Ning Shen grew from a baby to a child.

Wildflowers have also become the old girls of the tribe.


Compared to.

Peers who give birth at the age of twelve.

Seventeen-year-old wildflowers are exceptionally beautiful.

She has never experienced pregnancy and childbirth.

There is a charm that does not belong to this era.


The tree thinks.

No one would want to breed with an old girl like Wildflower.

However, since Wildflower was fifteen years old, she received meat from men in the tribe every day, and there were probably not a few people who fell in love with her.


Those that serve as a signal for reproduction.

They were all retreated by the wildflowers one by one.

Her determination to "have him is enough" became more firm as Ning Shen grew up day by day.

"But. "

"Why do you call yourselves Tranquility?".

"Listen to Mom. "

"Isn't it good to call it a wild vine?".

"It's like my mother's name!"

Wildflower bent down in front of Ning Shen.

She originally gave Ning Shen a name called Ye Teng, but after Ning Shen learned to speak, she immediately rejected her name and called herself Ning Shen instead.

What a strange name.

Wildflower couldn't figure out what the strange name meant.

What nice names like flowers, grasses, and vines.

And Ning Shen didn't explain, he knew that he couldn't go back to the past, just left his name to commemorate his former self.

"Wildflowers. "

"Did you find the bamboo today?".

Ning Shen changed the subject.

"You're going to call me Mommy, it's Mommy!"

Wildflower pouted.

But she still took out the bamboo she found when she picked wild fruits today.

She had inadvertently picked up bamboo before, and after being seen by Ning Shen, he asked her to bring back some more bamboo by the way when she was collecting.

Although she didn't know what this kind of bamboo was for, she did not refuse the request of the child she had picked up.

"Thank you!".

"Wildflowers. "

Ning Shen looked at the bamboo and smiled.

He's only five years old, and he's only able to help within the tribe's confines, and can't go too far from the tribe, so he has to ask the wildflowers to bring some things back.

And with this most crucial bamboo, he was finally able to make a "gun" that belonged to the primitive society - bows and arrows!

"I'm a mom. "

"No need to say thank you to Mom!".

Wildflower insisted.

But seeing Ning Shen's burying work, she still sat next to her with a smile and helped weave the vine ropes needed by the tribe.

Wait until nightfall.

Bonfires were lit among the tribes.

When the men dance around the campfire with their prey returning from hunting.

Ning Shencai raised his head under the temptation of the smell of meat.

"Let's eat. "

"Wake up tomorrow and get your toys. "

Wildflower said to Ning Shen with a smile.

She also had skewers of roasted beast meat in her hands.

Although she didn't know what Ning Shen was doing, she felt like she had used stone and wood as toys when she was a child.

"It's not a toy. "

"It's something that can make everyone in the tribe not worry about meat!".

Ning Shen said very seriously.

One way or another.

He was now a member of this primitive tribe, and for his own sake and for the sake of the wildflowers, he wanted to make the tribe a little better, as if everyone in the tribe had always taken good care of him.

And although the tribe seems to have no shortage of meat now, when the food is scarce in winter, this reserve is simply not enough for everyone to survive, and every winter is also the most serious time for the tribe to attrition.


Before that.

He wants to find a way to make everyone in the tribe able to catch more prey, so that they don't have to worry about food in winter.

"Uh-huh. "

"Mom believes you can do it. "

"Let's eat now!".

Wildflowers look like children.

And Ning Shen didn't care.

Too much explanation is just a waste of time until the results are available.

After eating the kebab in a few bites, Ning Shen continued to work while Wildflower sat next to him, holding his face and looking at the child he had raised, the smile on his face never disappeared.

Wait until dawn the next day.

Wildflowers just woke up from home.

The exclamations outside made her a little confused.



"Come and see!".

"The bow and arrows made by Ning Shen are also too powerful!".

Several women brought the wildflowers to the tribe, and the words about the gods of tranquility made the wildflowers suddenly a little worried.

She didn't know what a bow and arrow were, but she knew that it was about her child, so she was afraid that something would go wrong.

But when she saw Ning Shen being surrounded by a group of men, and that group of men looked at Ning Shen, who was much younger than herself, with adoring eyes, her worries slowly let go.


When seen.

When the arrow shot in Ning Shen's hand drew a beautiful arc in the air, piercing the stake in the distance.

Wildflower's eyes widened.

"That's what makes people worry about food anymore. "

"Wildflowers. "

"I did. "

Ning Shen held his bow and arrows and said to Wildflower with a smile.

Wildflowers, on the other hand, looked at the boy who was still very short, but it was like seeing a tree that led everyone to live, and her small body made people feel very great.


"You're amazing!".

Wildflower picked Ning Shen up and kissed him on the cheek.

Looking at Ning Shen's pretended disgust, Wildflower pouted and was very angry, but the others next to her laughed.

As the leader of the tribe, the tree has become a little older in the past five years, but today's face is full of joy.

"This kid ...... Maybe I can lead everyone to go on!".

The tree thought in his heart.

He didn't say anything immediately, but was observing Ning Shen's follow-up moves, and arranging one thing after another around Ning Shen's invention.

And it also starts this winter.

Tribes no longer have to worry about food.

Whether it's a bow and arrow that can easily catch prey.

It is also a fishing cage that allows children to catch fish.

Or the breeding of pheasants and ducks that began to be attempted.

All this makes the tribe live better day by day.

And Ning Shen, who is growing older, has also gained the support of more and more tribesmen, even if he is still a child, but he has gradually become a leader recognized by many people.

It's just that it hasn't actually been ceded yet.

As for wildflowers.

She was determined to let Ning Shen call her mother, but in the end she got the title of wildflower.

"If you don't call my mom again, I'm going to be angry. "

Wildflower looked at Ning Shen and said.

Ning Shen, who is eight years old, is now tall to her shoulders, and this feeling of watching her own children grow up makes Wildflower feel more gratifying than her name.

"Got it. "

"Wildflowers. "

"You go outside and get angry first. "

"The tree is looking for me. "

Ning Shen's eyes looked at the tree that was watching them outside the house.

Wildflower's cheeks were slightly red, as if she had been shy when she saw her with Ning Shen in private.

Wait until the wildflowers are gone.

The tree is already very old, which directly explains the meaning.

"Calm down. "

"I want you to be the leader of the tribe. "

The tree is very serious.

Even if Ning Shen is only eight years old.

But what Ning Shen has done over the years has proven that he has this ability.

And he originally thought.

Ning Shen would not hesitate to agree to this proposal.

Because all he is doing now is trying to help the tribe.


Ning Shen's answer made the tree stunned.

"Trees. "

"I'm not going to live in the tribe forever. "

"Sooner or later. "

"I'll get out of here. "

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