"Yes, as everyone thinks."

"The formidable power of Brave Bird’s onslaught has surpassed the power of all flying Attribute Moves today. formidable power!"

The corners of Xiang Fei scholar's mouth were cocked, and the situation in the field is now completely under his control.

After another round of heated discussions among the scholars in the field, he walked slowly to the blackboard and began to write the energy formula.

After seeing this scene, the scholars present immediately recognized that the formula on the blackboard was the derivation formula of Move formidable power.

While all the scholars hold their breath, Xiang Fei scholar keeps writing. Although this step can be automatically calculated by the machine, looking at Xiang Fei scholar's step-by-step derivation, it suddenly makes people feel a sense of A more real feeling, until the final result came out, the audience suddenly let out a cry of exclamation.

120 points of formidable power value, Brave Bird's onslaught Move theory formidable power value has reached a terrifying 120 points!

You know, even if it is the strongest Move blast of Flying Attribute formidable power, the formidable power is only 110 points!

Moreover, the accuracy of the storm Move and the uncontrollable violent energy make the practicality of this Move low.

And this move Brave Bird storms Move, its formidable power is 10 points higher than Storm Move, and it has no side effects.

In addition, Brave Bird's onslaught is still a physical attack. It is still used to accelerate while attacking, which is more practical in battle.

Listening to the exclamation of the scholars in the audience, Xiang Fei scholar smiled and continued: "Through energy derivation, Brave Bird attacked Move and merged so the advantages of Flying Attribute Pokemon, Flying Attribute energy, physical strength, Speed ​​and sky advantage, this is definitely the strongest move among Flying Attribute Move!"

"The strongest Flying Attribute Move!"

I heard Xiang Fei scholar There was a bold announcement, and the scholars in the audience were silent for a while and began to think.

But as Xiang Fei scholar said, this move Brave Bird is indeed the most perfect Flying Attribute Move!

Xiang Fei scholar's eyes look around the entire hall, nodded with satisfaction in his heart.

Although here is the direct announcement that Brave Bird's onslaught is the strongest Flying Attribute Move move is a bit bold.

After all, rigor is also very important to scholar.

But through the calculation of the data, he repeated calculations and felt that the formidable power of this move Brave Bird had indeed reached Peak.

Among them, the attack formidable power is affected, and only the strength of Pokemon itself is not related to Move!

Even due to excessive energy, even his Pidgeot has been repeatedly damaged by attacks.

This move is indeed too strong, so that even the caster will suffer a certain amount of damage, which is not a small side effect.

Of course, he does not intend to speak out about this side effect. After all, he is not sure if his Pokemon is too weak. If it is an Elite-level Flying Attribute Pokemon, he will definitely be able to master this perfectly. move it.

In addition, he boldly stated that Brave Bird Attack is the strongest Flying Attribute Pokemon, and he didn't just say it casually. All this is to add chips to his "Brave Bird Attack" Move.

As long as the Brave Bird Attack Move is recognized as the strongest Flying Attribute Move, he is confident that Brave Bird Attack Move is completely comparable to Tailwind Move!

Apart from this, he still has the complete learning method of Brave Bird's Attack Move in his hands. Compared to Tailwind Move which can only be learned through Salac Berry, his Brave Bird's Attack Move is more difficult to learn It's much simpler. As long as your Pokemon is up to the standard, you can learn Brave Bird to attack Move through his learning method!

After combining the two points, he is confident that Brave Bird will attack Move to defeat the Scholar Su and obtain the final sky Ribbon!

"Are you sure this move has no side effects?"

At this moment, a voice suddenly rang in the field.

The scholars in the field were all stunned for a moment, and they looked over and found that it was Scholar Su Xiaobai who opened the mouth.

Xiang Fei scholar looked over and found that Su Xiaobai was also calm.

He knows that the two are opponent, the young scholar will definitely export, and he is also ready for this.

"In addition to learning this move Brave Bird's onslaught requires Pokemon's strength, I don't think he has any side effects." Xiang Fei scholar said with certainty. After learning about the possible side effects of Brave Bird's onslaught, he This sentence is also to retreat, and attribute the possible side effects to Pokemon's strength problems.

After hearing the words of Xiang Fei scholar, Su Xiaobai was silent for a while. He originally wanted to say that Brave Bird's onslaught would hurt himself when attacking as a side effect of Brave Bird's onslaught. .

But from Xiang Fei scholar’s ​​tone, you can hear that the other party must have already known this side effect, but the other party directly attributed it to Pokemon's strength problem, in other words, it means Pokemon's strength. Strong enough will be able to perfectly control Brave Bird's onslaught Move.

Although, as a transmigrator Su Xiaobai, he thinks that even Xiang Fei scholar will not know much about Brave Bird’s onslaught of Move, but at this time he really has no way to verify this, and can only wait for details After studying Brave Bird's onslaught, he was able to use facts to slap her face.

"It seems that Scholar Su, you can't tell the side effects."

The corners of Xiang Fei scholar's mouth curled up, thinking that he had the upper hand in this argument. .

Other scholars originally thought that Su Xiaobai would put forward some rebuttals, but the silence at this time made these people discuss in a low voice.

"Who do you think the last sky Ribbon will belong to?"

Some scholars have begun to whisper about sky Ribbon.

Before the seminar started, most of the people here felt that it would be no problem to get Sky Ribbon for Tailwind Move.

After all, since the Tailwind Move was discovered, countless scholars have been studying this Move, and it has already been legendary. This is also the Flying Attribute Pokemon circle who has studied the Tailwind Move and must be able to obtain the sky Ribbon. s reason.

But now with Brave Bird's onslaught of Move and being identified as the strongest Flying Attribute Move, the results seem to be different.

Although Tailwind Move can greatly improve the strength of a team, Brave Bird's onslaught also greatly improves individual battle strength, and the strongest Flying Attribute Move is also different for Flying Attribute trainers. Ordinary meaning.

Flying Attribute Pokemon until now are all representatives of speed, but there is no advantage in Move formidable power, but now with the birth of Brave Bird’s onslaught Move, everything is different. Move of 120 Formidable power, in addition to a limited number of Moves, it can even be said that the strongest Move formidable power of most of the Moves is ranked first. The strongest speed and the strongest attack create the strongest Attribute!

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