Rui City Bird Pokemon Laboratory.

It is evening now, and the setting sun is tinged with fiery red on the horizon.

Among the woods, Su Xiaobai and Bai Zhi strolled among them, and the pictures looked strange and harmonious.

"You birds, Pokemon Laboratory, how come there are that many Catterpies."

Looking at Catterpie who poked his head out of the tree from time to time, Bai Zhi was a little surprised.

"The name of Pokemon Laboratory for birds was obtained by my teacher."

"In contrast, all my current research is carried out around Catterpie."

Su Xiaobai smiled awkwardly, feeling that he really needed time to change the name of the bird Pokemon Laboratory.

"I think I like it a little bit."

Bai Zhi looked at Catterpie in the forest and Butterfree flying in the sky with a smile on his face.

As they moved on, they first came to Oran Berry Forest.

Bai Zhi couldn't help but stop to check the development of the Berry Tree in the Oran Berry forest.

"These Oran do they develop so well!"

When I came to look at a MaMa Berry tree, Bai Zhi was a little surprised.

From the perspective of development, these Oran Berry looks better than the Oran Berry in her orchard!

How did this happen?

Is there another Berry planter in the Laboratory?

If this is the case, the level of this Berry planter may still be above her!

Seeing Bai Zhi, Su Xiaobai knew what the other party was thinking.

But he didn't say much, sometimes a more mysterious feeling might be able to attract more attention from the other party.

After checking the Oran Berry Garden, the two continued to walk towards the woods.

When I came to MaMa Berry Park, I could see that the Joltiks were releasing electricity.

These currents are attracted to the MaMa Berry tree next to them, and are continuously absorbed by the MaMa Berry tree.

MaMa Berry itself contains Electric Type energy, this is because MaMa Berry tree can absorb Electric Type energy from nature.

Now after absorbing Joltik's current, the Berry that grows on the MaMa Berry tree is more abundant.

"This is the MaMa Berry used in Electro Web Awakening Potion Recipe!"

Bai Zhi eyes shined, she previously guessed that the MaMa Berry used in Electro Web Awakening Potion is a special variety Now it's just time to observe.

Picking a MaMa Berry from the tree, Bai Zhi took a closer look and found that it was an ordinary MaMa Berry.

With doubts, Bai Zhi continued to follow Su Xiaobai, and finally came to the destination this time, Bai Zhi Berry Lin.

The Bai Zhi Berry forest now has become the territory of Bug Type Pokemon.

In normal times, they eat the leafage of Bai Zhi Berry tree as food, which makes the Bug Type Pokemon of Laboratory develop very well.

After all, there is no laboratory that is extravagant enough to use Bai Zhi Berry's Leafage as food.

"It is really Bai Zhi Berry!"

Bai Zhi looked at the fruit in the orchard with surprise in his eyes.

But after checking Bai Zhi Berry Growth's environment, her brows frowned again.

Soil, air, and water sources, nothing in the Laboratory fits the growth environment of Bai Zhi Berry.

But that is the case, the Bai Zhi Berry in the Laboratory still bears fruit, although these Bai Zhi Berry are not very fruitful.

"How exactly is this breed?"

"In this environment, Bai Zhi Berry can't grow at all."

Bai Zhi is beautiful Frowning together, tilting his head thinking, a look of doubt about the state of life.


"breed Bai Zhi Berry really has requirements for the environment."

Su Xiaobai calmly looked at Bai Zhi and checked Bai up and down Zhi Berry.

It's useless to laugh in your heart no matter how you check it, because the breed of Bai Zhi Berry tree is completely dependent on the power of Grassy Terrain.

"Well...Scholar Su, does your laboratory also have a Berry planter?"

After a little hesitation, Bai Zhi couldn't help but ask, she is now I really want to have a good conversation with this Berry planter.

Whether it’s the Oran Berry that was breed before, or the Bai Zhi Berry that is almost impossible to grow up in this environment.

She is really curious now, she can faintly feel that this may be the key to her breakthrough Primary Rank Berry planter.

"Another Berry planter? Our laboratory doesn't have one."

"If you are curious about how I breed Bai Zhi Berry, I can only tell you, I use It’s just a special breeding method."

Su Xiaobai shook his head, shouldn't Gloom be considered a Berry planter?

"Special breed method!"

Bai Zhi eyes shined, hesitated for a while and said: "Can we exchange Bai Zhi Berry's breeding method with each other?"

After speaking, Bai Zhi is also somewhat guilty. Judging from the current situation, the Bai Zhi Berry breed method of the other party seems to be better than hers.

After all, her Bai Zhi Berry has strict requirements for the breeding environment, even if the other party knows it, there may be no way to breed it.

Since the Bai Zhi Berry breed method of the other party can be planted in this environment, it means that it is also possible to change the environment. The difference between the two is too big.

"Are you sure you want to exchange?"

Su Xiaobai's face showed thoughts.

If Grassy Terrain is also a breed method, it seems useless if the other party knows it.

In addition, Grassy Terrain seems to have not been discovered yet, and he is also considering whether to reveal this to the other party.

"If you can, please."

Bai Zhi puts her hands together in a plea, for which she can also pay a little other price.

"There is no need for other costs or anything."

"If you regret it, we can exchange it now."

"But the final result , I don’t guarantee that I won’t let you down.”

Su Xiaobai shook his head. It’s really hard to refuse a girl’s plea.

In addition, as long as the other party promises not to say anything, he actually has no loss. By the way, he also obtained the Bai Zhi Berry planting method, which is a steady profit.

"Come with me."

After getting Bai Zhi's guarantee, Su Xiaobai took the latter to a lush forest.

Because Oddish and Gloom of Implicit Characteristic like shade, this dark wood is their best habitat.

As for the Oddish and Gloom of the Chlorophyll Characteristic Trait, they all live on the grass at this time, bathing in the daylight.

After searching in the woods, Su Xiaobai found his Gloom, although he took her to the Bai Zhi Berry forest.

"I rely on Gloom's ability to breed Bai Zhi Berry."

Su Xiaobai smiled, and then Bai Zhi's puzzled eyes placed a Bai Zhi Berry seed Passed it to Gloom.

Gloom knew immediately, closed his eyes and used Grassy Terrain.

Suddenly, the surrounding environment was changed by Gloom, and a faint green light enveloped an area, causing the grass on the ground to grow quickly.

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