"I don't want to join the School Team yet."

Chen Hanhan shook his head, as if I had no interest in joining the School Team.

If it's just Coaching training, he doesn't believe that these School Team members can be better than Teacher Su!


These students in the field at this time were also shocked, and then slowly widened their eyes.

What did they hear? Chen Hanhan turned down the invitation of the School Team?

"so that's how it is, to a certain extent, then the coaching ability of scholar is much stronger than that of school team members."

"Even the teachers in the school , It is also impossible to improve Butterfree's strength so quickly."

Huang Yan thought in his heart that he is also increasingly looking forward to Laboratory's Day Care.

"So...then bother."

Ma Lindong stopped the teammates who wanted to go up to ask the reason, took a deep look at Chen Hanhan, and took the teammates. They turned and left.

Not long after the members of the School Team left, there was a commotion in the field again. Some students showed regret on their faces, and some students showed taking pleasure in other people's misfortune.

"Chen Hanhan, why did you refuse!"

Xie Congcong stomped Stomping Tantrum, some of which couldn't understand his own classmate's thoughts.

Chen Hanhan shook his head disapprovingly, now he just wants to go back to the Laboratory quickly.


After the New Year celebration is over.

Chen Hanhan couldn't wait to get on the...special car?

Because of the advertisement he ran before, a few students even became interested in Butterfree in Laboratory.

Therefore, they called the van and drove towards Qinglian Town Laboratory.

What surprised Chen Hanhan was that Huang Yan, who was dismissive of Butterfree, even got on the car.

"Manager Lin Le should be very happy, right?"

Looking at the six classmates in the car, Chen Hanhan was looking forward to it.

"Yo, Huang Yan, why are you here?"

Xie Congcong immediately opened fire on Huang Yan who frigid irony and scorching satire from Chen Hanhan before the game started. .

"I...I was wrong."

The apology of Huang Yan caught Xie Congcong for a moment.

This is too fast, right? Those frigid irony and scorching satire thoughts he had thought about have not yet come out!

Seeing Huang Yan's reaction, Chen Hanhan's mouth slowly outlines a curve.

Teacher Su, I successfully proved it for you, and in the future, I will definitely become stronger!

I must let everyone know that Teacher Su who taught me to become a trainer is the greatest Pokemon Researcher in Alliance!


"Welcome home, classmate Chen Hanhan."

"Are these your classmates who want to buy Pokemon?"

"Welcome, Qinglian Town Sky Research Laboratory welcomes you."

Lin Le, who had received the news early, greeted Chen Hanhan and his classmates at the door.

In his opinion, these are all mobile money bags, and the Breeding Base business of Laboratory is finally about to open.

"Hello Lin Le Teacher."

"Can the Butterfree of Laboratory breed really become as strong as the Butterfree of Chen Hanhan?"

After the students saw Lin Le, everyone talking at once asked.

“Don’t worry, our Laboratory’s Pokemon are all specially breeded.”

“The accuracy of their triple powder Moves is all 90% resolved. As long as you train well, the same Able to make triple powder Move hits 100%."

Lin Le laughed and started to introduce Butterfree in Laboratory.

Now, six Catterpies that activate the Shield Dust Characteristic Trait have been breed in the Laboratory, and four of them have also evolved into Butterfree.

After Su Xiaobai successfully collected the data, these four Butterfrees are also Pokemon for sale.

"Is it really possible?"

Student Xie Congcong immediately shouted out excitedly.

Chen Hanhan's triple powder Move must be in Butterfree, the performance in the game is really amazing.

And triple powder Move has a specific feature, which is completely dependent on Status Condition to determine the outcome, so there is no high requirement for Pokemon's own strength.

As long as the accuracy of the triple powder move is guaranteed, this is a very powerful battle strength, even if skipping grades to battle and not impossible.

In addition, it is also a very good helper to ensure Sleep Powder accuracy Butterfree in the process of future expeditions.

"You will know if you follow me to see it."

Lin Le laughed and brought the entire group to a meadow.

After that, three Poké Balls appeared in Lin Le's hands. As the Poké Ball opened, three Butterfrees appeared in the field.

After knowing the purpose of Chen Hanhan's classmates, Lin Le also made sufficient preparations.

These three Butterfrees are all Butterfrees that he has consulted and are willing to become Pokemon trainers. Among them, one Butterfree does not intend to leave the Laboratory. He also followed the opinions of that Butterfree.

"Who do you want to try?"

After hearing Lin Le's words, Huang Yan walked out directly.

After that, he saw the Poké Ball in his hand thrown out, and Nidorino appeared in the field.

"Let my Nidorino feel it."

Huang Yan's eyes flashed, he naturally did not stand up for no reason.

He wants to let Nidorino feel these triple powders with super high accuracy, maybe it can feel something.

"Okay, let this Butterfree come first."

Lin Le randomly pointed to a Butterfree and let it use Sleep Powder.

Then I saw the light blue powder sprinkled, covering Nidorino in it.

Then, when the students held their breath in the audience, Nidorino shook the Powder on his body, and didn't mean to fall asleep at all.

Lin Le's forehead immediately left a drop of cold sweat.

Although this Butterfree is not as strong as Chen Hanhan's, the accuracy of Sleep Powder is close to 90%.

This failed for the first time, it was really unlucky.

Fortunately, the second Sleep Powder had an effect. Nidorino shook a few times before hu hu fell asleep and let Lin Le sighed in relief.

Pokemon, the second student and the third student, all succeeded at once and fell into a sleep state.

After all the students’ Pokemon fell asleep, the eyes of these students became fierce.

Except for Nidorino at first, which used Sleep Powder twice, all other Pokemon fell asleep once, which is enough to prove how high the Move accuracy of this Butterfree is.

Huang Yan sees this scene, the rays of light in his eyes are even worse.

At first, he was also worried that this was only Particular Capability of Chen Hanhan's Butterfree.

Now that this Butterfree also has the same ability, it shows that the other party has indeed mastered the method that can improve the Move accuracy.

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