But no matter how they recalled it, they never thought of any scholar who won the two Ribbons at the same time!

Be aware that the Insec Prize chapter has only nine since its establishment, while the sky Ribbon has twelve.

Pokemon Researcher that can get two Ribbons at the same time can be counted on one's fingers in Orient Alliance!

Immediately, some people even began to doubt the authenticity of these two Ribbons. This person is too young!

"I am Bai Zhi's planter's assistant."

Su Xiaobai's voice is still low, after showing the invitation letter, he went straight to Bai Zhi's side.

"I'm late."

After hearing Su Xiaobai's words, Bai Zhi suddenly felt something spinning in his eyes.

"Scholar Su Xiaobai, why are you here."

Ye Mao Vice-President, who has a close relationship, was the first to recognize Su Xiaobai and asked.

"I came naturally to pick up Bai Zhi to participate in the Sky Festival!"

"After all, this sky Ribbon also has Bai Zhi's credit!"


Su Xiaobai whispered, and at the same time took off the sky Ribbon and pinned it to Bai Zhi's chest.

After seeing this scene, Ye Mao Vice-President's face changed slightly. He naturally knew that Su Xiaobai was expressing his dissatisfaction!

"Sky Festival!"

"He is the master of Tailwind Move, and the genius scholar who proposed the concept of Characteristic Trait!"

There is planting in the field The teacher cried out in surprise and called Su Xiaobai's identity. Someone provokes a burst of exclamation.

Even the president and guests on the guest list also stepped down, and Su Xiaobai's current status is enough to attract their attention.

"Scholar Su, what do you mean by the previous words?"

"Do you think that the planting effect of Pokemon can be compared to powerful fertilizers?"

At this moment, Mei Linxi on the stage suddenly opened the mouth and said.

Although Su Xiaobai is a well-known scholar, she pretends not to hear the doubts raised by the other party!

Even if you have won the two highest honor scholar Badge, this is not your area of ​​expertise, I am the winner of the Golden Fruit Award!

"It means literally."

Su Xiaobai looked at Mei Linxi on the stage and suddenly grinned at the corner of his mouth.

Then I saw the Poké Ball in his hand open, and Gloom's silhouette appeared in the field!

After seeing this scene, the planters present were all taken aback. What did Su Xiaobai's move mean?

Is he planning to show something with this Gloom?

Gloom Pokemon is really a very common Pokemon, but does it have anything to do with Berry breed?

"Gloom, use Grassy Terrain!"

Looking at the puzzled expressions of the planters in the field, Su Xiaobai spit out these words gently.

Gloom also felt the mood of his trainer at this time, and his face solemnly came to the planting area.

As the Grass Type energy surged on its body, the planters in the field faintly guessed what.

But before they had any questions, they saw that the entire planting area was suddenly surrounded by a little green light.

Immediately afterwards, countless grasses came out of the underground Growth frantically, instantly enclosing the entire planting area.

This is not over yet, I saw an Oran Berry seedling in the field also began to absorb the floating green light.

Then, in the incredible gaze of these growers, Oran Berry seedlings rose from the ground, and the trunk became thicker and thicker!

While the trunk is strong enough, the Leafage on the branches has become denser, and the mature Oran Berry tree has appeared in front of everyone!

Seeing here, these planters have already stared wide-eyed, but this is not over yet. Under the control of Gloom, the Oran Berry tree began to bloom, and the branches and branches were intertwined, and it was completed soon. Self-pollination.

After seeing this scene, these planters have realized something, and when they really saw an Oran Berry coming out of the tree's Growth, they were all sucked in a cold breath. Don't know what to say.

What did they see? Under the power of Gloom, an Oran Berry tree has actually completed the whole process from seedling to big tree, and then to flowering and fruiting. One day seems to have passed the four seasons of the year, just like Mew Normal.

But when looking at the three Oran Berry trees standing on the field and the Oran Berry hanging on them, they all knew that all of this was real, and the power of Gloom accomplished it all!

"What the hell is going on?"

"Am I dreaming? The ability of this Gloom is too bad?"

The exclamation sounded constantly in the hall, and some people even began to doubt their eyes.

Even the chairman of the Berry Planter Committee Member Association and the Committee Members are also Zhang Da at this time. Mouth, a little dumbfounded.

Powerful fertilizer only needs half a month to make an Oran Berry tree fully mature.

But how long did it take for the Oran Berry tree to mature with this move?

One hour? Or thirty minutes?

This effect can no longer be explained by simple ripening!

"This move...what is it called?"

After a long time, Ye Mao Vice-President asked this sentence in a daze.

Even this experienced and knowledgeable great character was shocked by the power of Grassy Terrain at this time!

At the same time, as he reacted, his gaze looking towards Su Xiaobai also became anxious.

He has realized the value of this move, and there is such a strong Move in the world!

The terrifying ripening effect shown by this move is completely tailor-made for their Berry planters!

But when he realized that he wanted to find Su Xiaobai to answer the doubts in his heart, he found that Su Xiaobai had already taken Bai Zhi’s hand and walked out of the door, and the Gloom was right now. Follow the two!

"Scholar Su, wait a minute."

After seeing this scene, Ye Mao Vice-President hurriedly caught up.

Seeing this, other planters also hurriedly looked at Su Xiaobai in order to go up.

Just a glance, they all know what this Move represents for Berry planters!

In comparison, powerful fertilizers are really nothing!

"What's the matter?"

Su Xiaobai turned around and opened the mouth and said faintly.

After hearing what he said, Ye Mao Vice-President was also stunned.

After a while, he calmed down and said a little excitedly: "Scholar Su, what is this move called?"

"Sorry, this is Bai Zhi. Scholar’s ​​research topic."

"I can’t tell you the details until we finish the research and submit to the Pokemon Research Union."

Su Xiaobai facing Ye Mao Vice-President Slightly nodded, and then left the meeting room with Bai Zhi.

Looking at the two people who were going away, the field suddenly fell into a strange atmosphere, and these planters suddenly felt empty in their hearts.

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