I Have a Monster Farm

Chapter 457: Islands and Resources

Three days later, in the Hawaiian Islands, Zhang Ziyu was fishing by the beach with a fishing rod in his hand, but he was leisurely.

Standing behind him, the yellow bird was reporting on the situation of its dealings with major countries in the past few days.

"Master, at present, the five major countries have agreed to our deal, and a large amount of metals and rare elements are preparing to go to Hawaii Island."

"That's right, if you organize four incubators and expand the tribe as soon as possible, there are not many chances of slaughtering big families."

"It's the master. The incubators Taotie King, Tyrant, Fire Dragon, and Basilisk are already ready on the island, and they are incubating a large number of people. This time, the resources are sufficient, especially the materials of Kaiju Beast, which contain a lot of rare elements and energy. Make our incubation speed a lot faster."

Three days ago, after Zhang Ziyu delivered the information about the transaction, more senior officials from the five Kung Fu countries appeared in front of him in less than half a day.

It has been a long time since he came to the Pacific Rim world this time, and Zhang Ziyu's goal is naturally not limited to the Kaiju beast.

The expansion of the Tool Spirit clan requires resources to breed people, so for Zhang Ziyu, the five major countries are the best goals.

Under the threat of the Kaiju Beast, the whole world is in crisis, and it is difficult for any country to refuse to exchange resources for things that enhance its strength.

Not to mention, in Zhang Ziyu's transaction, in addition to the scientific and technological weapons developed by the Tool Spirit Clan, some elixirs were also included in the transaction.

For example, something like Dragon Blood Pill can prolong life by sixty years.

For practitioners, sixty years may be an acceptable period of time, but for ordinary people, it is most of their lives.

In short, after the transaction was proposed, there was an undercurrent.

Of course, some people are dissatisfied, and some people are tempted.

In three days, someone wanted to send troops, poison and other means to take Zhang Ziyu down.

In the words of those congressmen, if this non-human being is taken down, then the entire human race will have hope against monsters.

The person who put forward this proposition is undoubtedly a member of the United States. After all, Zhang Ziyu stays on their territory, and he is the first to get the moon if he is close to the water.

Some are for it, some are against it.

It must be done, but the price is that Seth and Anubis are dispatched.

One military base was turned into a dead city, the other was covered by yellow sand, and a nuclear bomb was dropped on the base, but unfortunately, both Anubis and Seth were safe and sound under the attack of the nuclear bomb.

The fighting power of the Hedao realm, the gods in charge of authority, and to some extent nuclear weapons have lost their effect on them.

This is true whether it is from the level of avoiding nuclear bombs with magic, or the level of hard resistance.

In fact, even the Kaiju beast can withstand a nuclear bomb attack.

Their huge bodies and vitality made nuclear bomb strikes no longer such a deadly thing, and it was even more difficult for radiation to affect them.

An existence that is more powerful than the Kaiju Beast, drives the gods, and can also trade.

Undoubtedly, Zhang Ziyu became a new taboo, and in less than half a day, the whole family of those who proposed and agreed to this matter were all taken away and brought to him.

Without anyone who dared to make small moves, the United States lost an island in Hawaii to Zhang Ziyu, and the transaction naturally went smoothly.

A large amount of resources were sent to the small island. Zhang Ziyu summoned his servants, the Mechanical Spirit Race, to continuously receive the resources, and then the incubators continued to incubate the clansmen.

After Zhang Ziyu created four incubators, the number of members of the Tool Spirit Clan is increasing rapidly, and now the number is gradually approaching 8,000. The power of the Tool Spirit feedback to Zhang Ziyu is also stronger.

"Look at Xiaodao, I'll go to Xiangjiang Base."

"It's the master."


The Xiangjiang base is the headquarters of the Pacific Rim Mech Alliance, referred to as the PDDC headquarters for short.

Zhang Ziyu changed his form and appeared outside the pddc headquarters in an instant.


The armed soldiers immediately wanted to surround him, but Zhang Ziyu waved his hand, and the gun disintegrated. He smiled and said, "I'm here to find your general."

Zhang Ziyu strolled towards the inside of the base, and General Stark hurried over.

"Is everything ready?"

Zhang Ziyu looked at Stark who was panting slightly, and asked aloud.

Stark nodded, and he replied: "It's ready, please come inside, sir."

The two strode into the base, and many people couldn't help casting curious glances, wondering where Zhang Ziyu came from.

You must know that General Stark is an admiral appointed by the United Nations and the commander-in-chief of the Pacific Rim Coalition Forces. Although he does not belong to any country alone, he has great power.

And for those who can make General Stark so careful, how could they not be curious.

In the research room of the base, two doctors, Herman and Newton, are inside.

The two are the chief doctors of the Pacific Rim Alliance. Herman is an expert in the field of mechs and a physicist with great contact, while Dr. Newton is an expert in biology and monster research.

Both of them are extremely talented characters, and their fields of proficiency are not limited to these two fields, and to some extent they can be regarded as all-rounders.

"The doctor took out the information on the mecha, as well as the information on the neural connection technology."

After Stark entered, he ordered the two doctors to take out the things.

Among the things that Zhang Ziyu traded before, this thing was specifically mentioned.

"General, all the information is here."

Herman reluctantly took out the information. The information was assembled from eight storage units, each from eight mecha bases.

It can be said that this thing is the highest technological achievement in the field of earth mechs in this world.

The reason why Zhang Ziyu wants this thing is naturally to add a little bit of technological accumulation to the Tool Spirit Clan. Although it may not be more advanced than the Tool Spirit Clan, it is perfect for consolidating basic knowledge.

After accepting the nerve connection technology and mecha technology, Zhang Ziyu has no intention of continuing to visit the base.

Now he has a more important thing to do, which is to abduct the pioneers of these aliens.

Zhang Ziyu directly shifted back to the island of Hawaii, where four huge incubators were extending their mechanical tentacles and devouring a large amount of rare metals, and each of them was gestating the mechanical spirit race.

A large number of machine spirits are working and guarding around, and the tyrants and gluttonous beast soldiers have the largest number.

"Yellow Bird, find a newly born Mechanical Spirit Race."

"It's the master."

Huang Niao got Zhang Ziyu's order, and immediately found a newly born mechanical spirit tyrant.

"Meet my Lord"

The tyrant knelt on the ground, and Zhang Ziyu put his fingertips on his head.

In an instant, white light intertwined, pouring into the tyrant's head like a stream of white mist.

Zhang Ziyu murmured: "What should I add? Human society is about to collapse, pollution is greatly intensified, and the mecha is broken."

As he thought about it, he used his golden lotus fetch technique to implant false memories into the tyrant's memory.

There is no doubt that every memory is about this world, pollution, chaos and collapse, there is not a single good thing.

But such a memory is great news for the alien race that controls the Kaiju Beast.

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