
A screeching laugh came from the holographic projection.

"What did the man say?"

"Hahaha, say that you want Mayor Zhang to die?"

"I'm already eating lollipops, and I hope that after I finish eating, this invincible man can come in and kill Mayor Zhang."

Two mocking voices sounded again.

Furukawa's expression remained unchanged.

And Zhang Huafeng's expression couldn't help but become subtle.

The lips moved.

"I also hope that Your Excellency will correct your position, in what position, what strength, and then what kind of words to say."

Furukawa ignored it and snorted softly.

The spiritual power came out of the body and condensed into a steel pillar in the air.

A gray patch.

There are no entities.

It suddenly broke through the air without making a sound, and the energy light mask could not detect its existence, and fell down very easily.

This falling direction is exactly the direction of Zhang Huafeng.

At this time, Zhang Huafeng was proud, and did not notice the danger approaching.


He coughed lightly, signaling the surrounding people to speak quietly, after all, this is also a guardian, it is enough to get off the horse properly, if it is urgent, it is not very good for his own family.

"Well, since you can't prove that you are a guardian, please wait outside, I will inform the headquarters to verify your identity, this time is a bit long... Drink and drink. Zhang

Huafeng suddenly fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth, his body trembled, and he lost his breath in an instant.

"Elder Zhang! What happened to you! Someone


"Call the doctor!"

Furukawa looked coldly at the image on the holographic projector, and everyone hurriedly got up. But Furukawa knew that these were all useless work, because Zhang Huafeng was already dead and could no longer die.

The steel pillar of his spiritual power condensation directly penetrates the skull, and the soul is shattered, even if it is saved, what is alive is only a skin bag, and the inner personality has disappeared in this world!

This is the terrifying power of up to six thousand spiritual power combat values!


Step into a realm never explored by humanity, the soul.

And at this time, a terrifying scene happened, Zhang Huafeng's clothes floated out of a blue ring, which was the controller of the energy barrier of the entire city.

"Not good, grab the controller!"

In an instant, everyone was in a cold sweat, you know, they have survived so far, this energy barrier has played a key role, if it is gone, they will no longer have the help of the guardians, I am afraid it will be difficult to resist the next attack of the void.

The floating energy barrier controller is Furukawa's masterpiece, how can he return what he has in hand, control the spiritual power to directly take the controller flying, and disappear into this brilliant and brightly lit municipal building.

At this time, Furukawa's gaze looked southeast.

A blue ring stayed in front of him, but he didn't reach out to take it because the energy barrier was already blocking him.


"Turn on verification."


The blue ring flashed white.

"Jinghai City artificial intelligence, blue clothes for you, insufficient permissions, insufficient permissions, open authentication

....." "Iris

verification in the process..." "Brain wave verification

in the process..." After only two seconds, the white light flashing in the ring stopped, and a little girl in blue suddenly jumped out of the void. There is a pair of crystal clear wings behind her, not like holographization, more like having flesh and blood.

She flashed her big eyes and looked at the boy in front of her happily.

Crisp shouted.

"You are the Guardian of the Ancient River?"


"Great! That's great! Finally there are new Guardians! My name is Lan Yi, the central artificial intelligence of Jinghai City, and now the body is placed in this blue ring. "

Blue hands on the waist are so unhappy.

"You don't know, it's true that I'm blocking this void alone! It's so hard! She

laughed and cried the next, and she was eccentric.

Furukawa listened carefully to her and received some useful information.

The previous guardian died in battle not long ago, but was attacked by the void in the sea, and finally died of serious injuries. And that void shape describes the same as a fish mackerel.

I'm afraid it's the void that Furukawa destroyed with a shot not long ago.

At the same time, I also learned that the energy in the city was about to run out, because the last Void attack caused the energy barrier to open to the maximum, which could withstand the attack of the raging sea, fish mackerel and mutant fish, but at the same time, the energy equipment that provided the energy barrier, nine out of ten have been scrapped, and the last one can not support the energy barrier for a long time.

After Furukawa listened, he found that the situation in Jinghai City was not optimistic.

He also heard from Lan Yi's mouth that the three major forces in the city today are the Zhang family headed by Zhang Huafeng, the Huo family headed by Huo Zhenghu, and the Gao family headed by Gao Xiaolin.

The Zhang family controls all kinds of weapon resources in the city, the Huo family is in charge of the economic lifeline in the city, and the Gao family is someone above, the relationship is complicated, there are many parties, and there are many officials in the descendants of the Gao family, although they are low-key but real behemoths.

After careful analysis, Furukawa asked Lan Yi to put away the barrier, and he was able to enter the inner city.

However, it did not let the blue clothes open the energy barrier, because there would be a large influx of refugees behind.

When entering the inner city, there was no cheer from the masses, and some were overwhelming insults.

"Demon Guardian! He killed the mayor!

Furukawa ignored it, his heart gloomy.

He gradually found that he seemed to have fallen into a game.

Who is the betrayer of the First Federal Budokin? I've never heard of it myself. This news seems to be deliberately concealed, and when he took office, this was when the garrison was weak, and many people seemed to be full of malice towards their arrival, and they seemed to be hiding something.

There is a fog ahead.

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