"Next, we need to find a suitable place to grow Salac Berry."

"From the documents recorded by the Pokemon Research Union, we can know that there is ample Flying Attribute energy is a must."

After a short Celebrate, the two gathered around the sprouting Salac Berry seeds and began to discuss how to plant Salac Berry in the future.

"Indeed, a strong Flying Attribute energy is necessary."

"Perhaps we can plant Salac Berry seeds between two mountains, where the valley wind may be able to meet Salac Berry tree growth requirements."

Bai Zhi nodded, said his thoughts.

"Mountain Valley Wind?"

Su Xiaobai was a little puzzled. He heard this word for the first time.

"Valley wind is a kind of wind that blows due to the thermal difference between the valley and the surrounding air."

"During the day the wind blows from the valley to the hillside. It is called valley wind. At night, the wind blows from the hillside towards the mountain valley, which is called mountain wind. Mountain wind and valley wind are collectively called valley wind."

"The valley wind changes regularly, and the wind is relatively stable, and You can adjust the size of the wind through certain methods."

"In Berry's breed, this kind of valley that can blow a stable valley wind is also an excellent place."

"During the clear day, the valley wind transports warm air to the mountains, which increases the temperature on the mountains, prompting the plants, crops and Berry Trees in the piedmont hillside area to germinate, flower, bear and mature early."

“The valley wind can bring the water vapor from the valley to the top, increasing the humidity of the mountain sky and reducing the air humidity in the valley. If there is enough water vapor in the air, the valley wind will often condense the clouds and cause rain in summer. The growth of crops is very beneficial."

"At night, mountain wind brings water vapor from the mountain into the valley, so the air humidity on the mountain decreases, and the air humidity in the valley increases. In the Growth season, the mountain wind can lower the temperature. For the accumulation of nutrients in plants, the growth of tubers and tubers is very beneficial."

Speaking of the knowledge of Berry planting, Bai Zhi seemed very excited and began to describe the benefits of the valley wind in detail. Again.

If Berry can be planted in a place where a stable valley wind can blow, not only Salac Berry, but also other Berry.

"Valley wind, maybe we can explore Gathering Cloud Mountain."

"Gathering Cloud Mountain has a vast area, and it should be possible to find such a place with valley wind."

Su Xiaobai immediately made a decision after hearing Bai Zhi's description of the valley wind. After all, it was related to the planting of Salac Berry.

Thinking of the exploration in the wild, Su Xiaobai suddenly became a little excited.

Expedition in the wild is also one of the pleasures of being a trainer, and now he finally has a chance.

Although Gathering Cloud Mountain is located in the urban area of ​​Rui City, the powerful Wild Pokemon in it has been cleaned of Normal, but you can still have the addiction of exploration.

Especially when I explore with a purpose like now, I am a little excited to think that I can find the place where the valley wind blows by myself.


"Don't be so troublesome."

"Just let Fletchling fly around in the mountains."

"With Fletchling's perception of wind, it is easy to find."

When Su Xiaobai was enthusiastic about proposing an expedition plan, Bai Zhi shook the head.

This kind of thing can be left to Fletchling, if they follow along, it will become a burden instead.

Ah this.

Su Xiaobai opened his mouth, but for a while, he couldn't find an excuse to refute.

But... he obviously wants to go adventure very much.

"Salac Berry has sprouted, we must plant it as soon as possible."

Bai Zhi's words also made Su Xiaobai's last point of persistence disappear, thinking It takes a lot of time to explore.

"There is one more thing to trouble Director Su."

Listening to Bai Zhi's words, especially the sentence of Director Su, made Su Xiaobai straight up.

Sure enough, Bai Zhi went on to say: "After we find the valley wind, we still need to protect that area."

"Otherwise, I can be sure that we will plant it in Berry. On the 2nd day, they will be attacked by Wild Pokemon. These Berry are delicious to them."

Su Xiaobai startled and then also nodded, he suddenly thought of the time when the Laboratory had just been brewed out of Oran Berry. .

At that time, a large group of Rattata attacked Oran Berry Park. Fortunately, Gloom took the initiative to block the Rattata, otherwise the loss may be more serious.

"No problem, leave this to me."

Su Xiaobai nodded, it seems that the laboratory's expansion plan can start early.

If most of the area of ​​Gathering Cloud Mountain can be included in the scope of the Laboratory, it will barely be enough before the new Laboratory is built.

After the two of them had finished talking, Fletchling, with a mission on his back, also flew quickly in the direction of Gathering Cloud Mountain.

"A wind-swept valley."

Fletchling kept recalling Bai Zhi's account of himself, looking down.

Soon, Fletchling found a target and swooped over quickly.

After experiencing it for a while, Fletchling flew again, there was no valley wind it wanted.

Maybe the trees here are too dense, and the wind is completely blocked. It seems that we need to find a wider valley.

huhuhu ~

During the flying process, Fletchling suddenly heard the wind.

It moved in its heart and quickly flew toward the wind blowing position.

Tweet tweeted!

But just as it approached, a bird song was heard.

At this time, a group of Spearow flew up in the valley where it was aiming, and the leader was two Fearow.

"Oh, do these guys want to fight? Isn't that what it wants?"

Fletchling got excited, and instead of retreating, he flew towards the Spearow group and fanned his wings. There was a gust of wind blowing!

On the opposite side, the two Fearow not to be outdone directly used Peck. The sharp beak flashed white light and rushed towards Fletchling.

Yes, that’s how it feels!

Fletchling became more and more excited, the wind blew up on his body, and Tailwind Move was displayed.

Suddenly, Fletchling's speed increased to its limit, and the silhouette rushed into the Spearow group in a flash!

After defeating all Spearow, Flettling's silhouette fell on a big tree. It was noon, and the wind was blowing towards the sky from below.


"Is this found?"

After Fletchling came back, Su Xiaobai was still a little bit lost.

Actually, he still has such a fantasy of exploration. If Fletchling can't find it, he will have to go out in person.

"This place on the map can indeed form a valley wind."

"Plus the Spearow clan also lives here, the Flying Attribute here must be more powerful than other places."

Bai Zhi nodded, and then planned to see it in person, while Su Xiaobai was arranged to go to Pokemon Research Union to negotiate.

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