"Scholar Su, welcome to Pokemon Research Union."

"I don’t know if you are free, I have something to discuss with you."

Chairman Li straight to the point said, intending to show full sincerity to ease the relationship between the two.

"Discuss things?"

Su Xiaobai pondered nodded.

Then the two entered the living room under the leadership of President Lin.

Chairman Lin asked the secretary to make two cups of tea. First, he started to talk about business.

"Let me organize the second Bug Type Pokemon seminar?"

Su Xiaobai was taken aback for a moment. Chairman Li seems to have not given up on wooing him to join the Bug Type Pokemon Researcher circle. .

"Don't be busy making decisions for now."

"Since you are asked to organize the Bug Type Pokemon seminar, Union's various subsidies will naturally not be less."

"In addition, Union will also pay you a recruitment fee this time..."

Listening to Chairman Li put forward various conditions, Lin Le's eyes are getting brighter and brighter.

The conditions given by Chairman Li are really very good, and the income from a seminar has reached an astonishing one million yuan.

This fee is Normal and only those big scholars can get it. It can also be seen that Union attaches great importance to Su Xiaobai.

Of course, Su Xiaobai's Electro Web Move paper also occupies a large proportion of it. Through the seminar, these scholars can learn more about Electro Web Move.

Perhaps Assisting this seminar, many scholars can get inspiration from it, and then enter the deeper research of Electro Web Move.

In addition, the significance of the seminar to a Pokemon Researcher is no less than the significance of a concert to a singer.

Many Pokemon Researchers are proud of having a successful seminar, which can be said to be a status symbol.

"Brother Su, what do you think?"

Lin Le asked Su Xiaobai in a low voice.

At this time, Su Xiaobai doesn't need to look at Lin Le's expression, he knows what the latter is thinking.

Such a large amount of income can make up for the laboratory's shortfall to a large extent, and put the laboratory's operation back on track.

Together with the rewards for Su Xiaobai’s research results, the Laboratory has some spare time for the next research.

Thinking about this, Su Xiaobai also nodded agreed. The money was almost for nothing, and he had no reason not to.

Also, about the Electro Web Move... seminar?

"Then Rui City's second Bug Type Pokemon seminar will be handed over to Scholar Su."

Seeing Su Xiaobai's promise, Chairman Li is also sighed in relief.

Seriously, the conditions given by this time Union are indeed very rich.

But if Su Xiaobai can be tied to the Rui City Pokemon Research Union, then everything is worth it.


After leaving the living room.

Su Xiaobai only remembered his purpose of coming to Union.

Enter the online platform operation room and quickly log in to the online platform.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully obtaining 150 union contribution points and rewarding 150 resource points]

Just opened the online platform, Su Xiaobai’s mind sounded the sound of system promotion , When his mood suddenly became happy.

But when he saw the 115 resource points left by buying Salac Berry, he shook his head with a wry smile.

He was originally unwilling to use precious resource points on Salac Berry, but the effect of Salac Berry is really very good.

Ten Salac Berry plus Tailwind Move and Gale Wings Characteristic Trait have already made Flettling's flying speed comparable to Pokemon of intermediate rank trainers.

Moreover, studying Gale Wings Characteristic Trait and Tailwind Move also requires Salac Berry's cooperation, which also allows him to use limited resources on Salac Berry.

"265 resource points, only enough to redeem 2 Salac Berry."

took a deep breath, Su Xiaobai clicked on the paper upload interface.

"Energy Electro Web Move Learning Method"

The title of the paper jumps to the screen with the keyboard.

Current, Electro Ball, Electro Web.

It is the keyword for the opening again. Su Xiaobai likes this opening method very much.

"Many Electric Type Pokemon have the ability to control electric current."

"They can use many powerful Electric Type Moves, just like the electric current condensed from Electro Ball."

"Then, is it possible for Electric Type Pokemon to condense it into the appearance of Electro Web by controlling the current, so as to perform the Electro Web Move?"

In a few words, he wrote the reasons and some thoughts of his own research on Electro Web Move, leading to the research content.

"Joltik itself can learn Electro Web Move, which is a very good experimental target."

He bought himself Joltik, first let Joltik learn Electro Web Move, and then try The experiment process of letting them condense Electro Web directly through electric current is described again.

“It’s too difficult to condense Electro Web Move directly through electric current. Is it possible to achieve it through some shortcuts?”

“For example, let Joltik learn Electro Ball Move first, and then pass Condense the Electro Ball to gather enough current, and then split the Electro Ball to make the current recondense into an Electro Web Move?

Next are a few more experiments, he collected himself in the process of research All the data of the data are written in to increase the credibility of the experiment.

What I want to say here is that after Electabuzz successfully learned Electro Ball, Joltik quickly learned Electro under the teaching of Electabuzz Web Move.

Here, Su Xiaobai intends to directly describe the experiment and data of Joltik's successful learning of Electro Web Move, and then conduct the experiment of Electabuzz.

Although it is just a simple change Location, but it can conceal to a certain extent the fact that he already knows that he can learn Electro Web Move through Electro Ball Move.

In addition, all experimental data are true and reliable. Review Committee Members I can't find any problems, but writing like this is more real.

"By splitting the Electro Ball Move, Joltik successfully learned the Electro Web Move by condensing current. "

Next is another set of data to prove that the Electro Web condensed by Joltik through electric current is also the Electro Web Move, which has all the changes in the properties of Electro Web Move.

Write At this point, this Electro Web Move study paper is basically complete.

"I call this type of Electro Web Move that is directly condensed by Electric Type energy as energy Electro Web Move. "

" In the next experiment, I asked Electabuzz to learn Electro Web Move in this way, which proved that Electric Type Pokemon learned the probability of Electro Web Move! "

"Due to experimental conditions, I did not conduct one after another test on all Electric Type Pokemon, but it is certain that there are many Electric Type Pokemon that can learn Electro Web Move. "

"Perhaps we can test all those Pokemon who can learn Electro Ball Move. I think the results will definitely not disappoint me. "

"Finally, I hope this paper of mine can enrich the list of Moves that Electric Type Pokemon can learn, and inspire more Electric Type Move development! "

Type the final paper summary word by word with the keyboard, Su Xiaobai sighed in relief, again carefully checked the paper, click upload!

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