This is really a coincidence. I just finished solving the problem of Brave Bird's onslaught on my own side, and an accident happened to Bai Zhi over there.

You can also hear from Ye Mao’s Vice-President’s words that the value behind the potent fertilizer has moved quite a number of Committee Members.

"At the beginning of the conference, you can just take care of your performance."

"Although some Committee Members are interested in the benefits behind powerful fertilizers, there is no Ye Mao Vice behind you. -President?"

Seeing this, Su Xiaobai also comforted Bai Zhi. Now it seems that he can only rely on the performance of the conference to get more support.

Hang up the call, Su Xiaobai’s original good mood has disappeared.

He kept pacing in the room and began to think about countermeasures. This is the research result they finally got!


2nd day seminar.

If yesterday was the home court of Xiang Fei scholar, today is the home court of Su Xiaobai.

This time Su Xiaobai's speech is also divided into several parts.

Respectively the training of Gale Wings Characteristic Trait, Wind Force system and Tailwind Move.

The subsequent speeches also gave these scholars a sense of plentiful harvest...

In the seminar, Su Xiaobai also directly let Fletchling perform Gale Wings Characteristic Trait and Tailwind Move.

In the seminar, he also re-run Wind Force deduction.

Seeing familiar formulas being deduced on the blackboard, the scholars in the audience are boiling.

After today’s seminar is over.

Flying Attribute Pokemon Research Union also announced on the spot that Su Xiaobai had obtained the sky Ribbon!

After hearing the news, Xiang Fei scholar clenched his fist fiercely, very unwilling in his heart.

Although his Brave Bird onslaught Move is also nominated for sky Ribbon, and said that this will be the next sky Ribbon!

But if you lose, you lose. Thinking of Su Xiaobai's unceremonious rebuttal yesterday, he kind of fly into a rage out of humiliation.

He didn't expect that the strongest Flying Attribute Move he had laid out for so long would be defeated so easily without any suspense.

Although the other party can't confirm the existence of Sky Attack Move...

But he has no way to deny it. This is bound to become a thorn that will stay on his body forever.

Su Xiaobai breathed a sigh of relief after seeing all the dust settled, and looked towards Xiang Fei scholar as well.

Since the announcement of Tailwind Move, the other party has been guiding public opinion, and this time he has fought back fiercely.

After the seminar, Sun Ke Committee Member also sincerely came forward to congratulate.

With Su Xiaobai's research, the Flying Attribute Pokemon research can take a solid step forward.

They also look forward to Su Xiaobai's ability to achieve more research results in the research of Flying Attribute Pokemon.


Kun City Planter Conference.

Although it is said that planting is a convention, entering the meeting hall at this time is like entering a botanical sightseeing garden.

Because the growth of plants requires a long cycle, it is naturally impossible to show the complete breeding process directly at the conference.

However, a finished plant coupled with a detailed description of the breeding process can also show the planting results.

After the opening of the planters conference, a Berry planter also continued to show his research results on stage.

In the second half of the meeting, it was Bai Zhi's turn to show off his Salac Berry.

Bai Zhi took a deep breath onto the podium and began to show his achievements.

Watching the video of Salac Berry planting from the projection, the audience held their breath for a while.

From the accelerating germination of Salac Berry seeds, then to the growth of Salac Berry seedlings, to the fruiting of Salac Berry trees.

Through the display of projection, Bai Zhi fully demonstrated the process of planting Salac Berry.

"Is this Salac Berry?"

"I didn't expect to be able to see Salac Berry with my own eyes, and it was manually breed."

" It's really incredible, this is the legendary Berry!"

A large number of Berry planters looked in front of Salac Berry, with admiration in their mouths.

Bai Zhi's video is very complete. With her explanation, the planters in the field are also fascinated by it.

And the next Salac Berry showed Talonflame and Pidgeot to learn the process of Tailwind Move, which is to let the audience hold their breath.

In this way, Salac Berry's power is fully demonstrated. This is a Berry that contains sky power!

After Bai Zhi's results were displayed, the audience immediately burst into applause.

The guests on the guest table saw this scene, and they were all slightly nodded and gave high praise.

The next step is the communication session. Even the Top Rank growers come forward to communicate in person.

Everyone showed a strong interest in this legendary Berry's breed.

The breed of the Salac Berry tree is also very special. In addition to the Grass Type energy, it also needs Flying Attribute energy assistance!

In addition, the result conditions of the Salac Berry tree are also very special, and the required Flying Attribute energy is very amazing, which is what they can learn from in the next Berry research.

After talking here, these planters also expressed regret. Salac Berry's breeding is too difficult, and there is no possibility of batch planting. Even ordinary people want to breed a Salac Berry tree. It is also very difficult.

But even so, the process of breed Salac Berry also has a great reference.

Provided a lot of experience for Berry in the later breed legend, which enabled them to successfully step into the field of legend.

Even some unsuspecting growers have already congratulated Bai Zhi for winning the Golden Fruit Award in advance.

Such an achievement is indeed eligible for the Golden Fruit Award. At least these scholars think so.

After seeing this scene, the Mei Linxi planter slightly frowned in the distance obviously felt a little pressure. The meaning of artificially breed Salac Berry is indeed extraordinary.

Although he is very confident about the effect of his powerful fertilizer, it caused a sensation when it was launched before.

Obviously these growers can think of how high the benefits that powerful fertilizers can bring!

Even the Berry Planter Committee Member Association gave a very high evaluation of her research results and proposed cooperation.

Thinking of the cooperation with the Berry Planter Committee Member Association, Mei Linxi’s planter feels better. I believe in my own contribution!

Just as the Mei Linxi grower was thinking about it, it was her turn to show her research results.

Took a deep breath, Mei Linxi planter stepped onto the stage, but instead of walking to the podium, she came to the planting area.

This planting area is for these growers to experiment. At this time, Mei Linxi is to show the effect of powerful fertilizers.

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