Pokemon Research Union.

Lei Xiaojun Committee Member paced back and forth in the room continuously.

Too slow, too slow.

Who is the other Committee Member who reviewed this paper? !

Lei Xiaojun Committee Member's forehead couldn't help but the blue veins jumped up, and he couldn't help but growl in a low voice.

While waiting for the results, he felt torment all the time.

He can't wait to share this news with his friends!

But another review committee member is really too slow!

"What the hell is this guy thinking!"

"Should this kind of paper give the review results as quickly as possible?"

"Is it Doesn’t the other party know the meaning of this paper?"

"Or, another Pokemon who reviewed the Committee Member is too weak and cannot complete the verification yet?"

It's another round Roaring in a low voice, just when Lei Xiaojun Committee Member couldn't help but want to throw something, a reminder sounded abruptly.

"The audit results are out!"

Looking at the audit information in the notification bar, he was all excited.

Passed, damn it, this energy Electro Web Move paper is finally passed!

It seems that the other party is not an incurable fool. This paper will not be over if you give a high score directly!

In a roar, Lei Xiaojun Committee Member couldn't wait to tell the other Electric Type Pokemon Researchers this news.

At this time, there must be a lot of Electric Type Pokemon Researchers because of the conflict between Electro Web Move and Bug Type Pokemon Researcher.

Now with the launch of the energy Electro Web Move, you can definitely hit those Bug Type Pokemon Researchers in the face!

And the result did not disappoint him. When the news came out, the entire Electric Type Pokemon Researcher circle was boiling!

In addition to the addition of an incredible Move in the Electric Type Move, they also won the Electro Web Move controversy!

But when they saw this paper, they were all stunned. They couldn't view it because they hadn't got the consent of the author of the paper.

"The author of the paper?"

"Scholar Su Xiaobai? Who is he? Find him out!"

With the entire Electric Type Pokemon Researcher The circle started, and Su Xiaobai's information was quickly dug out.

At the same time, they also learned of a seminar about Electro Web Move, which is being held in Rui City!


Meanwhile, Rui City Pokemon Research Union.

Although it is almost one o'clock in the afternoon, the enthusiasm for the discussion in the field remains.

In order to ensure the uninterrupted discussion of Pokemon Researcher, the venue also prepared a lot of cakes.

But Su Xiaobai and Bai Zhi are still in the mood to taste these cakes at this time.

The two of them drank juice and ate cakes while talking about the changing nature of insect silk.

During the conversation, the two also exchanged their own breeding process of Catterpie, which naturally talked about Bai Zhi Berry.

"By the way, why haven't you bought Bai Zhi Berry in this period of time?"

"Have you found anything that can replace Bai Zhi Berry's breeding method?"


Taking advantage of this effort, Bai Zhi also raised one of his doubts.

"Bai Zhi Berry..."

Su Xiaobai showed hesitation on his face.

After seeing this scene, Bai Zhi also quickly said that it doesn't matter if he doesn't answer.

This kind of breed method obviously involves the research results of Pokemon Researcher, and she feels a little bit abrupt when she asks this directly.

"No, there is nothing I can't say."

Su Xiaobai shook his head, thought for a while and said: "Because, I have been breed out of Bai Zhi Berry."


Originally, Bai Zhi's face showed expectation when he heard the first half of his sentence, but after listening to the latter words, she went straight to Leer.

"Did you breed Bai Zhi Berry?"

Bai Zhi was really surprised at this time. You must know that Bai Zhi Berry was studied after three years. .

The nutrients needed from germination to growth include environment, temperature, water source, and most importantly, abundant Grass Type energy.

The growth environment of Bai Zhi Berry is very demanding. As long as one of the links goes wrong, the Bai Zhi Berry tree cannot produce Bai Zhi Berry.

Even she only breeds Bai Zhi Berry in her own orchard. After changing the environment, it will become difficult to breed Bai Zhi Berry due to changes in soil, temperature and water source.

But at this time, she actually heard someone breed Bai Zhi Berry. Now it is less than a year since she published the paper, right?

"Can I go to your Laboratory to have a look at Bai Zhi Berry?"

Bai Zhi hesitated for a while, looking towards Su Xiaobai with some hope.

She wants to confirm whether Bai Zhi Berry from Su Xiaobai Laboratory breed and Bai Zhi Berry from her breed are the same breed.

"Of course there is no problem."

"In addition, I have some problems with Berry Farming and I want to take a leave of absence for you, the Berry planter."

Su Xiaobai responded with a smile, and at the same time he thought of the identity of the other party.

Now the Laboratory Orchard is also developed on a scale, but Bai Zhi can take a look and suggest some improvements.

During the conversation between the two, the scholars gathered together in the field finally dispersed.

It's not that their discussion has ended, but just ended a round of discussion, and plan to take a break first.

And through the opportunity of taking a break, they can also organize and digest the information they get to better conduct second round discussions.

Shen Hao looked at the scattered scholars, sighed slightly in relief.

As a trainer specializing in Galvantula, he originally came for Electro Web Move.

Didn't expect, there is another topic in the seminar this time, which is really a surprise.

After learning about Bug Force Move, he also had some ideas.

Since Bug Force Move can enhance the formidable power of Bug Type Move, can it act on the insect silk?

Combined with Su Xiaobai's previous proposal of changes in the nature of insect silk, this may be a very good topic.

Of course, the most important thing now is to fill up the stomach first, and then digest the knowledge gained today, whether it is the change in the nature of the silkworm or the Bug Force.

Going to the rest area on the side, Shen Hao took a piece of pastry, then took out the mobile phone in the backpack, intending to relax.

As soon as he turned on the phone, he suddenly saw his best friend and research partner call him 99 calls.

"What happened?"

Shen Hao startled, 99 missed calls, this isn't this too ridiculous!

Without any hesitation, Shen Hao dialed the phone number. Since his partner made so many calls, something must have happened!

"Shen Hao, are you attending the Electro Web Move seminar in Rui City!"

As soon as the phone was connected, there was a rush of voice on the other side.

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"What's wrong!? It's a major event!"

With the voice on the other end of the phone Constantly ringing, Shen Hao slowly stared wide-eyed and looked towards Su Xiaobai in the field with an unbelievable look.

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