Miao City Bug Type Pokemon Laboratory.

As Alliance’s most famous Bug Type Pokemon city, Miao City is naturally famous for its Bug Type Pokemon Laboratory.

The entire Bug Type Pokemon Laboratory has a total of 100 scholars who are engaged in Bug Type Pokemon research, of which there are only two Top Rank Pokemon Researchers.

In one of the laboratories of the Laboratory, the atmosphere here is very dull at this time.

"Bug Force Move is actually a kind of Particular Capability?"

For a long time, the deep voice of the laboratory director sounded abruptly, the voice seemed to be suppressed strongly. It's like a Volcano about to explode.

The other scholars in the Laboratory looked at the report in their hands with ugly faces. One lowered his voice and said to the colleague next to him: "How is it possible, how could Bug Force Move be a Particular Capability? Look at these data, these data are in full compliance with the Move energy formula!"

" Indeed, these data are in full compliance with the Move energy formula, but look at these experiments, Swarm Characteristic Trait is indeed transformed by Shed Skin Characteristic Trait Here, this is obviously not as simple as Move." A scholar who looked very calm carefully looked at the report in his hand, and simulated the experimental process in his mind. As far as the experimental process was concerned, there was no problem at all.

"Then how does he explain that the energy data of Bug Force Move can be substituted into the Move energy formula!" The scholar who raised the question before growled, "Although he obtained a similar Swarm from Pokemon through other means Characteristic Trait, how does he prove that Bug Force Move does not exist!"

"Characteristic Trait is a kind of energy." The calm scholar sighed.

Hearing this sentence, the Laboratory was silent for a while, and the questioning voice was no longer concealed. Snarl said: "Then he must first prove that the Characteristic Trait is a kind of energy!"

"Enough, now it's not a matter of arguing whether the Characteristic Trait is energy or not."

At this moment, the director of the Laboratory, Gold Jade opened the mouth and said, with a trace of fatigue in his voice.

After a while, his gaze looked towards the paper in his hand, his face was a bit gloomy and uncertain.

Opening the paper, I saw "Struggle Bug Move" on the title of the paper. This is also the research result of Miao City Bug Type Pokemon Laboratory during this period.

However, all the theoretical foundations of "Struggle Bug Move" are based on the theory of "Bug Force Move".

If "Bug Force Move" is a kind of Particular Capability, does it mean that "Struggle Bug Move" is also a kind of Particular Capability?

Because of this concern, the director of Gold Jade was undecided for a while, not knowing whether or not to publish this paper.

If "Struggle Bug Move" is really a kind of Particular Capability, then this laboratory paper is worthless.

But this is the laboratory's biggest research result during this period. During this period, a lot of resources have been invested, so it is still a bit unwilling to give up on him.

"Director, let me participate in the city exchange activities this time!"

"I want to see how this Scholar Su refutes our research results !"


Qinglian Town, Laboratory.

Su Xiaobai is testing the abilities of a group of Pokemon.

The Pokemon who participated in the test this time are all those Pokemon that activate Characteristic Trait. After some screening, he selected Beautifly and Butterfree.

Beautifly’s Characteristic Trait is Swarm Characteristic Trait, and I also learned Bug Buzz Move, which is very valuable for training.

The other Butterfree is the evolution of the Metapod that learned the Iron Defense Move. When the Compound Eye Characteristic Trait is activated, it is very powerful.

The last Pokemon is naturally Catterpie. After eight molting, Su Xiaobai is very confident in its strength.

Of course, this is not enough.

Before the start of the game, he intends to let Catterpie try again to complete an evolution.

And the final result is just as Su Xiaobai guessed, Catterpie completed its ninth molting in the light of evolution.

After molting, Catterpie's body size has grown again, and his strength has improved significantly.

What makes Su Xiaobai a little puzzled is that Catterpie at this time did not show disappointment, but a look of excitement.

At this time, Catterpie is feeling it with his eyes slightly closed.

Vaguely, it can feel that its Mental Force is getting stronger as it sheds its skin.

This discovery is also what makes Catterpie so excited. Even if it hasn't completed its evolution, it can feel that it is getting stronger a little bit.

"Catterpie, this is Pokéblock, which can improve your special attack to a certain extent."

Since Catterpie cannot evolve, Su Xiaobai also intends to improve it in another way. The strength of Catterpie.

Currently, the strongest Move in Catterpie's hands is Electro Web, so improving Catterpie's special attack can greatly enhance its strength.

As for the dragon fire fruit seeds, Su Xiaobai is also very careful to store them, and plans to hand it over to Bai Zhi for planting when he has the opportunity.

In addition, there is Butterfree with compound eyes Characteristic Trait. Su Xiaobai intends to exchange it for the secret fruit that can improve Move accuracy, so that its accuracy can be improved again!

And the triple powder Move, which Butterfree can understand directly through TM, can let Butterfree directly and perfectly master it.

As for Beautifly, Silver Wind this move formidable power is not bad, and Move, which can also fully improve physical fitness, is naturally indispensable!


After half a month, Su Xiaobai took a car to Rui City.

Although the official city exchange activities will be held a week later, the preliminaries of the Bug Type Pokemon Exchange Contest will be held one week in advance.

When the exchange competition enters the main race, which is the time when the exchange activity officially starts, the when the time comes seminar will also be held together.

As the preliminaries of the Bug Type exchange competition started, the trainers near Rui City and Miao City, like crucian carp who crossed the river, gathered towards Rui City.

This time the Bug Type Pokemon exchange contest is held by Rui City and Miao City together. If you can win the Champion, the reward is a small bottle of Silver Powder.

Silver Powder is a kind of Items that can improve the formidable power of Bug Type Move. It contains a huge amount of Bug Type energy, which can be trained by Help Pokemon!

In addition, it is said this time that the Gym Leader of Miao City Bug Type Pokemon Gym will also come to the game.

As long as you get the top ten, you can get the opportunity to openly challenge the Gym Leader, and this is the most important reason why a large number of trainers gather.

You should know that if you want to challenge Alliance Gym under normal circumstances, you must pass the audit. Only when the Gym Leader agrees to the challenge can you be eligible for the challenge.

Now, you only need to get the top eight in the exchange competition to directly qualify for the challenge. This is a rare opportunity for some trainers who are still a few Badge away!

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