Electabuzz is really worried now.

Although it wants to participate in the competition, it does not want to disturb its master's research.



Catterpie shook his head slightly to indicate that he didn't know what to do.

Actually, it also wants to participate in the competition!

sighed, Catterpie's gaze looked towards the direction Su Xiaobai had left.

At this moment, it suddenly saw Chen Hanhan with Butterfree in the distance while exercising.

Hey, isn’t there a ready-made trainer here?

If Su Xiaobai is not available, can Chen Hanhan take Electabuzz to the competition?

Thinking of this, Catterpie was eager to try it out, his eyes rolled steadily.

"Huh? You let me take Electabuzz to participate in the competition?"

After talking to the two Pokemon for a long time, Chen Hanhan finally figured out their meanings. Stunned.


Catterpie quickly nodded, and then talked about his plan again.

Although they are all Pokemon of Su Xiaobai, there is a registration in the Laboratory called temporary registration.

After all, in the regulations of the Orient Alliance, there is a limit to the number of trainers that each trainer can have.

In this case, in order to facilitate laboratory research, laboratory registrants are allowed to temporarily register Laboratory Pokemon under their own name.

In this case, laboratory personnel can take these Pokemon to the experimental site for some research.

When Su Xiaobai took over Electabuzz before, he was only an Official Pokemon Researcher, and the number of Pokemon that could be officially registered was two.

In this case, Electabuzz is Su Xiaobai's Pokemon temporarily registered under his own name!

So, Chen Hanhan, who is now the official registrant of the Rui City Bird Pokemon Laboratory, should also be able to temporarily register Electabuzz under his own name.

In this way, Chen Hanhan can take Electabuzz to participate in the official competition.

“But Electabuzz is Teacher Su’s Pokemon.”

“I think it’s better for Teacher Su to take Electabuzz to the competition.”

Chen Hanhan scratched his head, always feeling that this was not good.

When the time comes Electabuzz really won Champion, wouldn’t he take away this honor?


Catterpie began to explain again.

"Indeed, Teacher Su is very busy this time."

Chen Hanhan nodded, then slowly sighed, hesitated: "Then I will ask Teacher Su. "

"If he agrees, I will take Electabuzz to the competition."

When Chen Hanhan finds Su Xiaobai, the latter is studying the principles of Pokéblock manufacturing.

"Electabuzz's game!"

Su Xiaobai slapped his forehead. He was so busy during this period that he even forgot about it.

In other words, I didn't forget, but now he didn't even think about taking Electabuzz to the competition. He didn't even think about it.

Originally, he wanted Electabuzz to participate in the competition in order to show the research results, but due to the seminar, the energy Electro Web Move was directly on fire.

In this case, there is no need to show the research results, so he didn't even think of participating in the competition.

But he forgot one thing, Electabuzz has been waiting for the game, which is also a stage for it to show itself!

At the beginning, Electabuzz was willing to go with him, wasn't it just to become stronger? Electabuzz is obviously eager to fight!

"Teacher Su, if you are too busy, I can take Electabuzz to participate in the competition."

Chen Hanhan hesitated a bit and explained what Catterpie and Electabuzz communicated with him Again.

"Is this what Electabuzz wants?"

Su Xiaobai looked at Electabuzz, who was following Chen Hanhan, with hesitation on his face.

Facing Electabuzz's gaze, he saw the desire, involuntarily lightly sighed, nodded.

Seeing Su Xiaobai's promise, Electabuzz immediately showed excitement, which made Su Xiaobai more sure of his decision.

"Sorry, Electabuzz."

"Next time I will accompany you to the competition in person."

"This time, you will follow Chen Hanhan, go and take part in the game. Pay attention to safety during the game."

Hearing Su Xiaobai's promise, Electabuzz was nodded again and again, and his heart had already flown to the court.

"Go, pay attention to safety."

Looking at the back of Chen Hanhan walking away quickly, Su Xiaobai sighed, walking towards the research room.

What he didn't know was that Catterpie saw this scene secretly in the corner, and his eyes sparkled.

Should I also go and see if there are any competitions I can participate in?


In the Gloom territory of the bird Pokemon Laboratory.

At this time, Bai Zhi is conducting research on the cultivation of Salac Berry.

Before her, Fletchling is performing Tailwind Move to condense the surrounding Flying Attribute energy.

Bai Zhi put the seeds of Salac Berry on his palm and is watching the reaction of the seeds of Salac Berry.

"Fletchling, try to disperse the energy of the Flying Attribute."

"It's best to spread it evenly in this space like Gloom's Terrain Move."

After hearing Bai Zhi's words, Fletchling was a little confused, shouldn't it be that the more powerful the Flying Attribute, the better?

"When you are training, naturally, the stronger the energy of Flying Attribute, the better."

"But plants are not the same. Only the right ones are the most suitable. It’s like watering plants, not water the more the better."

Fletchling shows looking thoughtful, it thinks of its own Flying, sometimes it’s not that the faster you fan your wings, the more the better you can fly. Fast.

Only by fanning the wings just right and driving forward with the power of the wind can you push your speed to the limit.

"Fletchling, use Tailwind Move again."

Fletchling is fast nodded, wings are slightly fanned, and a breeze blows away in the field.

"Good job, Fletchling."

Bai Zhi stroked his hair and continued to observe the Salac Berry seed in his hand.

Suddenly, Bai Zhi felt the weight of the Salac Berry seeds in his hand disappear.

eyes slightly narrowed, she slowly removed the hand holding the Salac Berry seed, and saw that the Salac Berry seed seemed to have lost all its weight, and Levitate was quietly in the air.

At this moment, this space seems to form a field of wind, and the air current flows regularly under the control of Fletchling.

After seeing this scene, Fletchling also fell from the air, stopped on Bai Zhi's shoulder, and looked at the Salac Berry seed curiously in the air by Levitate.

Suddenly, the Salac Berry seeds trembled, and then the epidermis wrapped around the seeds was gently pushed open, and the azure buds slowly grew out of them.

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