Cai Wenyue Committee Member has been in a bad mood recently.

In the recent Electro Web debate, he lost to Lei Xiaojun Committee Member.

Electro Web Move is no longer just for Galvantula, and no longer just for Bug Type Pokemon!

"en? Is there another paper?"

Listening to the computer prompts, Cai Wenyue Committee Member walked over to check.

"Four papers?"

"Now Rotom's review is really too rough, and all papers are put in."

With two beeps, Cai Wenyue Committee Member, who has always been known for his sternness, sat down and opened the paper.

"I found Particular Capability by accident?"

"Shield Dust, Shed Skin, Compound Eyes, the experiments and data in the paper are very clear."

"But whether it was an accident or not, there is still a question mark. After all, there is only one Pokemon in the experiment..."

As a very rigorous and demanding intermediate rank Pokemon Researcher, Cai Wenyue Committee Member slightly frowned thought Tao.

"Uh? Characteristic Trait energy is just a coincidence discovery of a Catterpie, who dared to directly propose the concept of Characteristic Trait energy... It's really too bold!"

"In addition There is also the ability of compound eyes. In the absence of exclusion experiments, the experimental data also lacks reference... There are too many elements that can affect the accuracy of Move learning, more powder quantity, or more proficient mastery of Move, Or through ability assistance such as Psychic, the experimental process and data of this paper are also non-referenced, and this further denies the conjecture about the energy of the Characteristic Trait."

"Bold guesses You don’t need to pay any price at all, you just dare to make bold guesses when you see some fur, without considering the correctness and feasibility of the guessing. Now Pokemon Researcher is really less and less rigorous in learning."

Cai Wenyue Committee Member coldly snorted, he has already received these conjecture papers more than once. In his opinion, these conjectures are like drawing prizes. If you guess right, you can get rewards. If you guess wrong, you won’t get rewards. What kind of Punishment, the current Pokemon Researcher's interest is too heavy, and it is clear that it is for the Pokemon Researcher Integral Points and union contribution points. There are very few real researches.

Especially the Scholar Su Xiaobai. According to the research process of the Electro Web Move published by the latter, this scholar has already started to power Electro Web when he published the Bug Silk Electro Web paper. Move's research, in this case, the previous paper will be published. This shows that it is to get an extra Pokemon Researcher Integral Points and union contribution points, but he doesn't know how much trouble this has caused them!


It's still that room, and Rotom floats across the screen.

""Butterfree's Compound Eyes" paper...Two review committee members have different opinions...switch to Lin Yuxi Committee Member."

""Discussion on Pokemon Characteristic Trait" paper... …Two reviewing committee members have Hu Guangxue Committee Member"

According to the regulations of the Pokemon Research Union, the papers that pass the assessment will be handed over to the Pokemon Research Union’s paper review committee members for review .

Normal's papers will be handed over to two Committee Members in the corresponding knowledge field, who will make independent judgments and finally draw conclusions comprehensively.

When the opinions of two Committee Members disagree, they will be handed over to the third Committee Member in the corresponding field for review, and finally a comprehensive conclusion can be drawn.

Now, the opinions of Xu Hai Committee Member and Cai Wenyue Committee Member are very different, and the special process of paper review has begun.


Or because this is the reason for the discovery of a paper, the review result will come out soon.

In the early morning, Su Xiaobai, who was notified, took the car to Mt. Yu Town, where there is the Pokemon Research Union branch.

On the way, Su Xiaobai's gaze is not looking at the field that is going backwards outside the window, guessing in his heart how many Pokemon Researcher Integral Points he can get.

The significance of Pokemon's Characteristic Trait in the history of Pokemon's development is undoubted. With the appearance of the Characteristic Trait, the strength of Pokemon has also undergone a change in Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

The emergence of Characteristic Trait makes Pokemon's Particular Capability certain, and expands infinite possibilities with it, making the trainer's tactics more diversified.

It can be seen from this that the discovery of Characteristic Trait is no less than the confirmation of Attribute and Move, which has epoch-making significance.

If the Characteristic Trait can be confirmed, he, as the proponent of the concept of Characteristic Trait, will definitely be included in the annals of Pokemon history.

Of course, these are not what Su Xiaobai cares about right now. He only cares about how many Pokemon Researcher Integral Points and how many union contribution points he can get.

Compared to Rui City Pokemon Research Union, the branch is much smaller, but the facilities are still very complete.

When I came to the Pokemon Researcher online platform operation room, Su Xiaobai couldn't wait to board his account and waited for the sound of the system to sound.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining 11 Pokemon Researcher Integral Points and rewarding 1100 resource points]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining 210 union contribution points and rewarding 210 resource points]

[Host's existing resource point: 11025 points]

Listening to the system voice in his ear, Su Xiaobai frowned, feeling that the result was a bit far from his own guess.

Quickly click on the paper review results interface. He first looked towards the paper "Discussion on Pokemon Characteristic Trait", which is what he cares most about.

The review result of the "Discussion on Pokemon Characteristic Trait" paper is to reward 1 Pokemon Researcher Integral Points and 10 union contribution points.

After seeing this scene, Su Xiaobai's eyes narrowed, and suddenly he felt a little funny and absurd. The Characteristic Trait is a discovery that can be recorded in the annals of history!

took a deep breath, he continued to look towards the review results, unexpectedly there were three review results of the papers of the review committee members.

One of them is from Xu Hai Committee Member, which he is very familiar with, and his speculation was highly affirmed in the review and comments.

The final paper review result is that it is recommended to award 10 Pokemon Researcher Integral Points and 500 union contribution points.

Although this comment still cannot match the value of this paper, at least it is in line with Su Xiaobai's expectations. After all, this is just a guess.

Since Xu Hai Committee Member gave such a high evaluation, the problem must lie in the results of the last two reviews.

Sure enough, the last two review results questioned the rigor of the experiment and the reliability of the data, and criticized this paper as worthless.

The final comment based on the three audit results is:

"The paper passed the change of Particular Capability in the evolution of Catterpie, and concluded that there is a special energy in Pokemon. , And at the same time boldly guess that every Pokemon possesses this special energy, but when there is only a single Pokemon as the observation target, the experiment lacks rigor, and the data lacks referenceability, and no direct and strong evidence can be obtained to show its correctness. , This is just a paper with certain discussion value and feasibility. Award 1 Pokemon Researcher Integral Points and 10 union contribution points."

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