrontations with the time traveler Tang Long, he finally separated into the current Yang Jian and the captain who regained his consciousness."

"And the second part, the human skin paper, was tossed and turned in Fang Jing's hands, and finally returned to Yang Jian's hands."

"What do you think of my inference?"

"That's a bit outrageous." Yang Jian said in a deep voice, "If the human skin paper is the first Zhou Me, then where did the human skin paper in my hand come from?"

Faced with his doubts, Wang Xiaoming answered with a question: "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?"

Yang Jian seemed to understand something, and his expression became ugly.

"This is a circle, a Möbius strip that can never find the starting point and the end point." Wang Xiaoming gestured with his fingers, "In my opinion, the world has been trapped in this endless, eternal cycle. ”

"To break this cycle and usher in a real future, what we need is outside intervention, an existence that does not originally belong to this cycle."

Wang Xiaoming pointed to the person lying in He Yin'er's arms: "There is a special person who did not exist last week, Tang Long."

"It is for this reason that Chen Ge chose him." (End of Chapter)

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