Zhang Xianguang is actually a very intelligent person. Whether it is his supernatural power, the original work, or the current Peach Blossom Land project, it is definitely not something that ordinary people can come up with.

However, he also has shortcomings, which cannot actually be considered shortcomings. Like all ghost controllers, Zhang Xianguang is also a straight-forward person who does things in a straight-forward manner, and does not know how to be flexible at all.

In the Peach Blossom Spring Project, when he targeted the ghost paintings, he could have avoided killing Gao Ming (it was not Doctor Gao who was the head of the headquarters), snatched the ghost paintings and ran away, and then found a few small countries to shelter him and show the effect to the world. , just wait until you become famous, then come to the headquarters to discuss cooperation.

But he directly killed Gao Ming, collapsed the Ping An Building and took away the ghost paintings when the headquarters captains were gathering, causing the headquarters captains to rush out. Although he was very capable of fighting, he was ultimately defeated by the crowd tactics.

As a result, today, Zhang Xianguang, the straightforward ghost controller, met Wang Xiaoming, an ordinary person who was best at calculating this and that, treating everything as a chess piece.

As a result, it was obvious that the emperor was tricked by Professor Xiao Wang.

"Shen Lin actually appeared here." Tang Long touched his ear in surprise. The earlobe that was hung casually was actually brought into the dream.

"Did you plan all this?" He looked at Wang Xiaoming suddenly.

"I don't know about the Peach Blossom Spring Plan, but you can tell a lot from what the human skin asked me to do." Wang Xiaoming said calmly, "At first, I guessed that their target was Yang Jian. Until today, you told the story above What happened last week, I can confirm at once that the target of the human skin paper is Guimeng."

"So, the supernatural items that I helped Shen Lin develop before have naturally come in handy. Since this human skin wants to play mantis and catch cicadas, I will just be an oriole."

Wang Xiaoming glanced at Zhang Xianguang, who had a red ax pressed against his throat: "Honestly, it's easier to control this guy in a dream than outside. As for this one..."

He looked at Gao Ming: "Are you the person of that human skin paper?"

"I am." Dr. Gao's expression was inscrutable and he didn't seem to be discouraged.

"Well, based on your current state, I can probably tell what the human skin paper in Yang Jian's hand is." Wang Xiaoming nodded.

"You..." Yang Jian frowned.

"While you were asleep, I took the human skin away from you and had some exchanges, but we'll talk about that later."

Wang Xiaoming looked at Gao Ming: "People like you should have some backup plans."

"Yes." Gao Ming nodded, "I can return to the peach blossom forest at any time, and even if I kill Zhang Xianguang, it will be useless. The real source of the ghost peach blossom is Liu Gui. Now the peach blossom has bloomed in the ghost dream. As long as I am willing , so that those dogs will never wake up.”

"What's wrong with the dream world? People like you should also be eager to completely quell the supernatural era." Zhang Xianguang also spoke.

"Of course I have always longed to end the supernatural era, but rather than placing my hopes on others, I personally am more accustomed to creating the future with my own hands."

Wang Xiaoming said calmly: "So since I chose to believe in Tang Long from the beginning, I will continue to fight with him until the last moment."

"In this case, it's okay for everyone to seek common ground while reserving differences." Gao Ming said, "You can try as much as you like. If you fail, the Peach Blossom Spring Plan can also be used as an alternative. We should not be enemies."

He is a person who is more rational than emotional. After so many years of hard work, he can quickly consider the next thing.

"Theoretically, your Peach Blossom Land plan is very feasible, but in fact there is no hope of realizing it."

Wang Xiaoming said lightly: "Because Yang Jian has appeared. In terms of strength, he is higher than Zhang Dong and will not be affected by ghost peach blossoms. More importantly, he has a higher level of ghost dreams."

"Your so-called three lines of defense are simply vulnerable to Yang Jian."

"Yang Jian? Who is that?" Zhang Xianguang frowned. He had been trapped in ghost dreams recently and did not understand the situation in the outside world.

Wang Xiaoming told what happened on Mount Everest in short words. After listening, Zhang Xianguang and Gao Ming were speechless for a long time. Yang Jian, who suddenly appeared, was simply the destroyer of Peach Blossom Land, specifically designed to suppress every line of defense.

Even Zhang Dong couldn't stop him, who else in the whole world could?

"I can agree to use the Peach Blossom Spring Plan as the final insurance, and I can even help you improve this plan."

Wang Xiaoming extended an olive branch: "Of course, the condition is that you two will fully help the headquarters in reality. After all, everyone has the same goal. You should also be able to accept the use of other solutions to save the world, as Dr. Gao said Yes, we shouldn’t be enemies.”

The two looked at each other: "We need to discuss it."

Wang Xiaoming made a gesture of invitation, and Shen Lin took back his ax and took Tang Long and Yang Jian to temporarily leave the ghost classroom and come to the door.

When I came out, it turned out that it was not only Shen Lin who came to support, but also Li Jun and his thirty-six bronze men. Each of them had earrings on their ears, just in case Shen Lin couldn't use them in his ghost dream. Miraculously, these soldiers were able to restrain Zhang Xianguang.

"Honestly, I really thought that you, the big-browed guy, had also rebelled and was going to join forces with Human Skin Paper to carry out some kind of Peach Blossom Land plan."

Tang Long let out a sigh of relief. He really thought he was going to be killed by Zhang Xianguang today and start the infinite monthly reading.

"Didn't I say that since you choose to trust me, I will naturally be able to shoulder this trust." Wang Xiaoming said lightly, "And you have nothing to do today. If you sleep well, don't be pulled into a ghost dream." , I can handle the matter by myself."

"It's my fault." Tang Long curled his lips, "You guys can handle everything. Doesn't it make me look like a big hero? I might as well call you Tinker Bell."

"If I could come up with so many things from Doraemon that are completely based on the law of cause and effect, the age of supernatural beings would have ended long ago." Wang Xiaoming's expression remained unchanged, "But from the look of you, you must have found yourself again from your family."

"I'll wipe it!" Tang Long was really shocked this time, "Can you see through this?"

"Because I feel the same way." Wang Xiaoming replied casually.

Tang Long also fell silent, knowing that he was thinking of Wang Xiaoqiang again.

"It will definitely come true." He couldn't help but reach out and patted the other party's shoulder, "Whether it's ending the supernatural era or resurrecting everyone, it can be achieved."

A rare faint smile appeared on the corner of Wang Xiaoming's mouth, and then the door of the ghost classroom opened, and Zhang Xianguang and Gao Ming came out.

"We agreed to cooperate."

This is Wang Xiaoming's most common scheme, analyzing everything for you, making you feel like you have a choice, but in fact, no matter what choice you make, you can't escape being plotted by him.

Because what he can give is already the best choice you can make.

"Very good." Wang Xiaoming waved his hand, "Since we agree to cooperate, let's wake up Guimeng first."

Zhang Xianguang held the derivative ghost peach blossom in his hand, and soon the rich floral fragrance gradually dissipated, and the sound of dog barking could be faintly heard around him.

"Let me ask again, how long does it take for the fragrance of flowers to stun ghosts and dreams?" A sharp look flashed in Wang Xiaoming's eyes.

"It depends on the quantity." Zhang Xianguang is not a man without courage, and answered calmly, "If there is only one dog, it will take about an hour, but once the number of dogs increases, the time required will increase exponentially."

"Hmm..." Wang Xiaoming's eyes moved slightly, "If I use this trick, I might be able to trick Yang Jian. Not to mention killing him directly, at least I can peel off the powerful supernatural being Guimeng..."

His eyes were moving continuously, giving the impression that he was flashing like the indicator light of a computer host, and his brain must be running at high speed.

"Yang Jian, Shen Lin, and Zhang Xianguang will stay with me to do a few experiments. The others can leave." Wang Xiaoming waved his hands unceremoniously and drove away all the irrelevant people.

Everyone knew about his temper, but they didn't take it seriously.

Slowly opening his eyes on the bed, Tang Long stretched out. Who would have known, except for those who had experienced it personally, that the whole world was almost being cursed by the ghost peach blossom and pulled into the world of ghost dreams?

"The era of supernatural beings...is about to begin."

He looked out the window at the bright moonlight, then closed his eyes, hugged the quilt, and continued to sleep deeply.

This is probably my last moment of rest in a short period of time. (End of chapter)

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