I Kidnapped The Timeline

Chapter 581: martyrdom

Daybreak 413 years.

Under the guidance of Ji He, the military department ushered in a major reform.

First of all, the battle groups in the supply area in the west of Star City were dissolved and merged into the military headquarters.

With the foreshadowing of the previous years, there was basically no obstacle for the war group to merge into the military headquarters. The only resistance came from the war group general meeting.

Ji He didn't even bother to pay attention to the inquiry from the wargroup headquarters.

The future city, one of the five major cities, has disappeared. Now, apart from the connection between Star City and Winter City, which has a space teleportation array, the connection with Old City and even Victory City is gradually being cut off.

The connection between cities will be accompanied by the continuous deterioration of the surrounding environment, and eventually it will inevitably move toward decoupling.

Ji He didn't need to consider the feelings of other cities at all.

This year is a year of extraordinary significance for the military department. The military department, which used to protect the city as its main responsibility, has once again become a sharp sword for the outside world of Star City.

The small-scale combat strategy in the form of battle groups has thus become a past tense of history.

But Ji He's reform of the military department did not stop.

This year, He also promulgated a new policy.

Beginning in Dawn 413, members of the new generation of humans who have reached the age of 18, regardless of gender, must serve in the military for three years.

In the former Star City, only a small number of people could become fighters.

If you want to become a frontline fighter, you need to go through multiple assessments. Only by being admitted to a school with a combat department can you be qualified to step on the frontline and hone in the frontline to become a qualified fighter.

Ordinary people have no chance at all, and it is impossible to get in touch with the frontline battlefield.

This is related to the situation of the times at that time.

At that time, the elite training policy for fighters was introduced, mainly because of the high cost of training fighters who mastered cultivation techniques. If all the residents of the city were trained to be fighters, the foundation of Star City would not be able to support it at all.

So the plan at the time was to elitize fighters.

Reserve soldiers who are admitted to the Combat Department can obtain training resources that ordinary people cannot enjoy, but after graduation they will also usher in a cruel frontline career that ordinary people cannot imagine.

Times are changing, and Ji He thinks it's time for a change.

The current Star City already has enough resource reserves to support the training plan for all soldiers.

This will effectively enhance the comprehensive combat power of Star City, and also pave the way for the improvement of the bloodline potential of the next generation.

In order to implement the policy of universal military service, Ji He arrested a group of people and imprisoned a group of people.

He will not show mercy to any resistance that stands in the way of his reforms.

In the next three years, under the guidance of Ji He, Star City ushered in a new era where all the people are soldiers.

Three years later Dawn 415.

Ji He began to lay out the layout for the construction of Lixiao New City.

There is already a relatively complete plan for the construction of Lixiao New City, but it has not invested heavily in resources, and the plan has always been stuck in the preparation stage.

This is related to the lack of resources in the early stage, which led to the continuous delay of the plan to promote the construction of the new city.

The new city is the future of the human race in Ji He's eyes.

But in order to build an ideal majestic new city, Star City still has many problems to solve.

Especially human issues.

The overall population of Star City is now 83 million, and the growth trend in these years has been stable, with little fluctuation.

But the construction of new cities requires a lot of manpower.

After all, this is a city with systematic cultivation, and its construction is much more difficult than building an ordinary city.

For this reason, Jihe set up a fertility management department and required all residents of the city to actively bear children. All men and women who have reached the age of 22 must participate in the matching activities of relevant departments to find a partner as soon as possible.

Moreover, Ji He strictly requires that the residents of Star City must have a second child, or even more, if they are not affected by physical defects.

Ji He's behavior not only aroused the resentment of the people of Star City, but also aroused the resistance of many members of the Supreme Council.

They understood why Ji He did this, but they couldn't accept Ji He's almost controlling orders.

They can't see the warmth of human nature in Ji He, only cold policies.

From then on, Jihe was secretly labeled as a dictator and even a tyrant.

The most unacceptable thing for the people of Star City is that Ji He has never participated in the activities commemorating Feng Qi over the years.

In Star City before Ji He, the commemoration of Fengqi every year was comparable to New Year’s Eve. The city was full of people, and members of the Supreme Council would participate, taking the initiative to commemorate Fengqi with the people.

But Ji He won't.

He has completely exposed the fact that he is not a believer to the people of Star City.

This made the people of Star City, and even the high-level officials of Star City who had followed Ji He realize that the former Ji He had been disguising himself all the time in order to allow him to control Star City smoothly.

But there is no doubt that under the leadership of Ji He, Star City is developing rapidly in a better direction.

And Ji He naturally knew his evaluation in the hearts of the people of Star City.

But he didn't manipulate public opinion to do anything.

As long as it doesn't affect his reform of the planetary city, it doesn't matter if he bears the infamy of a tyrant and dictator.

Daybreak 416 years.

Ji He sat in the office, listening to the staff's report.

When the staff finished their report and left, Ji He frowned slowly.

The staff mentioned one thing in the report just now. According to the feedback from the departments that deal with the Yinyue Clan, the Yinyue Clan is about to usher in a change of patriarch.

It's just that, he doesn't care too much.

What is important is the attitude of the candidates for the Silver Moon patriarch towards the human race.

His name is Yintong, and he is one of the two candidates for the head of the clan. He has a very high prestige in the Yinyue clan and was once the commander of the Yinyue clan's supply area.

But his attitude towards the human race is very subtle.

Over the years, the Silvermoon Clan has developed rapidly, and their overall strength has surpassed that of Star City.

After all, the blood potential of the Yinyue clan far exceeds that of the human race, and the new generation grows rapidly with sufficient resources.

The relationship between Star City and the Silvermoon Clan is no longer the early attachment relationship.

This also led to different voices among the Yinyue clan, and Yintong is one of the representatives.

They believe that the future potential of the Silvermoon Clan is far greater than that of the Human Clan. For the better development of the Clan, they should get rid of the burden of the Human Clan.

These words were not said on the surface, but Ji He's intelligence network had already obtained relevant information.

If Yintong is allowed to become the patriarch of the Yinyue Clan, the human race and the Yinyue Clan will inevitably move towards a gradual decoupling.

This is an unacceptable result for Ji He.

Star City has cultivated the Silvermoon Clan for many years, and now it can finally obtain resources from the Silvermoon Clan in addition to technology. If the Silvermoon Clan chooses to cancel the covenant with the Human Race, it will suffer a huge loss for the development of the Human Race.

Now Yintong is preparing for the patriarch Yinyue, and he has become a thorn in Ji He's side.

But how to prevent Yintong from becoming the patriarch of the Yinyue Clan, Ji He can't think of a way for the time being.

Assassination is obviously not going to work.

Yintong has already withdrawn from the management of the Silvermoon supply area, and is now in the most central area of ​​Silvermoon City. The chances of a successful assassination are extremely small, and the human race and the Silvermoon clan will become sworn enemies after being discovered.

It is also impossible to interfere in the election of the Yinyue patriarch by supporting another candidate of the Yinyue patriarch.

Being found to be interfering in the internal affairs of the Allies is a major event that cannot be forgiven.

Even if the impact of the situation is temporarily suppressed, there will still be an irreparable gap between the two races, and they will eventually part ways.

How to deal with this matter, Ji He fell into deep thought.

Three days later, Ji He, who kept flipping through the materials of the selection ceremony of the Yinyue Clan patriarch, gradually had an idea in his mind.

Next, he began to pave the way for the plan.

That night, he found Lin Zhengyuan, the commander-in-chief of the military headquarters.

The two had a long talk in the office of the military department, and Ji He explained in detail his thoughts on how to deal with Yintong.

In Ji He's eyes, Yintong is a thorn in the side of the covenant.

The best result is to make Yintong disappear forever, otherwise, even if the election of the patriarch fails, Yintong's influence can still affect the future direction of the Yintong clan.

If Yintong is not eliminated, the stable development of the Human Race and the Yinyue Race will eventually be broken.

But while trying to get rid of Yintong, it is difficult for the Yinyue clan to find out that it was done by the human race.

Ji He thought about going to Destiny City to spend money to find a killer.

But as long as the Silvermoon Clan discovers that the killer is from Destiny City, the Silvermoon Clan will definitely think of the Human Race.

Because only the human race has the tortoise shell jade to go to the city of fate, this is an undeniable fact.

These actions are too risky, unless it is absolutely necessary, Ji He does not want to choose these plans that will affect the relationship between the human race and the Yinyue clan.

The plan in his heart has a higher success rate, but it needs a victim with sufficient status.

This is also the reason why Ji He found Lin Zhengyuan.

Lin Zhengyuan drank a lot that night, after listening to Ji He's story, there was no anger or sadness in his eyes, only calmness, then he looked at Ji He and nodded solemnly.

"Old Ji, I support your idea."

"Don't you hate me?"

"Why do you want to hate? On the day I joined the military, I declared to the Daybreak Banner that I was willing to die for the human race. If I sacrificed myself in exchange for the development of the human race, why not... I am almost at the age of retirement. It’s worth it in this life to play a big one before.”

Looking at Lin Zhengyuan with a calm expression, Ji He stood up and patted Lin Zhengyuan on the shoulder:

"Old Lin, on behalf of Star City and the human race, I thank you for your dedication."

Upon hearing this, Lin Zhengyuan stretched out his hand and slapped Ji He's palm off his shoulder, and cursed with a smile:

"You kid, don't play this game with me, play another game of spiritual chess with me, and you will definitely win this time."

After leaving the military headquarters, Ji He began to lay the groundwork for the plan.

Two days later, a piece of news came out, causing an uproar in Star City.

The commander-in-chief of the army, Lin Zhengyuan, was assassinated by a mysterious life. Fortunately, he was only lightly beaten, and his body was not seriously injured.

The matter soon spread to the Yinyue Clan, and the Yinyue Clan immediately asked Xingcheng for the detailed reason and expressed condolences to Lin Zhengyuan.

In the next six months.

When everyone had forgotten about Lin Zhengyuan's assassination, Lin Zhengyuan was assassinated again by a mysterious life at this time, also ending with minor injuries.

Three months after the incident, Lin Zhengyuan was assassinated again.

As this incident happened one after another, the Yinyue Clan asked again, and said that the Human Clan would fully support any help they needed.

Ji He personally replied to the Yinyue Clan, saying that the assassin had mastered the psychic technology, which was most likely from the Psychic Clan, and rejected the Yinyue Clan's kindness, saying that he would continue to investigate whether it was the infiltration of the Psychic Clan's power Enter Xingcheng to assassinate Lin Guyuan.

The time came to Daybreak 417.

The election of the patriarch of the Silvermoon Clan begins.

Ji He, Lin Guyuan and other top members of Star City were invited to witness the birth of the new patriarch of Yinyue.

Silvermoon City was extremely lively on this day.

The sky is dotted with countless silver-white energies, and a round of silver moon symbols symbolizing the Silver Moon Clan is hung on the city buildings.

The Elders of the Silvermoon Clan are responsible for the election process of the Silvermoon Patriarch.

The Misty Clan, who were also allies, were also invited to be there that day.

Although the Mist Lord hadn't arrived, nearly half of the elders of the Mist Tribe arrived with gifts.

Ji He also prepared a gift of resources for the Yinyue Clan.

On that day, the Yinyue tribe received them with the highest standard and arranged them in the front row to witness the coronation ceremony of the patriarch.

The time came to 8:40 in the evening.

The selection ceremony of the patriarch came to an end, and the two members of the Yinyue tribe who were candidates for the patriarch began to walk around the coronation platform of the patriarch, thanking the members of the elders of the clan for their cultivation.

One of the candidates is JETCO.

At this moment, Lin Zhengyuan, who was sitting not far away, suddenly raised his hand.

He looked at Ji He who was sitting opposite the coronation platform.

Ji He didn't speak, and sat in his seat expressionlessly.

Looking at each other, a bright smile appeared on Lin Zhengyuan's face.

At this moment, he turned his head to look at Yin Tong who was walking towards him, with a look of determination in his eyes.

Before participating in the ceremony, he swallowed a small psionic nuke.

This technology comes from the shadow forces that controlled the future city at the beginning. The small psychic nuclear bomb is extremely lethal. Ji He allocated a large number of talents and resources to build this psychic nuclear bomb, and it took half a year to complete.

When the smiling Yintong came to Lin Zhengyuan, he looked at Lin Zhengyuan with disdain in his eyes.

This is the contempt for the human race in the bones.

But Lin Zhengyuan had a bright smile on his face, and he took the initiative to extend his right hand to Yintong.

Facing Lin Zhengyuan's politeness, although Yintong was displeased, he could only stretch out his right hand under the watchful eyes of the audience.

At this moment, he was horrified to find that Lin Zhengyuan's body was bulging like air, and terrifying aura fluctuations burst out from Lin Zhengyuan's body.

Time seemed to pause at this moment, and he could clearly see the distribution of blood vessels on the surface of Lin Zhengyuan's bulging body.


After a loud noise, the line of sight was filled with white light and spiritual energy fluctuations, the terrifying hurricane blew away the coronation platform, and a spiritual energy storm suddenly formed.

The sound of the wind whistled in the ears, and several spiritual energy barriers appeared in front of Ji He not far away, which were arranged by the elders of the Yinyue Clan sitting beside him.

Ji He looked through the transparent energy barrier and looked at the position where Lin Zhengyuan was standing just now.

A trace of imperceptible sadness flashed in his eyes.

But this emotion was quickly hidden by him, he squatted down decisively, and curled up under the protection of the elders of the Yinyue clan beside him.

This is Ji He's assassination plan.

Lin Zhengyuan was assassinated in the early stage, and the assassination of Lin Zhengyuan became normal, in order to inoculate the Yinyue clan in advance.

Next came the creation of implanted psionic nukes.

Then inform the Silver Moon Clan in advance that the assassination is most likely from the Psionic Clan.

From the beginning of the plan, he had already decided to sacrifice Lin Zhengyuan to achieve his goal.

Only Lin Zhengyuan's martyrdom will not arouse the suspicion of the Yinyue Clan, and will not think that the assassination was deliberately done by the Human Clan.

The Silvermoon Clan sacrificed a candidate for the patriarch, but the Human Clan lost a member of the highest rank who had been in charge of the military for decades.

In order to make the plan foolproof, Ji He did not leave himself a way out.

He gave up protecting himself. If human warriors stopped him at the moment of the explosion, it might arouse the suspicion of the Yinyue tribe, thinking that they had already prepared.

So he entrusted the task of protecting himself to the members of the elders of the Yinyue clan sitting beside him, facing the possibility of death.

When the dust dispersed, Ji He stood up with the support of the elders of the Yinyue Clan.

Looking at the messy election site, the figures of Lin Zhengyuan and Yintong had disappeared in the distance, leaving only a deep hole.

The wind mixed with dust hit his face, Ji He narrowed his eyes.

"Old Ji, you are too unreliable, do you really want to attack Lao Hu?"

"Old Ji~www.wuxiamtl.com~ The more I get in touch with you, the more I admire you, maybe you can really bring Star City to a new height. "

"Old Ji, Captain Li has been imprisoned, and suddenly thought, you said, will I become your victim in the future... If that day comes, you should tell me clearly, don't play tricks, sacrifice me for the righteousness is obligatory . "

"Lao Ji, come play chess, I will beat you this time. "

What used to be just a joke, is now a joke.

This old friend who has always stood firmly by his side, over the years has resisted public opinion and worked hard to promote reforms for him, but now he has become a victim of his stable racial covenant.

Having been together for more than 20 years, the images of the past when they got along are surging in Ji He's mind.

The sadness was firmly suppressed by Ji He. He knew that the journey was not over yet, and he could not stop.

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