After redeeming the electrical Terrain Move, there are 10215 resource points left.

Looking at over ten thousand resource points, Su Xiaobai immediately thought of those Pokemon Items.

Unfortunately, these 1w resource points are only enough to redeem some cheaper Pokemon Items.

For Items such as power amplifiers, the required resource points are 3w, which is three times the resource points he currently has!

After seeing this scene, the excitement in Su Xiaobai's heart calmed down a bit. Now is not the time to be proud, he still has a lot of research to do.

Afterwards, he clicked on the paper review results and checked it out. The evaluation of his paper is still quite high.

After reading the paper, at the bottom of the paper, there is an option to publish the paper.

He can choose the conditions required to view the paper. After clicking Publish, other Pokemon Researchers can spend union contribution points to view the paper directly on the online platform.

In the case of Normal, Pokemon Researchers will determine the required union contribution points based on the Pokemon Researcher Integral Points obtained from the paper.

Like the default method he chose before, the contribution point obtained every time the paper is reviewed is still very impressive.

Of course, there are exceptions, just like the previous Chen Jianyong scholar's paper only got 5 Pokemon Researcher Integral Points.

But he set the union contribution points required to view the paper to 50 points, which is ten times more than the default view contribution points required.

But even so, there are still a lot of Pokemon Researchers. Click to view.

After all, a paper about the discovery of a new Move is not at all a review of the Pokemon Researcher Integral Points given by the Committee Member to summarize its value.

This means that the default contribution point required for viewing is not accurate and needs to be adjusted by yourself.

Su Xiaobai's current paper is also the same.

His this paper contains a complete learning method of Electro Web Move.

According to the default price, the price of viewing a paper is 80 union contribution points, which is 8w when converted into money.

This price is not even as good as the price of 10w for Electro Web Move to learn once, which is obviously unreasonable.

After some consideration, he set the price of viewing the paper at 200 union contribution points, which is the price of 20w.


Galvantula Laboratory.

Shen Hao has been waiting for the publication of the energy Electro Web Move paper since he returned from the seminar.

Because of waiting too long yesterday, he accidentally fell asleep in a chair.

At this moment, the sound of a phone call woke him from his sleep. He glanced at the phone, and it was his friend who called.

"The paper review results are out!"

The other party just said a short sentence and hung up.

Chen Hao was clever, immediately sat upright and began to check the paper.

"80 Pokemon Researcher Integral Points, 5000 union contribution points!"

There is no need to open the paper. The paper title and paper review results are publicly visible.

After seeing this extremely exaggerated score, Chen Hao couldn't help but take a deep breath. This is really an outstanding paper.

"We actually need 200 resource points!"

Looking at the resource points needed to view the paper, Shen Hao was silent for a moment, then gritted his teeth and opened it.

Suddenly, the content of the paper was displayed in front of Shen Hao.

"Learn Electro Web Move through Electro Ball Move."

"The detailed training process of Electro Web Move is recorded in the paper!"

" Earned, earned, these 200 resource points are completely earned!"

After reading the content of the paper in detail, Shen Hao immediately became excited.

After that, he turned the paper to the top and began to study each word.

As a Pokemon Researcher who specializes in Galvantula, he has some research on Electro Web Move itself.

What he has to do now is to combine his knowledge of Electro Web Move and compare it with this paper to find new research topics.

Extract key information from the papers just published to publish papers. This is one of the ways for some scholars to obtain Pokemon Researcher Integral Points and union contribution points.

The reason why Shen Hao has always been in front of the online platform is to obtain the content of the paper immediately and publish the paper.

This time, the content of the paper happened to be Electro Web Move, and he was confident that he could write a good paper.

If you have good luck, getting one or two scholar Integral Points is not impossible, after all, he still has some dry goods in his hands.


After the publication of the Energy Electro Web paper, Pokemon Researchers began to get busy.

Compared with the Pokemon Researchers who silently review the content of the paper, the Electric Type Pokemon trainers are much crazy.

But these Pokemon trainers are not Pokemon Researchers, and they cannot log on to the Pokemon Researcher platform at all, which makes them anxious.

Those trainers who have a few Pokemon Researchers around, also tried to find a way to get on the online platform through the other party and check the papers.

Although this situation is not allowed, they only check the papers and do not make a profit. It is also very difficult for Pokemon Research Union to collect evidence.

Of course, even if Pokemon Research Union vigorously combats this kind of piracy, as long as there are enough benefits, many Pokemon Researchers are still willing to commit the risk.

As the news continues to spread, the learning method of Electro Web Move continues to spread in Alliance.

It’s not Pokemon Researcher. You can’t view papers, right? Then I can go directly to Rui City to find you.

With this kind of mentality, some Electric Type Pokemon trainers have also gathered to Rui City, and Electro Web Move is too attractive to them.


Kanto Region, Vermilion City.

Lt. Surge, a gym trainer at Vermilion Gym, also received a secret message.

"It turned out to be the new Electric Type Move."

Lt. Surge's face showed rare interest.

Is this information from Orient Alliance?

In the past few years, the original Little Alliance has developed surprisingly well.

This trainer who discovered Electro Web Move is called Su Xiaobai, isn’t it?

If you have the opportunity to go to Orient Alliance in the future, you can have a good conversation with him.

At the same time.

Gym Leader Volkner of Gym Sunyshore Gym in Sunyshore City also received a message from a friend.

An extremely sturdy Electabuzz was followed by him, who was also curiously leaning over to check.

When Ash challenged Sinnoh Region, Volkner's Trump Card Pokemon was Electivire, but at this time, because the power amplifier has not been invented, Electabuzz has not been able to complete the evolution.

"Electro Web Move, didn't expect that besides Galvantula, you can also learn."

"According to the method in the paper, first condense the Electro Ball Move, and then split Electro Ball can learn Electro Web Move."

"Then give it a try. This Move can be used to restrain the opponent, which is pretty good."

Hear Volkner After speaking, Electabuzz immediately hit his chest with his hands in excitement, and Spark kept shooting out.

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