The voice fell.

There was silence all around.

The crowd singing and dancing around the campfire couldn't hear the conversation.

But a few people near the patriarch Shaodian were all in place.

They looked at Hua with strange eyes.

Hua still maintained an indifferent look.


"What are you talking about!".

"Zu is Zu!"

"What your companions!".

"Don't talk nonsense about some things!"

After Ji Lin reacted, he hurriedly stepped forward and said.

She wanted to help Hua explain, so that her father and others would not misunderstand Hua, and they would not be angry with Hua.

After all.

There is a god.

You can tell it from the name.

What is the status of the ancestors in the tribe?

Otherwise, it will not be called the ancestor and the name.

So now, after hearing Hua say this, if you want not to be angry, it's impossible!

"Where did this foreigner come from?".

"Didn't the other tribes teach them to be respectful in matters concerning their ancestors?"

"You are insulting your ancestors to say such things in our God's clan!"

"Hurry up and get them out, we don't have anyone like this in the Gods!"

"Otherwise, I'm going to do it!"


Several people around Shaodian reprimanded.

If it weren't for Ji Lin standing next to Hua.

Their language may be even more vulgar.

Shaodian did not speak.

He just looked at Hua quietly.

Hua didn't care about these words, she already knew what kind of accusations she would incur if she said them, but it was indeed the fastest way to achieve the goal, and there was no need to waste time.

Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu were not nervous, they stood behind Hua very decisively and proved their position with their actions.

After a long time.

As the patriarch, Shaodian finally spoke.

"You say your ancestors are your companions?"

"I mean, it's possible. "

"The day of the birth of the ancestor is not known how many years from now, and even if we have the God Clan, we can't remember it clearly. "

"How many years have we had, can you tell it?"


After hearing Hua's words.

Shaodian actually smiled.

He reached out to stop the scolding from the person next to him.

In the puzzled eyes of the surrounding members.

Shaodian took the three of Hua back to the patriarch's house.

Even Ji Lin didn't know what his father was thinking in his heart at this time.

"Ancestors can't be your companions. "

"Because. "

"When Hua Zu found Zu in the Great Wilderness, Zu was still a few months old baby. "

"Unless you met your ancestors in the great wilderness and traveled with them for a while. "

"But if that's the case, you can't know anything about your ancestors, and you can't say such things. "

Shaodian's logic is very clear.

He took out a slate from the room, and carved it was a painting of a gentle maiden with a baby in her arms and a big smile on her face.

From the mottled marks of the stone slab, it can be seen that it has definitely gone through a long time, from the unknown years, to the present time.

"This is a slate painting carved by the ancestors according to the memories in their minds. "

"We have evidence that Zu will not be your companion. "

"Then it's your turn to come up with the corresponding evidence. "

Shaodian looked at Hua and said softly.

Ji Lin's eyes also looked at Hua, and she wanted to know how Hua would respond.

"I'm sorry. "

"We have no evidence. "

Hua is very honest.

It was only through the laws of the written language and the development of human history that they deduced that their ancestors were either pioneers or had encountered pioneers.

But more specific evidence, that really can't be obtained, you can't put human history on the table, tell Shaodian, your current development is different from the laws of nature, right?

"Still. "

"We can prove it. "

"We have the same power as our ancestors. "

"The Arijin clan has developed for so many years. "

"I don't think I've met anyone like this. "

Hua is an honest and good boy.

She doesn't lie...... At least now she won't lie and cheat, she will only show them what she has very simply.

Now that civilization is still in its infancy, even if there is an alien like Zu, it is unlikely that there will be other people with special abilities.

Or rather.

Even in pre-civilizations.

Those who can have special abilities, except for some outliers, are all fusion warriors.

Hua didn't believe that in the tribal era, someone could have the power of a fusion warrior.

And this is definitely the most appropriate proof right now!

"Extraordinary power like the ancestors?".

"Hua. "

"No kidding. "

"When I met you, you were almost served lunch by the tiger!"

Ji Lin hurriedly said beside him.

She didn't want Hua to be a liar who could only lie in her father's impression.

But Danzhu answered at this time and said: "I said at the time, we can solve that tiger by ourselves, Hua can kill it with one punch even if he is empty-handed!"

"I can't. "


"But if it's two punches, you should be able to kill it. "

Hua is very modest.

Danzhu, who originally thought that he would be demolished again, suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Two punches and one punch, there's no difference!".

Danzhu said.

Ji Lin looked at Hua with strange eyes.

Obviously, he has been silent all the way, why is he talking so ...... now? What about hubris?


"Just kill the tiger. "

"This doesn't mean that you have the same extraordinary power as your ancestors. "

"We have members of the Divine Clan and innate divine powers, so it's okay to kill a tiger with bare hands. "

Shaodian waved his hand.

He looked at Hua very curiously, and he could feel that the origin of the three people in front of him was very unusual.

And just when Danjoo wanted to continue explaining.

Hua's gaze suddenly looked into the distance.

It didn't take long.

There was a sound of panic coming from there.

Shaodian, who was the patriarch, immediately got up and wanted to see what was going on.

But Hua stopped him at this time.

"If you say. "

"Just killing a tiger is not an extraordinary force. "

"So does that count now?".

Hua's voice just fell.

Her body seemed to be lit with flames, and her temperament and appearance changed in an instant.


Skyrim is dyed red with flames.

Phoenix-like creatures descend from the sky.

The move that appeared in the previous civilization for the first time in this world because there were too many strong people and it was not her turn to use it.


Explosions rang out.

The source of the riot fell under her attack.

Wait until the dead monster is brought to them.

Everyone looked at Hua in a daze.

Dan Zhu grinned.

"I've said it all, Hua can kill a tiger with one punch even if he is empty-handed!"

"It's two punches!".

Hua said honestly.

She is still such an honest child.


PS: Thank you for the reminder vote of the big guy of Hongmeng! Thank you to the teenager of the second secondary school, and the reward !! of the big guy who is not in the second second

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